Excerpt from an online article regarding JUDICIAL IMPEACHMENT. See - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from an online article regarding JUDICIAL IMPEACHMENT. See the entire article at pfa.me/gettemoutnow.asp So here we are again in 2005 where the Judicial Conduct Board like its predecessor is an abominable failure and public disgrace. I believe that six to eight hundred complaints are filed with the JCB each year and after allegedly investigating these complaints barely result in some 2% disciplinary actions against a member of the judiciary. The majority of that minuscule 2% are prosecutions against the expendable token district magistrates. Now, anyone who has filed a complaint with the Judicial Conduct Board knows that they are expeditiously dismissed without any real action what-so-ever being taken against the judge complained of. Result, the courts victims walk away feeling rejected , hopeless and victimized a second time by the judicial system...while the accused judges remain untarnished and unabated from striking out again at their next victim. I think the above paragraph and statistics are self explanatory as to the reason the impeachment process in Pennsylvania must be taken out of mothballs and utilized by the citizenry. Somewhere, accountability for corrupt judges must be established, otherwise we are going to continue this accelerating slide towards total tyranny by the judicial branch of government. Anyone who has been through the Family Court System and has been designated and denigrated to the status of Non Custodial Parent or court ordered Non Parent can certainly understand that domestic relations law and the Constitutions of the United States and Pennsylvania are not being upheld by the family courts. In fact we have a female judge in Blair County that boldly announces from the judicial bench that the Constitution of the United States and Family Law are like comparing apples to oranges. Over the last fifteen to twenty years NCPs have slowly band together to fight a Family Court System gone mad. It is the consensus of every NCP who has fought this battle against family court corruption that something extraordinary will have to be done by NCPs to SHOCK the general publics and political consciousness into taking a hard look at the plight of NCPs and their children. Wherefore it has been my contention that multiple Impeachment Petitions filed before the state legislature at one time will stimulate the urgency for change in law and public policy. Further, any filed impeachment petitions are put on the legislative calendar as legislative business and are a matter of public record...should the corporate controlled news media dare to report. Multiple impeachment petitions should let the genie out of the bottle while raising the awareness of our state legislators that corruption in our court system and the ensuing status quo cover ups running amuck are not going to be acceptable any longer.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:03:19 +0000

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