Excerpt from face time interview between the Headmistress and the - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from face time interview between the Headmistress and the student know as Whisper: HM: Hello, er, Whisper. Im glad youve met with me. Im looking at your file and I see you dont have a real name. Whisper taps the cane he carries now, the taps inaudible as he absorbs the sound to create the words he speaks. W: That was the name my parents gave me. They said it was because if they spoke any louder than a whisper Id instinctively gather the sound to me and release it in odd ways. HM: Ah, I notice youre carrying a cane recently, are you hurt? Whisper tilts his featureless head and holds his hand out, balancing the cane on the back of his hand. W: No, this was a suggestion from Master Sei. I started fencing with him as a joke, really but he and I were both shocked to discover my natural aptitude for it. The mask they wear, it doesnt affect me. The slap of the boots on the wood floor, the clang and click of the blades, they give me all the targets I need. And since Im blind, I have no distractions. The Headmistress nods and crosses her legs, looking at the clipboard in her lap. HM: Ah, and I understand that Vipers psychic healing is restoring your damaged vocal cords? Whisper grips the cane and doesnt tap it, speaking from behind the skin that covers his mouth, his other hand brushing the scar at his throat. W: Damaged? No, my vocal cords were removed, to silence my voice and, so they thought, to strip me of my powers. The words are very quietly spoken, its apparent hes not used to speaking and is trying to find the right volume. W: Ms. Viper is regenerating my vocal cords. I never thought Id have my voice back. Its....liberating. The Headmistress leans forward, trying to make eye contact with a young man with no visible eyes, sealed behind a layer of skin. Tell me about Carnivale, Christine, the girl you and your friends rescued. You two seem to be close? Whisper nods, the motion somewhat exaggerated, a habit someone without facial features has to develop to be understood. W: Yes, when Thomas used his reconstruction spell to put her back together, a spell hed only ever used on objects, we were shocked that it worked. He thinks that, because shes a silicon based lifeform made of living glass, that she technically qualified as an object in that moment. If, in that moment, her soul hadnt been strong enough to come back, it would have just been a beautiful statue. He leans back, holding the cane like a guitar and tapping it with his right thumb. W: As to our closeness? She..she resonates. The sound vibrations I control, they pass through her and also bounce back a bit, shes transparent, honest in a way no-one else is. So were friends and confidants. HM: You were tried as a teen for the accidental manslaughter of your parents and the Pastor that ran the church they were members of. How do you feel about that? W: It was an accident. I was in pain, my vocal cords having just been cut out of my throat. I lashed out and, if if had just been the ambient noise, I wouldve pushed them away. But the Pastor, that megalomaniacal fool, he tried to gather his flock: He pulled the bell rope. From all around, the sounds replay, the shrill screams drawn from the air, the parents stumbling around, screeching in pain. Then the loud tones of the bell, quickly sucked away. Theres a moment of silence and then an explosion. Even though its a replay, from Whispers memory, it still rattles the room theyre sitting in. W: Let me be clear, until that moment, I loved and trusted my parents. But when they fell under the Pastors sway and started to see me as a monster. When they held me down as he took a scalpel to my throat... The Headmistress leans forward out of her chair and embraces the young man known as Whisper, the sounds of his sobs the only indicator of his pain. No words.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:13:08 +0000

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