Excerpt from my dream on April 7 2014. After further prayer - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from my dream on April 7 2014. After further prayer regarding this dream, I felt deeply compelled to share this part, because someone needs to read this. In my dream I am before God in heaven and He is talking to me and two others. ***I heard Him tell us “If you love Me keep My Commandments.” When He finished speaking, He said “come with Me.” As we walked down a hallway, I saw garbage bags, then He said excuse Me and opened a door and I gazed in the room and there I saw a rail around a great hole in the floor. I noticed an odor that reminded me of decaying garbage. He said, “I hate having to do this part” and I saw Him pick up one of those bags, yet I saw a person in the bag and cried out “I know this person” and spoke their name to Him. He said, “Yes you do, but they truly didn’t know Me.” I said “But I heard this person profess to me that they knew You!” He said “Many know of Who I am, but didn’t really know Me. They went to hear My name, but their hearts were far from Me and didn’t follow Me or My Commandments.” I began to weep, because I knew this person.He revealed they went to church, but were not taught about Hell and His judgment. I then saw Him cast this person into this pit of utter darkness, and then I heard screams coming from it. He looked at me with sad eyes and said, “I hate doing this, but they left Me with no choice; If only they had accepted and followed My Sons commandments, they would have avoided this.”*** This person I saw is alive and well at this time, I will not reveal their gender or location to where they live. I truly believe God will open the door for me to speak face to face with this person and also others, then it will be their decision, who do you truly follow? The odor is the decaying of one’s spirit. The Bible says true believers need to present (live) themselves as a sweet aroma to the Lord. This also means sweet sacrifice. All who call themselves Christians are not genuine, but cheap decaying imitations. One must be willing to deny yourself to follow Him, which will be a sweet aroma to God. (Ephesians 5:1-7; Matthew 16:24-25; Romans 12:1-2). There was another warning in this dream for Pastors. Preach of the Judgment of God and the penalty of sin, a rebellious unrepented heart, unforgiveness, and the approval through compromising of sinful living. (Romans 1:32; Galatians 5:19-21; Matthew 6:14-15; Ephesians 5:8-14). No more fuzzy feel good sermons. Time to give them the bad news along with good news; that is, each person has the power to decide where they will spend eternity, which will be in Hell if they refuse to commit their lives to follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, or in Heaven because they chose not to follow the worlds ideas, but God’s Holy Word. Today, Choose Who You will Follow!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:58:20 +0000

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