Excerpt from the Local Rooi Els newspaper :- "Scott makes a - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from the Local Rooi Els newspaper :- "Scott makes a Kill!! Published on Tuesday, 23 July 2013 22:18 Jill and Wolfgang visited the Rooiels cave and retrieved the latest photos last Saturday (20 July) and just look what they found!! In their words: 8 May 2013. The camera batteries are changed. 9 May - 21h19: Scott visits the cave- quite surprising that he came in the very next day after setting up the camera! And he is moving fast! 21h24: we now see why he was running as you can clearly see from the photo that he is doing battle with a porcupine- see the dust/dirt on his coat, face and tail. 21h28: he has killed the porcupine. The third photo shows him leaving the cave with his prey! Other photographic evidence they found that day showed that another porcupine visited the cave on 11 May and again on 15 May. Either pining for its mate or on a suicide mission!! Jill and Wolfgang also found quills and bloodstains in the cave which obviously supported the photographic evidence the camera provided. "Le girls" from the Boland Leopard Trust , Anita and Jeannie, had the following to say: "We are absolutely at a loss for words. This is unbelievably fantastic. This is the first camera trap recording of a leopard with a porcupine kill that we are aware of!" To View :- rooi-els.co.za/index.php/118-scott-makes-a-kill rooi-els.co.za/images/latestnews/2013/20130723/2Scott_Fighting_Porcupine.JPG rooi-els.co.za/images/latestnews/2013/20130723/3Scott_with_Dead_Porcupine.JPG
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:23:49 +0000

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