Excerpt from the article by ALEX McKEAN Murdoch’s Brisbane - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from the article by ALEX McKEAN Murdoch’s Brisbane masthead The Courier Mail has clearly displayed bias and inconsistency in its hysterical coverage of the Senate Inquiry into the Newman Government, writes Alex McKean and Stephen Keim SC. THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF A SENATE INQUIRY into certain aspects of the Newman Government in Queensland has been greeted with howls of derision from Brisbane’s daily print newspaper, the Courier-Mail. There was little evidence of balance in the coverage of the issue on 2 October 2014, when the paper contained a two-page spread condemning the Inquiry (nor again in today’s issue). Liberal Senator Eric Abetz was reported as sounding the dire warning that the Inquiry, an instrument of Clive Palmer’s retribution, would cost Queensland 70,000 jobs. Dennis Atkins said that the Inquiry would render Parliament a crime scene. TO READ MORE = independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/senate-inquiry-into-queensland-govt-reveals-courier-mails-corruption,6974
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:39:33 +0000

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