Excerpt taken from A LESSON LEARNED FROM THE LONELY ANT By Sid E - TopicsExpress


Excerpt taken from A LESSON LEARNED FROM THE LONELY ANT By Sid E Williams, B.S., D.C July-August, 1998 Some people even complete their D.C. degree and then desert their career because they fail their boards the first time. Others pass the boards with flying colors and then give up when they face the hard work required to establish and maintain a thriving practice. If they would only persist and try to add just one new patient per day lecturing, handing out brochures, visualizing, establishing a youre better relationship with their patients, produce good results, and be outstanding technically, very soon their office would be filled with enthusiastic people expecting great results. You have to project to your patients the same attitudes of confidence, love, persistency, and authority that the lion tamer uses. When you demonstrate this kind of persistent authority and competence to your patients all the time, when encouraged, they will do everything you need to build a huge practice. Remember as Buddha said, A jug fills drop by drop. You dont have to get success by the gushes. Take it one drop at a time- one effort at a time- one patient at a time- and do it persistently, and one day your jug will be full.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:43:17 +0000

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