Excerpted: The states workaround — mostly by Democratic - TopicsExpress


Excerpted: The states workaround — mostly by Democratic governors — has infuriated Republicans who pushed the cuts. In March, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, called the states moves fraud. House Agriculture Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., and House Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Upton, R-Mich., have asked the Obama administration to hold states accountable for dodging the cuts. The governors say they are following the law while preserving crucial benefits for their neediest citizens. -------------------------- I be honest with you an give testimony I Am on Disability (SSD) THE one most Americans want cut off for good. Even some my friends which think all Disability people are dead beats living on tax payer dollars. LEt me tell You I Earned 3/4 of mine,before my car wreck in 1998. I Did not try to file to get SSD until 2000. 2 years trying to get it, even with all my other health issues, even the curved spine I was born with. Accident left me with long term,an short term memory loss. SSI Doctors them selves tested me. THEY told SSI/SSD Board that I could be trained for nothing else at all. THAt I had done every blue collar work there was too do. Due to they retrain you to work, if they can.. JUdge yelled nicely, How old are you? An went re-looking in my case file.. HE told me Maam that is an awesome record. Asked why do you not have savings? I said I was a single mom, with children to raise an put through school. All went on my kids for home, food, an clothes, medical, etc.. He commended me with a smile. I Was so nervous an sick with IBS,that I shook like a LEaf in a tree, in the Tornado. HE stopped an my lawyer Bless him, put his arm around me, its ok Patsy. THE judge asked what causes this. I told Him Your honor I do not know. Something born with, though they found only curved spine. YEt the doctors wanted me aborted in first stages of moms pregnancy. Due to she been ripped to pieces in my brothers delivery. An THAt IF she can have kids wait 2 years. She nearly died, laid up near dead 4 months in hospital. I came along 1 year later. So abort abort by 3 doctors say. An it can be car wreck that injured my brain. Even at that time I could not drive, because I had awful dizzy spells. An just got over being blind for around 6 months. Seen Nothing but crazy lights like at fair at night, but blurry. IT can be from other ailments like IBS which works on nerves. I Told Dcs for YEars I had what I called body tremors. Everytime I got in to see doctors an all the waiting room time, the tremor passed. So it was never caught.. When I am very Sad or HAppy, Excited.. I go through this.. NEw things,Like new job, fight with spouse, a large crowd,etc.. THE JUDge by then done came around desk, an the SSI Doctor. JUdge put out hand an shook mine, an hugged me. HE said Honey we are here to help people. YEs we have to go through all this, too make sure people need it. HE said You need it, but many out their FAke the ailments to get check. HE Looked me in the eye, An Said, MAy GOD Help You to find what this is an heal you. HE went back to seat.THE SS Doctor shook my hand,an also wished me God blessing. When we all sat JUdge stated, it was a honor to meet you young lady. An hit the gavel an said, PAtsy Powell You are granted Social Security Disability, Good luck..an said Granted. Well let me tell you, I got 1 year back time, that made 3 years fought. YEt they only paid the 1 year the lawyer was called in. Dismissing my 2 year fight alone. With LAwyer First time before judge,I was granted. An THANks TO GOD for letting Court see my Health issues. YEt at that time, I was too get $24,000 back time. THEY found some discrepancy they said, lawyer reviewed. HE stated they are right Patsy,you will get ,little over $8,000. BAsed on your work record alone, you fell short of drawing off your husband. I planned on buying small home, or trailer,with the larger amount. Well that was out.. So I bought a older van for $4000, an I paid some bills been waiting to be paid. Ones Insurance would not pay from car wreck. An Hospital wrote of the $26,000 when they seen I could not work at all. Alabama has good benefits for their citizens.. IF you work you can make paymets till paid off set by hospital an state, Lowest $25.00, that was raised from $10.00 in last 5 years. You go to work, they reset a payment accordingly. YEt this check I started receiving was hardly over $600 a month.. Well I paid off what debt I still had with $4000, an had the van, An TAxes and utility deposit paid on apartment I applied for with low income base. NOW broke.. Except for first check to come in one month. All I had was a half full jar of pennies to my name. YEt I Was content, and a ride an roof over my head. No way to pay lights, an no way to by grocery, an no way to pay rent.. I got one bedroom for $1.00 MONTH, A CHECK FOR ONE DOLLAR LIKE ARTICLE MENTIONS TO GO TOward ELECTRIC BILL. Some places do electric ,instead of the gas, we have Natural gas here for free for government properties through HUD. I thought funny they gona send out many persons a check for one dollar, an a envelope, an stamp, at cost of gov.. When they could by pass that with pay it straight to the electric company, saving million at least in cost. Well no one spent that on the electric hardly noticed, but for the Christian of us who put it where it was for. REst put it on a pack of cigs, an then holler they dont have all their electric money. WE have LEAP in Alabama which helps one pay the Light bill.. I never applied for it, I figured I could keep my electric low, an not worry about the 1 dollar or LEAP. I HAve done so all these years. In fact I give the Electric company 1 Dollar a month to help others pay theirs.. I was in need, people helped, an I Seen it was a way I could help in return. 2 years, no income, they gave me the dollar month, an free rent.. JUst pay Light bill. All else was furnished free.. Water, NAtural gas, an Trash bill.. FREE. I could not afford phone, cable, or internet. had already started blogging to Praise God where I could, NING WOG, CIM, PROPHECY ON THE MOVE, MYSPACE, an more.. THEN FB few years ago. Before accident an move. Could not access internet when moved to own place. Killed me not able to spread the word of God Online. So when my check came, lil over $600.. my rent was $126.00. Lights ran $30.00 to $70.00 a month, depending season,thats half or less of other tenants.. I do not run lights night an day, I like to conserve energy, they dont.. Even got solar light outside so gave me, intead of use porch light. Told neighbors they should get one an save energy, help the state. Did they? Nope.. See you have to have a certain amount, for this agency to pay the light bill. like $200,0r more.. So see why they run lights day an night? TO cut down on misuse, they recent fixed it, you have to sit through a 3 hour energy save class to get use of the agency. IF refuse No help from them. Like neighbor runs lights night an day, an uses some ELEctric help state does to pay his bill.. I told him you should cut lights off at night, if you gonna seek help to pay the bill, not to run up their electric bill. An that it may pay for anothers bill, just in what you conserve. THink he did so? No.. He is not the only one doing it. So that left me about $425.00 back then to pay for gas in ride, food, doctor an meds,burial ins.. etc.. But how far does less than 500 go? Not far I tell you.. But I managed.. Did not eat what I like to have, bought cheap to stretch food budget, an It still not last me through a month. LEt me tell you I did not tell others, I made do an was content.. I been without food before.. IT makes you content, to have any fom of food, even ifstale cereal or crackers.. an few a ay.. When family an m children found out, they wanted to whip my rear.. So in my new place Food got low, I barely ate, to make sure ate something in a day. Not touched food pantries a churches as yet..Wanted it for others who really needed it.. Well after a year, 4 now.. THings got little better with my health. BRAin Doctor said I could drive again.. Thats 2 years without driving, I hated it. >No way to go when you wanted. Always have to rely someone be there, an usually they not there when needed. THOUGH MY FAMILY WAS GREAT, an DRIVE 25 MINUTES TO TAKE ME TO DOC, GROCERY, OR PAY MY BILLs. OR JUST TREAT ME TO Breakfast, LUNCH, or dinner.. I Was not Swooft as I thought. When say, GO, as in leave.. ..I Gotta go ,an hit the bathroom.. THEy knew it.. An they would check my fridge an cabinets while I was in restroom. So they knew when to take me to eat.. An insured I brought home leftovers by ordering to much. Knowing I refuse the money offered. THEy were on hard times too, just not hard as mine.. I Did not miss an offer to eat with a friend or neighbor, I could not afford too miss it, meant eating not eat sometimes. Or little to eat.. GOD puts us in places to let go, An Let GOD.. AN we have to learn to except gifts when offered through Holy Spirit, an others GOd says go help my child. Well Gov checks went up an down,over the years since got check, up and a down few dollars like, $3 or $4 a month. For ever $4 the government to give, in a raise, my rent go up $3,inflation make grocery go up, utilities went up, knowing we get increase. We came out .10 cents ahead.. THEn increases only HElps the stores an industries, they do not help the people. Eventually I was, Well? dont want food assistance, but no choice.. I had been on them as child, an wanted off of them.. GOt off for years when single mom an had to have food help through wic, an later foodstamps to feed my kids. Until I found work again.. Any kind of work I was not to proud to dig ditch, an Have done so.. I hit food pantry first. However they pretty much had deer meat, sometimes sausage if peope in area donated hog from farm butchered an dressed. SAme way deer came in hunters donating, cleaned an dressed.. Hardly canned or dry goods there. Went to churches, They had hard times an cut back, an no food was the cut back. THAnksgiving got huge turkey from a church, bless them. An I cut it up into one meal portions an froze. So Foodstamps.. I was given, less than $96.00 a month to eat on. By BAsic sugar flour etc, an it takes all that.. An you cant just eat flour,sugar,etc.. You need eggs, milk, butter, etc, to make a meal.. So eating with family or friends when they asked, I was able to save my food. An I Would by food like fruit an veggie next month.. So learned to rotate what to by each shopping trip.. TO put with what I had to make a meal. Meals that stretched a dollar, to make food stock last me. In budget cuts since, they been going down an down. I get 76.00 a month for many months now. Until this month it says I get $97.00, Guess gov put back what it been taking in budget cuts. Like it said in article for heat bill. THEY Rob Peter to pay Paul. I know What thats like.. Well my hearts on my sleave, how many gonna be ugly now knowing I am on assistance? BUT AGAIN I EARNED THAT ASSISTANCE with JOBS I HAVE DONE MOST MYLIFE.. LEAST 3/4 of it.. I TEll people all the time the taxes I paid on my check, An all the fees from Insurances to SSI.. THAT Gives me THE RIGHT TO DRAW MY DISABILITY,an RECIEVE STATE AN GOVernment BENEFITS ! Well I Also tell them, to STOP SSI an SSD like many SPout off.. IT cuts off your right to benefit an retirement in the future, lest you got hefty PEnsion set up to draw on. WHY Do you think so many Old PEople still work into their 80s? THEY HAVE TOO ! So Stop SSD takes away for your right to draw if ever health or accident happens. An IT takes it from your elderly relatives too.. Like ya MOm ,Dad, aunt, Uncle, handicapped family members.. GOvernment yells stop SSD An such, so they can keep the money themselves, an for their wants, an too feed the Wars.. THiS stopping SSD also cuts off VETERAN CHECKS WHO FOUGHT FOR THEir Country ! LOOK AT when government shut ALL down? Who was cut ? THE VEteran, THE SICK, THE ELDERLY, AN EVEN PUBLIC PARKS ! Nothng of the RICh was taken ! SO NOW YOU kNOW.. SO... ( I GoT TO fix typos, Was like 100 of them..) -patsy powell
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:02:48 +0000

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