Excerpts from HOLY GHOST CONGRESS 2014. MONDAY TO SATURDAY: - TopicsExpress


Excerpts from HOLY GHOST CONGRESS 2014. MONDAY TO SATURDAY: Day One: Monday- MESSAGE BY DADDY E.A.ADEBOYE: TOPIC:DEFENDER OF THE DEFENSELESS. Bible text: Ps23:1-4 The sheep is the most defenseless of animals except that he has the shepherd as the defender. The Great Shepherd will help becos He is mighty to save Is. 63:1, Is 41:10-13, He will fulfill His promises Num 23: 19, He will do it for His names sake to make His power known Dan 3:14-29 He answers prayers Ps 65:2 God waits till ure completely helpless before He answers so that u will not tamper with what He wants to do and so that u can pray the real prayer mat 15:21-28 PRAYER POINTS. 1.Thank God,bcos He is there for you. 2. Father,I surrender all my problems to you: physical,spiritual,marital,material etc help me now. 3.Father, send help to me speedily from d east, west, north, south and heaven above 4.pls Send help to every member of my family, name them. 5.Those whose problems are directly or indirectly mine, send help to them too. 6.Father, bring me to a level where I can help others. 7.List the specific areas where you need help urgently, tell Him. Day Two: Tuesday- MESSAGE BY DADDY E.A.ADEBOYE: TOPIC: GOD IS ALWAYS ON TIME. Bible text: 2 Cor 6:2 Message: The 21 reasons for you to be healed can be broken down into three headings: a) Reasons why you must be healed today. b) How you will be healed. c) When you will be healed. 7 REASONS WHY YOU MUST BE HEALED TODAY 1. Sickness hinders our services to God - Matt 8:14-15 2. Sickness hinders our witnesses- matt 8:1-4 3. Sickness hinders our praises to God- Acts 3:1-8; Is 8:19-20 4. Sickness waste the suffering of our Lord - Is 53:5 5. Sickness challenges our Shepherd- mk 9:33; heb 12:2 6. Sickness challenges the Almightiness of God- matt 8:1-3 7. Our great Shepherd is the great physician- ex 15:26 HOW IT WILL HAPPEN 1. He can change any damaged flesh to a brand new one.- jer 32:27 2. He can heal you by touching you - matt 8:1-3 3. He can speak a word - ps 107:20; mk 10:46-52 4. He can reach you through the overflow of His anointing- mk 5:25-34 5. He can visit you personally- jh 5:2-9 6. He can change your DNA- jhn 2: 1-11 7. He can use His sovereign power to restore you- mk 3:1-5 WHY WILL YOUR HEALING TAKE PLACE TODAY 1. Time is in absolute control of our great Shepherd -rev 1:8 2. He can change time and season-dan 2:20-21 3. He can stop time in His season- josh 10:10-14 4. He can reverse time- 2kings 20:1-11 5. He can advance time- jhn 2:1-11 6. A delay in time can be tragic - dan 3:22-28 7. My God is always on time - 1 kings 17:8-16 CONCLUSION Refuse to surrender to sickness and death- mk 5:25-34. Say no to sickness and death-mk 10:46-52. Key into the prophecy in Ps 118:17. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Praise God in advance of your healing. 2. Father, in this crowd, please visit me tonight. 3. Father, please touch me now. 4. Father, please speak the word into my life now 5. Father, please restore me to full health. 6. Father, please reverse the irreversible in my life tonight. 7. Father, let it be tonight& not tomorrow. Day Three (3): Wednesday. MESSAGE BY: DADDY E. A. ADEBOYE. TOPIC: THE GREAT RESTORER Bible text: Ps 126:1-3 WAYS OF GETTING INTO CAPTIVITY 1. Some are carried into captivity- Dan 1:1-7. 2. Some fall into trap- judges 16:4-21 3. Some are sold into slavery- gen 37:23-28 4. Some are born into slavery- ex 1:8-12 CATEGORIES OF CAPTIVITY 1. Physical- this is when progress is hindered - Acts 3:1-8; Luke 13:11-17 2. Material bondage- this is when one like elephant and eat like grass , ex 1:8-11 3. Mental bondage: when the mind is not working as it should - dan 4:28-33 4. Marital bondage- mk 5:1-16 5. Spiritual bondage- mk 5:18-20 7 SIGNS OF BONDAGE 1. incomplete projects- jhn 5:2-9 2. Taking a step forward and a step backwards- mk 5:1-20 3. Going round in circle (moving without getting anywhere)- jhn 16:18-21 4. Unfulfilled dreams and aspirations-mk 10:46-52 5. Self inflicted wounds -mk 5:1-2 6. Self affliction- mk 5:3-4 7. Deep sorrow- mk 5:6 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOD TURN CAPTIVITY 1. Progress begins - acts 3:1-8; ex 12:30-33 2. Rapid promotion- ex 12:32 3. Restoration of blessings - ex 12:35-36 4. Mockers become silenced- mk 5:15 5. Destiny will be restored- mk 5:18-20 6. Joy will begin to spring forth- ps 126:1-2 7. The grace of God will flow freely through you- acts 3:1-8 7 REASONS WHY WE WILL BE TOTALLY FREE 1.Our Shepherd is unchangeable Lord-mal 3:6; heb 13:8 2. What He has done before, He will do it again-ps 126:1 3. He is stronger than every captive -Lk 11:21-22; ps 24:10 4. He has name above other names - phil 2:9-11 5. We have His blood-rev 12:11 6. We have the written word of God- Is 29:24-26 7. We know the Lord Jesus Christ - John 8:32; John 14:6; John 8:36 3 THINGS TO DO 1. Surrender to Christ - James 4:7 2. Be ready to come under new arrangement- Matt 11:28-30 3. Cry unto the Lord of host to come and rescue you. PRAYER POINTS 1. praise God that you are alive till today 2. Father, Lord of host, please set me totally free tonight 3. Father, please help me never to be my own enemy. 4. Father, please give me peace like a river in every facet of my life. 5. Father, please let me recover all lost grounds. 6. Father, please restore my destiny fully tonight. 7. Father, from now on, let me know only the joy of the Lord continually. Day Four (4): Thursday. MESSAGE BY: DADDY E. A. ADEBOYE. TOPIC: IN HIS NAME Bible text: John 14:14 Message: The great Shepherd has many names and each name is for a purpose. 7 OUT OF NAMES OF OUR LORD -The way, the truth and the life- John 14:6 Wonderful, counsellor, mighty God, Prince of peace - Is 19:6 1. THE WAY- He makes way when their is no way- mark 2:1-12 2. THE TRUTH- He will guarantee your freedom 3. THE LIFE- He will restore you from jaws of death- Luke 7:11-15 4. WONDERFUL: He can turn you into wonder- Acts 3:1-3 5. COUNSELLOR: He guides and rescue you out of tight corner - John 8:3-11 6. MIGHTY GOD: He can do the impossible- John 11:39-44 7. PRINCE OF PEACE: He still all storms in our lives. 7 THINGS TO DO TO HAVE UNHINDERED PRAYER 1. Say bye bye to sin- Is 59:1-2 2. Get rid of unforgiveness - mark 11:25-26 3. Get rid of your loss and get ready for your breakthrough - James 4:3 4. Laziness in prayer- james 4:2;heb 11:6 5. Delay - their is never a convenient time to pray than now - 2cor 6:2 6. Failure to pay vows - ps 50:14 -15;Ecc 5:4; ps 14:1 7. You must not waiver - come to God in Faith and determination- james 1:6 7 REASONS WHY YOUR PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED TONIGHT 1. Jesus promised-jh 14:14 2. He is faithful- rev 19:11; 2tim 2:13 3. He is the Almighty God- Jeremiah 32:27 4. He is the all sufficient one - gen 17:1; Ephesians 3:20 5. He loves you - 1 John 4:8; John 15:13;rom 8:31-32 6. He is merciful- Ephesians 2:4-5; mark 10:46-52 7. He wants to be glorified- ps 50:14-15 CONCLUSION Jesus said how much you get from Him is up to you. John 16:19. Ask till your joy is full. The full can only be determined by YOU- 2 kings 4:1-7 If there is sin in your life, God will not hear you. Before you ascend throne of God tonight, please surrender your life to God. PRAYER POINTS 1. Praise God because He always answer prayers. 2. Father, just have mercy on me. 3. Father, out of your love for me, give me my miracles. 4. Father, demonstrate your almightiness in my situation tonight. 5. Father, please remember me. 6. Father, be glorified in my life now and ever more. 7. Personal prayer points Day Five (5): Friday MESSAGE BY: DADDY E. A. ADEBOYE. TOPIC: THE GREAT SHEPHERD Bible text: Psalm 23 ***In my life show yourself mighty Message: The blessings that can be mine if the Lord is my Shepherd and Im His ship can be put into 14 categories: 1. I will never lack for rest- ps 127:2 2. I will be well fed - ps 63:5 3. My thirst shall be satisfied-matt 5:6 4. I will not lack restoration- joel 2:17-28 5. I will not lack guidance - jh 16:12-13 6. I will have nothing to fear because of His divine presence - heb 13:5 7. I will not lack for comfort - jh 14:16 8. I will always enjoy generous divine provision- ps 13:6 9. I will enjoy divine security - pr 18- 10 10. I will not lack anointing-Is 10:27 11. I will enjoy divine goodness - jer 31:14 12. I will enjoy divine mercy- ps 103:8-11 13. My blessings will last-ps 107:1 14. I will have divine accommodation both here and heaven - jh 14:1-3 3 MAJOR REASONS WHY YOU WILL BE WELL 1. I need the great Shepherd but He also need me. Without sheep, there will be no shepherd. Im mattered as a sheep-Luke 15:1-6. Anyone thats my enemy is the enemy of God. Im a VIP to God. Acts 9:1-5 When we put God first in all things, He will be our Shepherd. He is the vine, we are the branch. God needs us to bear fruits. 2. The awesome power of the Shepherd. He releases power to us because He needs us here. That is why I will not die young. We are useful to Him here than in heaven. 3. What will my future hold? a) He will change me before sending me- Is 6:1-8 b) He will heal me in order to use me - matt 8:14-15 c) He will set me free so that I can free others. d) He will prosper me so that I can be blessing to others -zach 1:17 e) He will empower me so that I can bring the world to His feet. CONCLUSION Ps 34:8 - for all those contemplating on their salvation, come, taste and see. For those already saved, let us approach Him with boldness because we need the great Shepherd and He needs us. That is why He did not allow us to remain in captivity. Heb 10:13-17; heb 4:14-16. Everyone that turns to serve God will live and not die. Everyone report of the devil concerning you NA LIE. Give your life to Jesus. PRAYER POINTS 1. Worship the Lord. Praise Him for everything. 2. Father, I surrender my all to you, please use me for your glory. 3. Father, whatever that will not allow me to serve you, please destroy them tonight. 4. Father, since my enemies are your enemies, please deal with them yourself. 5. Father, bless me beyond my wildest dreams before the year end. 6. Father, before the end of this year, please fulfil your promises to me. 7. Personal prayer. **Great burden bearer,carry my burdens I look unto You. Day Six (6): Saturday MESSAGE BY: DADDY E. A. ADEBOYE. TOPIC: ALL SUFFICIENT ONE (HOLY COMMUNION & ANOINTING SERVICE) Bible text: Psalm 23:5 ***Father, please give me your best tonight. Psalm 23 verse 5 can be divided into 3 compartments. 1ST Thou prepares a table before me This statement gives us 7 reasons why God wants us to have the best. 1. He is the BEST cook. He prepared the table Himself John 2:1-11. 2. He has unlimited resources to prepare the food -Psalm 50:10-11. 3. Whenever He cooks, He uses fresh ingredients- Psalm 23:2. 4. Whenever He wants to serve food, He serves the food hot- 1 Kings 19:5-8 5. He knows the menu you like and doesnt just prepare anything- John 21:1-9. 6. Whenever He wants to prepare a meal, He is not stingy about it. Its always a buffet ----eat all you can- Psalm 23:2. 7. Whenever He gives food, He gives healthy stuff not junk John 6:51. 2ND In the presence of my enemies There are at least 7 ways God can deal with enemies. 1. He can bomb the enemies- Joshua 10:1-11. 2. He can drown the enemies- Exodus 14:13-28. 3. He can swallow the enemie alive- Num 15:34-35 4. He can cause enemies to destroy one another- 2 Chronicles 20:20-25. 5. He can change the enemies to servant- Acts 16:25-34. 6. He can paralyze the enemies -Psalm 23:5 7. He can cause the enemies to leave you alone- Proverbs 16:7 3RD He anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over There are 7 reasons why my cup will run over 1. The Great Shepherd has more than enough -Genesis 17:1. 2. He is very generous- Psalm 68:19. 3. He enjoys seeing abundance in His people- Psalm 35:27. 4. He reward holiness with generous anointing-Hebrew 1:9 5. He wants to bless you and also make you a blessing- Genesis 12:1-3. 6. He proudly calls you His own- John 15:14-15, Psalm 105:15. 6. He might be glorified at the end of the day- Isaiah 61:1-3. HOLY COMMUNION PRAYER POINT 1. Father, please make me whole completely tonight - body, soul and spirit. 2. Father, make me a divine channel of blessings to my family, country, nations, continents and generation unborn in Jesus name. ANOINTING SERVICE PRAYER POINTS 1. Father, make me a powerful vessel unto honour. 2. Father, let your Holy Spirit come down mightily on me. 3. Father, from now on let every thing I touch prosper mightily. 4. Father, from now on, everything I touch, let it prosper because of the anointing of tonight. 5. Father, as a result of the anointing tonight, get rid of all my enemies. 6. Father, the grace to be grateful give to me right now. THE END! We shall testify in Jesus name. God bless you do have a wonderful week. Shalom! RE-POST TO BLESS SOME ONE....
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:48:08 +0000

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