Excerpts of Sunday Service (27th July, 2014) ‘Debo - TopicsExpress


Excerpts of Sunday Service (27th July, 2014) ‘Debo Adesina Theme: WISDOM FOR LIVING SERIES Topic: The Power of the Proceeding Word (Part 4) Text: (Isa. 55: 10-11, 1Pt. 1:23, James 1:18, Lk. 8:11-15, Mk. 4: 26-29) For all the Sundays in the month of July, we have been critically considering the theme- THE PROCEEDING WORD. We have looked at the expressions of the Word of the Lord as: 1. FIRE ( Jer. 23:29) 2. HAMMER (Jer. 23:29b) 3. LAMP&LIGHT (Ps. 119:105) 4. ANCHOR (Heb. 6: 19) 5. SHARPER THAN A TWO- EDGED SWORD (Heb. 4:12-13) We also looked at how these expressions of God’s Word work within us to bring us to a place of complete transformation into the Image of the Christ. Today we will be considering another expression of The Proceeding Word as a SEED. “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isa. 55:10-11) “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” (1Pt. 1:23) One of the points we highlighted in the course of this interaction is this- THE PROCEEDING WORD IS THE LIVING WORD CHRONICLED AS THE WRITTEN WORD. This Proceeding Word is then likened to a SEED. From Genesis 1 it is evident that every seed has a structure within that enables it to reproduce after its kind. For example, we see the orange seed which produces an orange fruit which also contains seed within it to continue the reproductive cycle. Another vital thing to consider is the NATURE of the SEED. This guarantees the quality of what is produced. So whenever God’s Word comes to us as a SEED, there will definitely be a time of PLANTING. We cannot expect a harvest when we have not planted the seed. So is it with God’s Word. In order for God’s Word to come to pass over our lives, there are certain responsibilities on our part for the fulfillment of that Word. For God’s Word over our lives to be sown properly, we must ACTIVELY ENGAGE IN SPEAKING THAT WORD OVER OURSELVES. Whenever we have a Word from the Lord, we must learn to consistently speak that Word back to Him. This is seen as an act of SOWING. In David’s case, when God spoke about establishing His house and kingdom. David took those same words that God spoke to him and rehearsed them in the ears of God. As we engage in this process of speaking and praying God’s Word, we are also WEEDING. We are weeding out fears, doubts and circumstances that are not favorable to the growth of that SEED. We are thereby creating the right atmosphere for the SEED to grow. This is to prevent the seed from being CHOKED. From the parable of the Sower, it is clear that there is no issue whatsoever with the SEED (Matt. 13). The issue had always been with the ground (hearts of the hearers) in which the seed is sown. This is because there have been times we have heard the Word of the Lord but we have not seen its fulfillment in our lives. Whenever we receive God’s Word as SEED, it implies that TIME is involved in the fulfillment of the Word. Luke 8:15 states that, “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and BRING FORTH FRUIT WITH PATIENCE”. As God’s Word comes to us, we must keep a habit of declaring those words over ourselves; even when circumstances seem the opposite. Another truth we must consider is this- both the planting and harvesting season need RAIN. This means that after we have heard a first Word from the Lord, there will come other speakings of God which will come to water what has been initially spoken. These subsequent speakings of God are not disconnected in themselves; they have a responsibility to water what has been earlier spoken. In the opening verses of Genesis 12, we see the Lord speaking to Abram about his destiny. Later on God began speaking about the seed of Abram in three categories (Gen. 13& 15). These subsequent speakings by the Lord are to refresh and strengthen the first Word Abram initially heard in Genesis 12. In Genesis 22 we see God instructing Abraham to sacrifice his only son. He obeys the Word from the Lord to the point where the Lord stops him from slaying his son. Peradventure Abraham is unable to hear the proceeding Word commanding him to desist from his intention of slaying his son, he would be stuck in what God has SAID not what God is SAYING. We must understand that everything that LASTS must take it origin from the Proceeding Word. Let us consider Jeroboam. The purpose of God was to establish Jeroboam’s kingdom with the 10 tribes, just as He established David’s dynasty. But due to fear, Jeroboam made drastic decisions that led to him causing Israel to go astray from the Lord. The question beckons to us that- What should Jeroboam have done when those fears began to arise in his heart? He should have taken his fears to God. The Lord would have settled his heart by speaking to him. This proceeding Word will further strengthen his heart and dissolve his doubts and fears. In times of confusion and darkness, when God’s Proceeding Word comes to us, we will arise with faith (substance) in our hearts. We also will be able to glimpse the HARVEST with HOPE in our hearts. Though we have not yet received the physical evidence, our hearts are full of faith, hope and patience-which are important ingredient to receiving the promise. Another example is David. God promised that he will be King over all Israel. After all the tribulation he went through, he became King-over Judah. This was a part fulfillment of God’s promise to him. In the midst of all these, there was long war between Saul’s house and David’s house. We believe that as David sought the Lord in that season of conflict, God reassured him of His Word. Thereby we see the house of Saul growing weaker while David’s house waxing stronger (2 Sam. 3). As God’s people, the SEED of the Proceeding Word over our lives must not be aborted. We must see it move from conception to maturity. When we experience a HARVEST of that Word, it begins another cycle for another PLANTING SEASON which will birth another harvest in our lives. Therefore we will experience cycles of beginnings and endings. We will also see that as Abraham journeyed with the proceeding Word, his doubts, fears and worries were swallowed. He then came to a place where he was FULLY PERSUADED beyond doubts that what God has promised He is able to do. Though he wasnt alive to walk in the fullness of what was promised him. The essence of the Proceeding Word is not for us to acquire material possessions. Its essence is to enable us come into our ETERNAL INHERITANCE. The primary purpose of the Proceeding Word spoken to us and working in us is to bring us to the place of Sonship. Though Abraham was promised a physical promised land, he came to a place where he knew that there was more to the Proceeding Word than a physical location called Canaan. He began to desire and press for that city which is invisible and intangible to the natural eyes (Heb. 11:8-11) This city which Abraham longed for is a TEMPLE. This city is a HUMANITY- A people formed in the image of Christ. This is why Moses was a SHEPHERD, A KING and a TEMPLE BUILDER. So also David. These men are figures and types of Christ who is the GOOD SHEPHERD, GREAT SHEPHERD and CHIEF SHEPHERD. Who also is our KING and is a BUILDER of the TEMPLE which is His Body. Consummately, this Proceeding Word as a SEED is Jesus (the CORN OF WHEAT) that fell into the earth and died in order to bring forth MANY SONS in His image. The totality of all the speakings of God to us is to bring us to a place of full stature in the image of His Son-a place where we overcome death in all its expressions.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 00:05:57 +0000

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