Exclusive National News Alert:Culled: KANDEH IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO - TopicsExpress


Exclusive National News Alert:Culled: KANDEH IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO MAADA. FARFETCHED! Since the emergence of Kandeh Kolleh Yumkellah in the politics of SLPP or Sierra Leone, much hype has being accorded his academic prowess and international relations than his ability to shape the futures of a third war economy. When such a figure is not coherent, s/he introduces confusion in the system and provokes irritation and anger in the ranks. Neither is good for anyone or a unit. What’s more, your associates and subordinates will learn to react to what you say rather than respond. Whether this guy has been bullied into partaking in an issue that he really thinks he is not ready for or like at Njala University College where he was dethroned few weeks after winning an elections, Kandeh manifests the inability to provide an honest political leadership for SLPP and the country as a whole. Why should I seek a change when I very well know that the new alternative falls far below what the status quo has provided? Kandeh in most of the radio programs has manifested the lack of focus. He is not; 1. Clear – to say what he means and mean what you says. I expected our Isaac Newton to use precise terms and make specific clarifications so there is no doubt what he intends, what he expects, or what he means. To avoid spin, the technique of twisting words and data to favor the speaker. But in all his public addresses, Kandeh is the unclear type, not knowing how to ask for what he wants. How can such character provide leadership for me? 2. Concise – this does not merely mean few words. It means precise words. It means well-chosen words. And it means economy. The words of Kandeh alluded to our former SLPP leaders at well attended occasion shows how this guy can use many irrelevant words that later could hurt him like it is doing now. 3. Consistent – this is the most important characteristic by far and the essence of the quality of coherence. Stay on track. Don’t jerk people around. If at a time KKY has said he is not a card bearing member of any political party, he would have won my admiration to be consistent with that. He retains the right to formally announce an intension to be registered with a prominent political party of his choice. But when he deviates from this expected norm, he leaves many of us not to take him seriously or to believe what he says at anytime. If Kandeh wanted to be respected, not ridiculed, listened to, or not laughed at, incoherence should have been avoided as much because it is an indicator of madness. Check his pronouncements and comments. Do they sound clear, concise, and consistent or not? If there is anything I can say about the way I view this new political desperado, he has failed to provide any alternative to what I believe Maada has established. Honesty Being honest can sometimes be difficult because it makes individuals vulnerable. It reveals who we really are and discloses our mistakes, which gives others the opportunity to criticize or reject openly. Honesty develops character and builds credibility and trust, which are the foundation to evoke confidence and respect from those around you, and in the case of political leaders, teammates and constituents. When Maada accepted collective responsibilities of the NPRC mistakes, it had its negative odds which he was quite aware of but he was so honest to just say it like EBK accepted that the country did not deserve the previous APC that was overthrown by the NPRC ( he named his apc the “New APC) Kandeh worked for the same NPRC and held key administration, he and family had always been SLPP but dishonestly distanced himself from the tow in a radio program but without any ceremony now insinuates proudly belongs to them. What makes you think Kandeh will not oneday disassociate with UNIDO if some allegations are against it? This new politician has taken a dishonest approach to becoming a leader. Is that what I should applaud? Compassion Compassion is the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something to alleviate that suffering. While many see compassion as a weakness, true compassion is a characteristic that converts knowledge to wisdom. Good political leaders use compassion to see the needs of those he or she leads and to determine the course of action that would be of greatest benefit to all those involved. This compassion drove Maada into abandoning his academic pursuit for self aggrandizement, to enter the military, join forces with other gallant officers to dislodge an Association of Public Criminals, but could not allow Kandeh to even take to the polls and participate in the process of voting against the continued stay of an evil regime. To Kandeh all that mattered was getting the best education and leaving in luxuries overseas. Integrity The word integrity is defined as ‘the adherence to moral and ethical principles; the soundness of moral character.’ It is a synonym for honesty and uprightness, and is a vital characteristic for those in political leadership. Political leaders who possess integrity can be trusted because he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might benefit them to do so. A leader must have the trust of followers. This requires the highest standard of integrity. Where is the integrity in Kandeh? To had disassociated from a unit only to turn round and accept belongingness because of wanting to frolic its spoils is a show of lack of integrity for which your helicopter flag bearer disrespected himself and the confidence repose on him by his admirers. Academic or UN exposure is not an ingredient for integrity but a self mentored grandeur. Perhaps Kofi Anan upholds his integrity that is why he prefers to help Ghana in other areas rather than saying one thing today and the other tomorrow just to be recognized as a politician. Confidence Having confidence in a political leader is about having faith or belief that he or she will act in a right, proper, or effective way. A good political leader needs to be both confident in himself or herself as well in their ability to lead. Leaders who possess this quality inspire others, drawing on a level of trust which sparks the motivation to get others on board and get the job done. Kandeh lacks the self confidence Maada has maintained for the past years that he has involved in the mainstream politics of Sierra Leone. Here is a UN diplomat fallen so low as to boldly saying he had used AK47 in the 70s in demonstrations. Against who? Lies! When did the national army eve start using AK 47? Where did Kandeh get AK47 that he said he was using in demonstrations? It only when someone lacks confidence that he rubbishes himself at such podium. The Maada I know, in whatever circumstance will give you exactly what he set out to give. Nobody will bully him into implicating himself. Imagine the following he has attracted over the years even as the most desperate regime has tried to deracinate and transmogrify his reputation. He carries himself and walks around with shoulders high. Unlike Columbus of Kanbia. In this fight, Maada possesses prescience for which I use sweat and blood to support him, that uncanny ability to anticipate the course of events. He is not psychic, not an oracle in the occult sense, and much more than just lucky to be in his present idolized state. He knows his enemies, knows history, and understands the reasoning that has driven his opponents to make all the decisions they are making and taking all the action they are taking. We face far less threatening circumstances than we did in the last convention when we had thrown our weight behind an opportunist just considering him as the lesser evil. Nonetheless, Maada’s prescience has built awe and trust which makes academic doctors with performance track records like Dr. Alpha Wurie, Dr. Morie Manyeh, Dr. Kadie Sesay and many others unswervingly uphold his vision. Today more than ever, leaders must be able to drive prescient strategies, to develop products and programs that their delegates and constituents are going to need and want. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkellah can’t be on the cutting edge by playing catch up. Maada knows the com petition unlike Kandeh. Maada knows APC, his delegates and constituents unlike Kandeh. Maada knows history because he knows that what drove the thinking and reasoning in the past will almost certainly do so in the future. He needs no schooling on what to do to attract followers of admirers. Maada’s documentary on the rigged 2012 elections is just a show of how he thinks ahead of the greater majority within and without his party. Maada I am sure understands how APC, his opponents, competitors, delegates, and constituents think and after all we make plans accordingly. After all, how can one have vision if one cannot see what lies ahead. Maada unlike Kandeh, knows where he wants to go and what he is likely to encounter along the way. Maada being employed by Kandeh Kolleh Yumkellah is unprecedented but it is a reality that Maada has provided Kandeh job that brought him to the limelight. It is high time that Kandeh took his rightful position (towing the line) and allow his former employer to create for him a new office that will provide retirement benefits for such egocentric individuals. Without foisting on his democratic rights, Maada has allowed Kandeh to use his absence to do all he could to at least make the competition worth it and the contest interesting. Like the cat, when Maada comes around, Kandeh (like the mouse) will have no space on the political platform.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 12:08:25 +0000

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