Excuse me maam...I dont know you and I wasnt there but that is MY - TopicsExpress


Excuse me maam...I dont know you and I wasnt there but that is MY CHILD with half of his face falling apart right there! First, I just want to make this very clear to you...DONT YOU EVER EVER USE VULGAR LANGUAGE AND BLAME MY CHILD FOR THIS EVER AGAIN! I mean, do you hear yourself?! Do you honestly think it makes sense to bad mouth a child for an accident that caused tremendous pain TO THAT CHILD?! Do you have children...do you realize that the department of human services can see the things you are posting ABOUT A CHILD and probably wondering how safe your children actually are? Please think about the way you are approaching this situation...for your own good, as well as out of respect for the child that is suffering right now. Second of all, I DONT EVEN BLAME YOUR DOG WHILE YOU ARE COLD HEARTEDLY BLAMING MY CHILD! Thats right....I dont blame the dog....Pit Bulls get such a bad rep and it makes me mad, too...because ANY animal can be dangerous if that is what it is taught. We used to own a Pit Bull and it never hurt anyone no matter what they did....because that isnt how it was raised! My child is severly damaged for the rest of his life...severly....but I DO NOT WANT YOUR DOG TO DIE...it is not my job to decide if anyone lives or dies because I am not GOD! I do not feel it is your dogs fault any more than I feel it was my childs fault....my child never messed with your dog...he was just running past it to get to his dads car because he was called to leave...but your dog only does what he has been taught. Someone made your dog aggressive, they are not born like that! THAT IS WHOSE FAULT IT IS!! If you raised this dog and this dog belongs to you...THAT MAKES IT YOUR FAULT...YES MAAM IT DOES! Especially if the dog has attacked before, I dont care what the law is....you should care enough about other peoples safety to take better precaution than that...like a dog pin so the kids cant get that close to the dog....or at least when you see the neighbors with many people in the back yard having a birthday party you could have the respect and sense enough to think Look at that, the neighbors have company in the back yard, since I know that my dog has already attacked some one...maybe I should bring it inside until I see the party is over and people have left BECAUSE I DONT want to see anyones child get hurt. Ummm....dont you think that would have been a lovely idea? Look....like I said, I dont really know you...so I cant imagine how your justifying your thoughts and actions right now....maybe you really think you make sense? However, dont you dare run around cussing and blaming my child...you should be ashamed of yourself for that. Its my child lady...MY CHILD...and Im not even bad mouthing your dog. I refuse to because its not the dogs fault in my opinnion. I dont want the dog to die, but for the dogs safety, for everyone elses safety, and for your own childrens safety I feel like the dog needs to be removed from your care and placed with a Pit Bull Rescue or someone trained to handle aggressive dogs like this until it can be reconditioned and trusted around public to not become aggressive and attack people. And if you have any kind of compassion, love for your own kids, or just any sense at all...you will agree. At this time I will be praying for you, your kids, and that poor dog who was taught to be something that he doesnt even know is wrong and stands the chance of being punished for. GOD is good and HE takes care of HIS children. I suggest that instead of bad mouthing my innocent child and blaming him, that you pray for him to get better, as well...that would be the best thing for everyone. Thank you and I will be praying!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 22:29:41 +0000

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