Excuse me please. Who are those infiltrating my ears with biafra? - TopicsExpress


Excuse me please. Who are those infiltrating my ears with biafra? Who are those that have decleared the independency of biafra in philadelphia? Who ever you are, Nnamdi Kanu and Co, we the igbos are no longer in the stone age, even at the stone age, we were briliant and intelligent therefore, do not toy with our cognitive faculty. The great Zike of africa, Tafa Balewa, and Obafemi Awolowo all fought for nigerias independence residing in nigeria. Odumegu Ojukwu was in nigeria when he decleared biafra and faced the consequences. The great Nelson Mandele of south africa was residing in south africa and fought for thier independent. Kwema Nkuruma of Ghana was residing in Ghana while he fought for the independent of Ghana. The illustrations are too numerous to mention. Therefore, if you, Nnamdi Kanu, the purpoted director of Radio Biafra is actually working for the liberation of biafrans, i urge you to leave the whites man land you are residing and come back home to drive your course. In addendum, i felt it is very imperative you also define the states anticipated to make up biafra because, as there were in the map of my mentor Chief Emeka Festus Odumegu Ojukwu, it is likely not going to be same today therefore, a need to get the consent and supports of states that are true biafrans is highly imperative at this juncture. Nnamdi Kanu, i and my fellow igbo brothers and sister would not want to rubbishly die here in nigeria and be a hero in the grave. Whereas, you will be over there in the whites man land and be assuming a living hero. Finally, i want to live to tell the story. I am, the psychological activist on human existential issues.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:28:32 +0000

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