Excuse my language I just gotta rant here but Im sick of this - TopicsExpress


Excuse my language I just gotta rant here but Im sick of this b**** making up lies about me all over her petty f.b. and then block me?! Nahh its not gonna fly!! So someone tell this b**** Madison Hawkins roast beef whats up!! This girl done admitted she slept with over 50 ratchet niggas to a few people & she proud of it too!? LMFAO thats just plain out disgusting! She also begs people money that they dont even have ,nothing but a mooch and she lives off daddy but claims shes a bad b****? Nah you got it twisted your doing bad b****! Its called get a JOB sweetie but Im pretty sure you dont know what a job is if it slapped you across your face!! She wipes from back to front like a SHITTY BOOTY! Every time she talks she spits all over you like say it dont spray it!!(: she stay starting drama with someone she dont even know nor has met me!!LMFAO you always claiming you gonna beat my ass but yet its been like 6 months and you still havent done s*** .Your immature and irrelevant! Every guy that shes slept with has told several of my friends that her p**** looks like a wizard sleeve long saggy & loose!! ROAST BEEF she slept with her own blood cousin Morgan Hawkins you need some JESUS along with some rehab! You couldnt even pick her ass out of a crowd because of how pathetic she is LOL! She dont even know me but my steadily coming outta her mouth! I make more money than you would in a year!! She had a train ran on her at a picnic table lmfao!!claims she hasnt been with anyone in months but we all know thats a LIE!!maybe a few hours haha! Ole smelly tuna fish lookin ass(: wearing push up bras with a saggy booty .just because your over weigh doesnt mean CRAP! You never underestimate the quiet and small ones! You stay blocking people so they cant defend them selves..how classy!! Shes also faked more than 7 pregnancies just to keep a man lol no wonder nobody wants your worn out ass(: You claim your a really woman?? Ok..real women have things to do beside looking for drama attention! Real woman take care of their family .real woman have duties not CHILDISH GAMES! They have jobs and an education they dont have time for tha b.s.!Real women dont label them selves as bad b****s they take care of their own & they ignore ignorant little kids like your self!! Your always threatening me and harassing me.ladies fighting dont solve CRAP and you all know it!! Every one knows your not about s*** ,you never have and never will be! You stay packing that camel tongue LMFAO!! We all know where you Stand and thats right in line next to the rest of those h**s ..everyone has put you on blast for faking the pregnancy but you Deny everything? Is there a special name for what you are?? I know Im better than you so stop hating and get a life ,your making your self look like a fool.every time I say something back to your scary ass you always re word it and send it to me..LOL nice to know you have nothing better to say back to me but The same ole shit!! Dont get all butthurt over us speaking the truth..You make up lies! You dont know me you only know my name .next time you make a status about me or anyone else make sure you tag them in it and be a real woman that you claim to be!! I have priorities and thats called being a MOM!! But you wouldnt know what being a mom means,you gotta fake pregnancies and what not!(: oh btw if you didnt have me blocked i would tag you in this but Im sure some creep will send you what i said! Instead of talking about throwing some hands how about you start kicking them feet to the gym #rantover #sorrynotsorry #youhaditcomming #donthate(;
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:21:24 +0000

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