Excuse my rant this morning but its been on my mind awhile. The - TopicsExpress


Excuse my rant this morning but its been on my mind awhile. The under God in our pledge isnt the words that need to be dropped. The term liberty and Justice for all is the lie that needs to be dropped. We have either an illegal alien as President or a criminal that stole his education by claiming to be a foreign exchange student. We have a criminal organization that qualifies to be prosecuted by the Justice Dept under the RICO statutes called Congress. A group of criminals that puts the Southern Good Ole Boy network to shame by their corruption. A drug enforcement agency so inept at their job, they have to cause undue misery to the American public because they cant catch the drug dealers on our streets. Over paid employees of Government that hold the public to standards they themselves do hold themselves to like the IRS. If the average American lost as many receipts and hard drives as they have, theyd be doing hard time behind bars for tax evasion. Home Land Security certainly has room for improvement at our boarder security but do quite well at investigating the average citizen. Does the Government think Americans are that stupid? Well the Government might be right. We keep putting the same crooks back in office from local election to federal elections. Its easy to point to big government as the cause of our woes but reality dictates its the American public that continues to put up with these hypocrites being back in control. The bank account is the god of America. Weve sold our freedom for a few bucks in our pockets. Quit asking for God to bless America. If we want America back wed better start blessing God with a country He would approve of. End of rant from the old man sittin in his chair!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 12:46:49 +0000

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