Excuses John 14:23-24 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me - TopicsExpress


Excuses John 14:23-24 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. It is extremely rare to find someone who believes the entire Bible with no excuse, or trying to explain it away or interpreting it to say something it does not say and just accept it for what it says. As sad as this may be, most preachers don’t believe the Bible for what it says and yet they lead so many lives based on the words that fall from their lips. It is extremely shameful and an apostasy to say the least, when the very so called leader of sheep doesn’t even believe what the Bible says himself. There are too many arguments over what the Bible actually says and I don’t understand why. I remember growing up as a child that if my mother told me to do something I did it, when I worked a job if my supervisor gave me a task I did it, if a person was in the service and their commanding officer gave them an order it was full filled. And all of this was done with no debate and no questions asked. Yet God Almighty, which gave you your breath of life to wake up this morning and great health to move and function, the One who holds your very existence in His hands, you give Him back talk and try to figure out ways amongst yourselves as to not to fully obey the God who sent His Son to die for you!!!!!!!!! And you have these conversations amongst yourselves with other human beings as if what you have concluded in your heads and hearts is somehow stamped with approval in Heaven! Yet on your job you want your employees to obey you when you speak, you want your children to obey you when you speak, you want people to respect you when you’re around them, you want love from your spouse or significant other. How can you expect to get something that you do not give? Why is what you expect different what God expects? Why do you hold man, marriage, and people in higher regard than your own creator? The excuses don’t just stop at work or home, there at church as well. Taught to you by the same pastors you claim are so called by God. Which make sense why so many live with their excuses day in and day out. They get up feeling justified because there is no leader to tell them that their excuses are not valid in the eyes of God. But when you match the Bible against church you will often see many excuses being made to allow sin to persist. In the New Testament we’re to give from the heart, but it doesn’t stop a preacher from digging back in the Old Testament to try and breathe life into tithing. The orphans and widows of the church aren’t even being taken care of. Most people don’t even know the orphans and widows in their own church. Discipleship isn’t taught and nor are disciples made, and most people don’t even know what discipleship is, and yet it is a command given by Jesus Christ. Pastors still lead people in a Sinners Prayer that exist nowhere within the pages of the Bible, made up by a man back in the 1800’s. Giving people excuses not to be baptized and it’s a direct command from Jesus Himself. The selling (peddling) of God’s word through means of cd’s, dvd’s, bake sells, book stores. If selling birds wasn’t okay back then do you think a slice of pizza is any different? The very people in the church aren’t even being provided for and this was never an example left by Jesus or the disciples at all. Jesus fed thousands of people with the fish and bread they gave to Him. Even in the early church, no one was without want because everything was shared among them. You will hear an excuse and justification from every preacher, member of a church, believer and so called Christian alike for why these direct commands and examples should be disobeyed. Reminds me of Satan back in the Garden of Eden, he told them the truth and a lie all in the same sentence and both Adam and Eve committed suicide right there on the spot. Today’s church and the early church are so different, they’re like night and day. Then again the early church was made up disciples (not what you all call Christians today), true followers of Jesus who had given up their lives to do the will of God. People today follow anybody in a suit and a degree. And there is your source of all your excuses………………the one you call your shepherd, preacher, or pastor.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:26:20 +0000

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