Excuses will destroy your life. Most people hate it when you - TopicsExpress


Excuses will destroy your life. Most people hate it when you tell them the truth; forgetting that it is the truth that will set them free. It is the truth that will help them realize their mistakes and improve their lives. The truth is: Excuses never solve problems, they make things worse. They deny many people growth, stealing their happiness. They make you do wrongs things even if you know they’re wrong. They let you watch opportunities pass you, denying yourself Success. They make you believe and think that you’re right even if you see that you’re destroying your future. Excuses waste time, #Stop making them. Ask you self: “How many times have I watched opportunities pass me while I was saying, It’s impossible, I can’t do this, I am poor, I am not lucky, I don’t qualify, etc?” You were making excuses which made you think you were telling yourself the truth and they denied you Success. Ask yourself again: “What would have happened or where would I be now, if I took all the opportunities I watched passing me while I was busy lying to myself, making endless excuses?” Your answer will set you free, just don’t lie to yourself. It’s time you correct your mistakes; time to achieve your dreams and fulfil your purpose. #Remember: “Success is for everyone” Ask yourself again: Why do I keep on making excuses? Why am I destroying my life? Why am I denying myself growth? Why am I stealing my happiness? Is it self-doubt, fear, people, lack of self-confidence or self-esteem? Your answer will take you to your destiny. Finding the cause of your problem will help you find the solution. Have goals, make your vision clear to understand. Be positive, think positive and act in a positive way. Believe in yourself, believe that you can and will be Successful. Don’t say: “It’s easier said than done” that’s an excuse. It is possible to turn your life around and be successful. You’re still alive, just learn from the mistakes you made in the past and correct them, but don’t keep on making mistakes thinking you’ll correct them in future that will waste your time. You can be Successful, if you want to. Just stop making #Excuses. #The_Truth_Must_Be_Told by: @PuleSir
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 04:43:41 +0000

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