Execution by Guillotine: On October 1, 2014 ICD-10-CM will - TopicsExpress


Execution by Guillotine: On October 1, 2014 ICD-10-CM will replace ICD-9-CM in the United States, therefore, F20.0 and all other ICD-10-CM codes should only be used for training or planning purposes until then. All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as: asphyxiation by gas beheading, decapitation (by guillotine) capital punishment electrocution hanging poisoning shooting According to reports, more than 68,105 new medical codes are being added due to the Obamacare monstrosity. Doctors all across the nation have been complaining due to the overwhelming burden it places upon them. Just the time consumption alone, making sure these codes are accurate, will inevitably take time away from the doctor/patient relationship creating a barrier of paperwork while destroying the personal experience with your doctor. This certainly makes me wonder why DHS would omit (“hide”) the code from the chart? Most people won’t dig to find out what the “medical code” means unless they have a specific reason to do so. One thing is for sure, whether omitted by DHS or someone else, there is a good reason this code was left out of their document. They definitely didnt want most people to see what it means. DHS knows this code would create a stir with the American people if they found out there was a code for “Legal Execution,” especially with a guillotine and beheading. ICD9Data also gives a list for “legal intervention.” Center for Disease Control “International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10)” To read more about the global coding ICD 9 and 10 see below: 2013 ARHPC_ICD 9 CM The questions that need to be asked and answered are: Why has the United States been subjected to “International Medical Coding” without our knowledge? Why are we allowing “coding” that goes against our principles and constitution? Why do we have a code for Legal Execution which is illegal in America? With the exception of those given the death penalty after trial by jury. When did the Department of Homeland Security find out about this coding? Why haven’t they addressed this (since they are supposed to protect the people)? ICD 10 WHO Why is DHS sending any kind of “Medical Coding” to the states? Why haven’t the doctors spoken out to make Americans and Medicare recipients aware that their information has been given to an “International body”? Why haven’t they made people aware that the WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations and directly linked to the “League of Nations under the guise of collecting data? Why would we allow forced medical coding through congressional bills to come from an organization that supports UN Agenda 21, Millennium Development Goals, and supports the eradication of “sprawl” (which is average people like you and I)? Is law enforcement aware of this specific code? If so why haven’t they brought this to the attention of the American people?
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 23:59:43 +0000

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