Exegesis of Al-Nās (Q. 114) In the Name of Allah the Most - TopicsExpress


Exegesis of Al-Nās (Q. 114) In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Gracious… The Mighty and Exalted says: {Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of humankind…”} (Q. 114:1). This is a command from Allah to His Prophet to seek safeness; And that He does so by making the aforementioned statement. It means: to seek help and protection with the Lord of humankind. {Lord}: The Master, King; Owner, Originator; Powerful One that Provides. {King of humankind}: The One who shares not His dominion and cannot be opposed. {God of humankind}: To Him do hearts turn; the Lord not lorded or composed. {From the evil…}: everything injurious and corrupt. {…of the retreating whisperer That whispers into the hearts of humankind}; which whispers in humans‟ interiors. {…from the jinn and humans}. The whisperer only murmurs by its presence in the hearts and flees retreating. The whisperings may be from the heart when there exists in it thoughts fleeting. The whisperer and his whisperings retreat from the hearts and hide By means of our remembrance of Allah and His Presence which abides. Allah says: {…from the jinn and humans}. {…humans}: from Adam‟s descendants. Allah orders His Prophet to seek protection from the evil of devils from men and jinn. The evils of the devils amongst men and jinn are accursed temptations from both of them. The meaning of {the retreating whisperer} is: Satan, who runs away. He retreats from the thoughts of humankind and does so without delay. The meaning of “retreat” (yakhnas) is: when one flees and doesn‟t stop to tarry. Satan—Allah curse him—whispers in men‟s hearts by the thoughts they carry. He does so by means of whisperings, disobedience, and seductions; This happens until the seed of sin enters the hearts, causing its corruption. Whisperings are divided into two groups: the present (al-mushāhada) and the spoken (al-muhāďara). It could also be that one of them is present by the mentioned and ideas provoking; And that which is in the hearts by the thoughts that are present or linger behind. The whisperings of Satan or humans—one or the other—preoccupies heart and mind.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 05:45:03 +0000

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