...Exercise Your Faith Today..... August 18, 2014 Todays - TopicsExpress


...Exercise Your Faith Today..... August 18, 2014 Todays Prayer Dear Jesus the mediator to the Father in Heaven, Thank You for Your loving hand of guidance. This is hard to do from a human standpoint (even a childs viewpoint), but thank You for Your chastisement. I know that You love me because You care enough to bring about or allow things to happen to stop me and redirect my priorities and my paths. When things dont turn out like I expect, its usually because Im not doing what You want me to do or Im doing something that would not bring about the best results for me, my loved ones, or those in my circle of influence. I pray that You would continue to direct the work of my hands, the desires of my heart, the steps that I take, and help me to turn in trust when You redirect my paths. Within this day Jesus, lead...guide...direct and strengthen me that I will make and be the change NOW! Thank You for the lessons I have learned. Most of all, thank You for being there with me through it all and for carrying me all the way. Lord Jesus and my heavenly Father, thank You for my help meet...Genesis 2:18, my lover and friend-my wife...Thank You for her strength and abilities given by You. Continue to be her support and guide in a time such as these...Allow us to continue the growth in You that You have begun over 40 years ago in this union...Let not anything even attempt to destroy or come between us in any shape, form nor fashion...help us to remember too, Gods Demand For Obedience and Acceptance of His call... Thank You for hearing my prayer and for working in all of our lives. In Jesus name I pray and praise You. Amen August 18, 2014 Todays Devotional Good Morning All, The Response Of Faith... 2 Kings 4: 25-29 (topic using these verses 26-29 KJV) 25 So she went and came unto the man of God to mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite: 26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well: 27 And when she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught him by the feet: but Gehazi came near to thrust her away. And the man of God said, Let her alone; for her soul is vexed within her: and the Lord hath hid it from me, and hath not told me. 28 Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? did I not say, Do not deceive me? 29 Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child. The prophet Elisha often would travel through the town of Shunem, and in that town was a well-to-do couple who extended hospitality to him. At first, they simply offered Elisha a meal when he came through town. Then, seeing that Elisha needed a place to stay and study, they built a room for him above their house so that each time he came through town, he had a place to stay. He was so appreciative of their kindness that one day he asked the wife what he could do for her. His servant Gehazi later informed Elisha that the woman was barren and her husband was old. And he said, About this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid. (2 Kings 4:16 KJV) A year later the son arrived. One day the father was working in the field, and the son became ill and died. The woman ran to meet Elisha to inform him. When Elisha asked what was wrong, she did not panic and react in fear. Her response to Elisha seemed almost unnatural. ...And she answered, It is well: she said. Elisha went to the boy and raised him from the dead. It was a glorious miracle. (2 Kings 4: 26 KJV) Faith looks at situations through Gods eyes, not the eyes of our limited understanding. This woman did not panic, for she knew something more than the current circumstance. Faith does not panic, but realizes that what looks like devastating circumstances may be Gods plan to bring glory to Himself by demonstrating His power. When Jesus appeared on the water to the disciples in the middle of the night, they exclaimed, And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. (Matthew 14:26 KJV) First appearances can bring great fear upon us even to the point of paralyzing us. Find the Lord in your circumstance today. Exercise your faith today and trust Him for His outcome in the situation. Be Blessed...Stand for truth as God has said it...
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:56:08 +0000

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