Exercise to Meet Your Power Animal First, I must say, this is - TopicsExpress


Exercise to Meet Your Power Animal First, I must say, this is not the only way. Some of you will know already which animal spirits work with you through intuition or your own previous personal work. There are a multitude of guided meditations, workshops, and books out there to guide you, so if this does not vibe, dont give up! And even if you already know the beings that work with you, this is a lovely exercise to reconnect and hear their wisdom. °°°°° You will want to assign yourself at least an hour for this exercise. Turn off the phone, lock the door, and gift yourself this time. You may not need all of the hour to meditate, but you will need some time to come back to earth afterwards. It is nice to have warm tea and an earthy snack (like almonds or a salad) ready for your return, too. Put on some gentle, wordless music, get comfy, and state your intention. Invite your Power Animal to meet with you today, and call for protection around yourself. See angels surrounding you, allowing only the highest of energies within your space. Then, lull yourself into an altered state using your favourite method. My favourite: Visualizing a vibrant colour beneath my feet which is drawn up into my body with each breath. I feel and see this healing light heal, strengthen, and illuminate every cell of my being, filling them with warm relaxation. Very slowly this light moves from my toes to the balls of my feet, to my heels, to my ankles... Slowly, all the way to the ends of my hair, paying special attention to tight muscles and sore spots. When you are fully relaxed, imagine yourself in the centre of a very dark cave. Though you cannot see, you know it is spherical and womb-like. The air is warm, and you are quite comfortable. You are very safe here. Take the time to become accustomed to your surroundings. Feel the ground beneath you. Is it hard, or soft? Smooth, or rough? Smell the air... Is it earthy, musty, fresh, or green and living? Listen... Do you hear your heartbeat and breath echoing around you? Do you hear the deeper, subtle, rhythmic heartbeat of Mother Earth around you? Can you see the blackness around you in this sacred womb-space? Really take the time to embrace each of your senses here. You know that you are not alone, here in this safe, warm, comfortable space. This is where your Power Animal has chosen to meet with you. You hear a rustling nearby as your animal rises to approach you, and stops nearby. Listen to its breath. What do you hear? ... What do you smell? Is it the salty ocean air, the mossy earth, the tang of fresh meat, or the lush sweetness of forest vegetation? Allow yourself to take it in. Whenever you are ready, reach your arm out, as your Power Animal brushes against you. What do you feel? The softness of fur or feathers? The hard sleekness of scales? Dont force this. Just let it come. Within the centre of the cave, a very dim light is lit, and grows slowly but steadily brighter, allowing you to see, for the first time, your Power Animal. Allow it to appear to you. It is normal for her shape to shift as your Ego tries to take control or react, but have faith: This will pass. It is also all right if you cannot clearly see, for your Power Animal is still here, with wisdom to share. Breathe, and allow your Power Animal to be revealed to you. Thank this brilliant being for joining you today. Express your honour, gratitude, and joy at its presence. Invite it now to share anything with you that it would like you to know. When he has finished speaking, you may ask questions as you like. How long has he been working with you? How does this energy effect you? How can you better utilize the help she gives you? How will you know she is near? What can you do to honour this beautiful spirit? Take as long as you like to communicate, to hear the wisdom, ask your questions, or share your feelings. This could take moments, or a very long time. When you are finished, thank your Power Animal again for meeting with you today, for the shared wisdom, and for guiding you in the future. Walk toward the light in the centre of the room, and step within. You are instantly transported fully back to your body, like stepping into a full body suit. Take some time to feel yourself here and now. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Imagine your angels giving a little push down on your shoulders as you become accustomed to your body again. When you get up, do so slowly. Pull out your tea and meal, and slowly indulge as you write your experiences down. If you still feel a bit spacey, going outside for fresh air, or having a shower, will help. Please feel free to share your experiences here if you are inspired to. Enjoy!! **Space of Healing for Mama Earth begins in 15 minutes! Blessings!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:45:35 +0000

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