Exercises that Pay Big Dividends “The generous soul - TopicsExpress


Exercises that Pay Big Dividends “The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.´Proverbs 26:25 NKJV We sometimes seem to be better at exercising futility than anything else. How good it is of God to give us worthwhile spiritual exercises to help make us more like Jesus. As we exercise our spiritual muscles, everyone will begin to notice a big improvement in the way we do life. When we exercise our joy muscle it becomes contagious.When we exercise our grace muscle by extending it to others we find more and more grace growing within us. Most of our patience muscle needs a lot of extra exercise, and the self control muscle is not far behind. If we think of our grace of giving as a muscle we can understand why we should be exercising it as often as possible. We will never become really strong in the Lord if we neglect developing a strong giving muscle. Although this exercise may hurt for a little while the more we exercise it the better it will feel as God’s pleasure filters back in many different ways, just as we give in many different ways. Only when we no longer need God to bless us physically, materially, relationally or spiritually should we ever quit exercising our giving muscle. Although we should never forget giving in appreciation of what God has done for us in Christ, God also tells us to give to get. Giving is the only way we are allowed to test God. | The more we exercise our giving muscle, the stronger it becomes and the more capacity it receives. The more God can trust us with what He blesses us, the more He will bless. Are you ready to start enjoying the dividends of a strong giving muscle? Father, thank you for the joy I have found in the privilege of exercising my grace of giving muscle. In Jesus’ name, Amen You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9: NIV Copyright © 2014 Homily Grits Minisrries, All rights reserved. You subscribed to the Homily Grits daily devotional email on our website.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:54:44 +0000

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