Exhausted from today, I just want to share the latest news and - TopicsExpress


Exhausted from today, I just want to share the latest news and pull the sheet up to my chin. Lets see.. Good or bad first? Ah, lets do the good news. Pockets went to his new home today, starting his new life as a cowboy! Yeeha! Then I headed for Gilbert to pick up Delilah. Well, it sure was nice visiting both my granddogs, Delilah and Woody again. Yes, I said just visiting. . Mom broke down sobbing, so devastated that Delilah was leaving. Im the schmuck who caused her so much pain by letting her adopt Delilah before the honeymoon was over, so I wrap my arms around them both telling her how sorry I was. I didnt know crying was contagious, but the next thing I knew, I was doing it too. Thats just not quite normal for me. Then every fiber of my being was screaming no, this is wrong, dont separate this dog from a mom who loves her so.... Think... How can we make this work? And God poked me and said psst... ever heard of a crate? I pulled back, looked at the two of them, and was sure of what I said next... If Delilah could speak English, she would tell you that she would rather stay here with you and be crated whenever you are gone than to lose her mom and start over, maybe not finding someone who loves her this much or who shell love instantly as she did you. The crying stopped and the planning started. Both the little alpha bwitches will be getting new awesome Baskerville muzzles. They are padded, fitted, comfortable, and allow eating, drinking, and kisses. They just dont allow big vicious bites. Between crating and muzzles, the girls cant kill each other while the whole family continues to work with the new skills they learned from a professional trainer mom hired to help solve the problem. Were going to give them some time. Delilah has only been family for 3 months. Unbeknownst to me at the time, when Lynn adopted her 2nd female from me, her family went through hell for a year as 2 beautiful brindle standard doxies played alpha wars. With love, patience, and determination, the girls are best friends now. I have faith. Ive always said that the best adoption I could possibly make is the one I dont have to do because somehow, I helped the family who loved their dog keep him or her. The bad news... Alumni granddog Snickers passed away suddenly today.. Snickers does everything suddenly. One day about 18 months ago, his mom said something was odd about him... He had gone blind overnight. The blindness was due to one of those things I cant pronounce, but I knew what it was and it isnt correctable. Snickers didnt let it bother him though.... Just dont move the furniture around please. He had gained some pounds, porker, so the vet ran every test imaginable and nothing was wrong. Diet time. From sighted to blind overnight, from healthy to gone today, youll keep us guessing, wont you buddy? RIP sweet Snickers. Im glad God sent you here so you could know the love bestowed on you from your family these past years. Please pray for healing for Mike and Courtney. And lastly, my Teddy Bear. He has done a complete 180 in temperament here, friendly and loving. He just had some hurdle to get past, and I think God sent him, with problems that exceeded my ability to fix, so God moved the hurdles and it has been pretty smooth sailing, not a bit of which I can take credit for. Full of hope for his future? Wait.... Now he is sick. The incubation period for a bunch of shelter spread diseases has recently expired. Im familiar (experience - ugh) with many and some, like kennel cough or giardia, I dont even go to the vet for. I dont even know what this is. No disrespect to my new vet, but this is one of those times that having a vet who chooses to help rescues, rescues who pull a lot of dogs out of animal control, is invaluable. Two years after Dr Hunt discovered that the Bordatella virus mutated into a new, different strain and switched to a different antibiotic that worked 100 times better, vets who did not have the daily experience with shelter dogs were still treating them with the antibiotic used for years. So, Im scared. Im afraid of what it will cost to even get a diagnosis. Im afraid of what might be wrong. Im terrified of losing him. Hes only a year old, he loves his new grandma as I do him, and he have a wonderful next 15 years with a new forever family. Please dont let him die God. Were going in tomorrow morning.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:51:18 +0000

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