Exit polls predict strong showing for Golden Dawn Marxist - TopicsExpress


Exit polls predict strong showing for Golden Dawn Marxist winners of Greek elections the last line of defence of Capitalism say Nationalists Golden Dawn have come joint third in the Greek General Election, according to exit polls all over Greece. If true, this will represent a massive victory for the party, given that nearly 80 of its leaders and organisers are locked in prison without trial and on the groundless allegations of political opponents, and that it has been denied all funding Even on polling day, the Greek States repression continued, with police standing by as the Systems plausibly deniable anarchist militia gangs attacked GD militants and voters. The same exit pools also suggest a big win for the so-called radical left party Syriza. This has led to speculation that Greece may now reject austerity and rule by Brussels and the IMF. As if! Heres the low-down on the safety valve party that is about to take over running Greece (into the ground). Thanks to the team at Golden Dawn New York. Radical left - the last line of defence for Capitalism Extract the worst of Bolshevism, submerge it into the sickness of global capital, add a twist of Bourgeois ignorance, and you have the recipe to incubate your very own Alexis Tsipras. If you’re a banker, a Brussels drone, or a plutocrat, you can keep Tsipras behind glass in case of an emergency. They have now shattered the glass, because the emergency is here: the Golden Dawn is on the march and the national assertion of the Hellenic people is on the horizon. Syriza, or “coalition of the radical Left”, has thanks to a very friendly and tightly controlled media, become the strongest party in Greece. Utilizing and retooling the machinations perfected by thieving social-democrats like their predecessor PASOK, it has been invited into the circle of the global elites- most of whom hate Greece and Greeks, as showcased by both the memorandum as well as the international press’s campaign of smears against an entire race of people. While Golden Dawn was busy collecting funds and planning logistics so that struggling pensioners and unemployed families could enjoy a dignified Christmas, Tsipras in anticipation of a Samaras-Venizelo collapse, dispatched SYRIZA economist Giorgos Stathakis who put on his proverbial kippah and traveled to the City of London for a “closed doors” not-so-secret meeting with international finance vampires. The “radical Left” meeting with the money masters who today purposely retard the Greek economy in order to continue purchasing and speculating on its real natural assets at fire sale prices is not opportunism- as the Soviet relics of the Greek Communist Party suggest-but rather, by design. Major media outlets such as the Financial Times have written extensively about SYRIZA, mostly reiterating that the party is not a threat to the IMF or various other debt-slavers. This perspective has been echoed across the mass media and throughout the halls of power such as Wall Street, City of London, Washington, and Brussels. The media reassurance is redundant: Tsipras and SYRIZA have made deals with all of these entities to continue conducting the Greek ship off the cliff, in exchange for power. What does it matter to Tsipras, the son of a construction company owner and PASOK insider who became rich through cronyism, that his country is at stake? After all, nobody in Tsipras’ family has to worry about whether they will receive cancer treatment thanks to IMF cuts, or contemplate suicide after prolonged unemployment. Golden Dawn’s representatives are bakers, soldiers, farmers, and other every day folks, the communists and democrats of SYRIZA are Oxford educated globetrotters who feel no emotional connection to the soil millions died to defend, nor will they be concerned with the “little people” after election day. The response will be Golden Dawn, who despite polls that reflect wishful thinking rather than reality, will achieve between 10-12% of the general vote on Sunday. The power of the people has resiliently defied jail cells, media censorship, bullets, bombings, and politically motivated persecution, and every day SYRIZA governs will be another soul sick of giving traitors and liars more chances. They will react and swell our ranks. Shame on self-proclaimed “leaders” of the mainstream Greek diaspora, who have taken two lines: either support for Tsipras, or support for Samaras under the belief that Greeks, rather than the mafioso politicians foisted upon them by international finance, are to blame for the economic crisis. The first suggestion is a self-satire, since many Greeks fled the country thanks to Communist violence, while the second is a product of Zionist propaganda. Who would have the nerve to blame the American people for the Great Depression? Or the Germans for the crisis in the Weimar Republic? So why blame Greek children who are suffering from malnutrition, even though Hellenes are blessed with a fatherland that produces enough food for everyone? The answer is that these Greek-American “leaders” are charlatans who are more interested in apologizing for Israel and raising their (useless)lobbying salaries than anything that happens in Greece. Some of these scammers have changed their line and are suddenly fans of Tsipras, the reasons for this are self-evident. When nationalists rise, establishment communists and “conservatives” get in bed together to save their undeserved privileges. There is a new party being madly championed, “The River”, a celebrity driven mockery of the Greek people whose political platform moves around as fast as its namesake. This entity has tried to muddle serious political discourse through the use of TV personalities, but is utterly failing to attract the support its systematic backers hoped it would. Forgeries claim it is the third party, but that is yet another Big Lie. The truth is, as elements within the mainstream media have already said, that SYRIZA is depending on The River being a “kingmaker” in order to have the excuse of forming a government to continue, or even worsen, austerity! Tsipras might fool some, but there is no European solution to Greece. If things were bad before, they will be worse now, as the European Union demands Greece enact even more sanctions against its largest trading partner: Russia. Tsipras seeks to continue entangling Greece in these pointless crusades, when the Hellenic destiny should be independent. Why should Greece throw away its $12.5 billion worth of trade with Russia, which is already hurting Greek food producers severely? Because Brussels wants to prop up Washington’s coup d’etat in Ukraine? The only way to achieve Tsipras’ promises is through a “Grexit” (i.e. Greece breaking free and leaving the EU), but SYRIZA is pro-European Union. SYRIZA is the last line of Capital. When GD were small, we overcame the anarchist paramilitary groups. When we entered parliament, the neo-liberal prison cells could not and will not hold us. Now they will put into power the new age Marxist-capitalists to try and stop the movement for Hellenic renewal. There is still much work to be done, but the arc of triumph is inviting us from the distance. With the will of the people, we are pushing forward. Learn more about Golden Dawn at https://xaameriki.wordpress/
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 20:37:27 +0000

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