Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy - TopicsExpress


Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God... Today I think about the many who heard the truth of the 4th commandment, and then we see them depart with these words: My family will not accept it and me.... I cannot give up sport... we can keep any day... the day was nailed to the cross... Jesus resurrection changed the day... its for the jews... and so forth it goes. How is it they do not see the word Seven (7) in the commandment? How can they not see the words of the beast that Sunday worship is THEIR mark of authority. How can they look past the study of Dan 7:25 where God predicts the beast power will attempt to change the law of time? How can they look past the Three Angels Message to the world and miss the restoration of the forgotten command? How can they miss that God does not change his rules He set in stone? How can they miss that ALL denominations have in their writings the authority of Saturday as Sabbath, even the beast claims it is still the true Sabbath? How can they miss the calendars saying Saturday is the seventh day? How can they not see that the Jews were the carriers of the 7th day, and God then include all gentiles to come into the fold and also keep the original Sabbath? How can they miss the image of the Sabbath rule of no buying and selling replacing that of Gods command in Revelation 13? How they are shown the predicted Sunday laws, yet still do not see it? What evidence can God give more? If all light is given, in all ways, and over and over... what salvation is left for them that rejects light? It is so true what God said. If you love the world more than Him, heaven will be no fun place and you cannot understand His will (laws). If you have no love for the truth, you have no love for Christ and given over to live the lie for you cannot see Gods commandments as truth. With tears and sadness Jesus ushers these words that in vain do they teach and follow the commandments and doctrine of men. My final thought turns to the element of their rejection of truth that turns into hatred for those that do keep Gods law in the Sabbath command. By accepting the sungods image of the sabbath, they inherit their dietys spirit and will also make war against those the keep the true ways. As it is said in Revelation the dragon was wroth, and went to make war with the remnant of His seed. The seed that Jesus left was His example in keeping His sign as Creator. There is but a small company in the world that follows in His example and commandment. How sad that them that received light has turned it off with the wrath that satan fosters for the commands, and as in heaven gathers in those that will follow him, rather than Jesus. Today these two flags wave at the two camps, both geared for battle. The flags says Sabbath (777) and Sunday (666). Why 666? Because sunday is enforced by the 2nd beast giving breath to the first, and then church, state and military will work together to ensure their authority is followed. The issue is over when you worship. But Gods camps General is Christ, who sealed His servants under his victory with His Holy Spirit, These Three works towards the salvation of man and the protecting of Gods law just as in heaven. How sad that so many who have been shown the evidence of Gods victory, choose to go under the idol banner. Thinking they are under Gods influence, but cannot see beyond the serpents sweet excuses. Seven depicts completeness. There is still time to come over to the side of the commandment followers. For the rock, cut out by unknown hands, will come down and pulverize the camp of them that choose death. We can give no further evidence than stated above. All must put 2 and 2 together and choose whom they love more. Jesus and the Sabbath, or Satan and his counterfeit? Are you still keeping Sunday as sabbath? Look over here quickly. In the 2300 day prophecy in Daniel, Jesus moved in the Most Holy Place in heaven in 1844AD, but many do not know this, they still look for Jesus in the holy place where Jesus was before He moved. But they missed it. satan has taken Jesus place where he tries to keep people from looking into the Most Holy where Jesus is now and see the Ark where Gods laws is still kept in tact. Have a look here quickly: I turned to look at the company who were still bowed before the throne; they did not know that Jesus had left it. Satan appeared to be by the throne, trying to carry on the work of God. I saw them look up to the throne, and pray, Father, give us Thy Spirit. Satan would then breathe upon them an unholy influence; in it there was light and much power, but no sweet love, joy, and peace. Satans object was to keep them deceived and to draw back and deceive Gods children. {EW 56.1} The Lord sees where you are, still under satans influence, but you know it not, Look into the most Holy place where Gods complete law must draw you into... You cannot still remain in the holy, for Jesus has moved to the most holy. and the call will come.. here are they keep the commandments of God. And it will be there where the company followed Jesus into the Most Holy. They are not found where satan is now breathing an unholy influence! Will you follow wherever the Lamb goeth? Look at your general proclaiming false laws.... now rather come unto where Jesus is today and fall under the sign of His Creatorship.. Jesus is not visible in sunday worship. That is a man-made ritual/tradition. Jesus can only be seen in the day He made sacred. The Blessed Sabbath. Peace.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:57:39 +0000

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