Exodus 15:22-23 So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and - TopicsExpress


Exodus 15:22-23 So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water. And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter:therefore the name of it was called Marah. The children of Israel had been delivered from their slavery. Once they had walked away from bondage their master gave pursuit. There at the Red Sea they received their baptism as they passed through the parted water. Once safely delivered to the other side their enemy was consumed by those same waters. It was then the Israelites journeyed 3 days and soon ran out of water. They came upon the waters of Marah and discovered the water was poisoned, bitter water. What would they do, would they look with faith to The Lord or would they themselves become bitter also? The bible teaches us that the Hebrew children became angry and murmured against Moses and Aaron, but in reality they were murmuring and complaining against the Lord who had delivered them from bondage and had defeated their enemy! Oh children of God how many of us have been brought out of the bondage of sin by Jesus and baptized into him dying to our old man and rising up into the new life in our savior, then watching as He defeats our enemy only to come to the place in our life where we must face the bitterness of our own souls? Once faced with the bitter waters of unforgiveness, the poisoned waters of bitterness, the deadly springs of judgement, what do we do? Do we cry out to Jesus begging him to change the deadly water within our hearts into wells of forgiveness, springs of reconciliation, and rivers of compassion, or do we turn inward and with balled fists raised in rage decry the Lord for bringing us to this place of death? Oh that the children of Israel had turned to God to heal the waters what could he have done more than just make that fountain sweet. Yet they wanted Moses to make it right when in reality they themselves could have watched as the water was healed by simply trusting God to change the waters. We as children of God are taught to forgive all even as we have been forgiven. We have been charged to let go of the past and only look to Christ and his calling. We are taught to show great mercy and not to judge others. Yet we like the children of Israel many times when our bitter hearts filled with unforgiveness and resentment are shown to us we will murmur and complain and try to justify our holding onto those past hurts and injustices and soon die of the poison that fills our hearts, rather than fall on our face and implore the Father to change our hearts into the sweet fountains of pure love that will as it flows, not only wash away those years of hurt, but it will be a refreshing well spring of life for others to drink and taste and by so doing they themselves will experience their own deliverance from captivity. Pierce Mobley The Highway Chaplain copyright 03/14/2013 all rights reserved.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:05:16 +0000

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