Exodus 20:4 KJV Thou shalt not make unto thee ANY graven image, - TopicsExpress


Exodus 20:4 KJV Thou shalt not make unto thee ANY graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Francis with the Broken Cross Staff on April 7, 2013, at St. John Lateran It was bound to happen. Mr. Jorge Bergoglio - whom the world calls Pope Francis - has reintroduced the repulsive Bent Cross Crozier (sometimes referred to as the Broken Cross), after Benedict XVI had, for the most part, abandoned it. The bent cross ferula, or staff, which is a hideous rendition of a crucifix, shows our Lords legs immodestly spread apart and shows the cross bars bent, rather than straight. The following photos show that this crucifix is repulsive indeed, dishonors Christ, and does not inspire pious thoughts: This sinister-looking cross was designed by Italian Lello Scorzelli (1921-1997) during - you guessed it - the 1960s and was introduced - you guessed it again - by Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini), who used it for the first time at the closing of his modernist robber synod known as the Second Vatican Council, on December 8, 1965. In fact, in 1963 Paul VI had given Scorzelli a permanent job in Rome to design this and other art for the Vatican. The blasphemous Scorzelli cross bears some striking resemblance to the the crucifix drawn by Belgian artist Albert Servaes (d. 1966) as part of his stations of the cross, which were condemned by the Church in 1921 under Pope Benedict XV (see here). Notice in particular the hanging head and the bent legs: Striking Resemblance to the Scorzelli Cross: Crucifixion by Servaes, condemned by the Holy Office in 1921 (The full decree of the Holy Office condeming these drawings, dated March 30, 1921, can be found in the original Latin here.) On September 11, 1670, under Pope Clement X, the Holy Office prohibited the making of crucifixes in a form so coarse and artless, in an attitude so indecent, with features so distorted by grief that they provoke disgust rather than pious attention (quoted by Jacques Maritain, Speech to Journées dArt Religieux, Feb. 23, 1924). The reason for this prohibition has never been more obvious than now, now that the Vatican II Church has spent decades disregarding this decree and has commissioned, promoted, allowed, and tolerated the foulest modernistic displays of religious art around the world. (Dont believe us? Click here...) In addition, the indecent Scorzelli crucifix also has something in common with the heretical crucifixes of the Jansenists: Jansenist Altar Crucifix (heretical and condemned) The so-called Jansenist Crucifix is defined as a crucifix in which the arms of our Lord are not extended at right angles with His sacred body, but are contractedly suspended from the cross-beam parallel with the upright portion of the cross. The symbolism of the outstretched arms is that Christ died for all men; that of the Jansenist crucifix, that Christ died only for the elect (Frederick George Lee, A Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms, s.v. Crucifix, Jansenist [London: Bernard Quaritch, 1877], p. 103). (This is not to be confused with the for many vs. for all issue in the Canon of the Mass - the Catechism of the Council of Trent clarifies: ...if we look to its value, we must confess that the Redeemer shed His blood for the salvation of all; but if we look to the fruit which mankind have received from it, we shall easily find that it pertains not unto all, but to many of the human race.) When Paul VI died in 1978, his successor John Paul I retained the ferula, and John Paul II used it pehaps more frequently than anyone else. Benedict XVI used it as well, though not as often. The following photos show Benedict XVI, John Paul II, John Paul I, and Paul VI with the Scorzelli staff: Tragically, the hideous Scorzelli cross is also attached to many Rosary beads among Novus Ordos, and probably even some traditional Catholics unwittingly use it, not realizing what an affront to Our Lord it is. It is quite telling that out of all the beautiful and truly Catholic crucifixes and croziers the Vatican II Popes could use, they use the disgusting and repulsive Bent Cross, but this is no accident: It is definitely a fitting symbol for the sinister Vatican II Church, which has mocked Christ, humiliated Him, betrayed Him, has trampled Him under foot, loathes Him, teaches heresy, and presents to the world a distorted and twisted faith that is repulsive to true Catholics.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 00:46:22 +0000

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