Exodus 36 "And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due - TopicsExpress


Exodus 36 "And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap IF we faint not." Galatians 6:9 Welcome back my friends, 5 chapters to go and we are finished Exodus! -> A small word of encouragement, you may not yet be seeing it as much as you like but God is pouring out His Spirit, over the last 2 weeks I know of about 30 people that have been filled with His Spirit and around 10 or so that have been baptised!! The labourers and His Spirit are still very much at work! I feel as tho The Lord has laid something on my heart for todays chapter, I will title it, "You CANNOT out give the giver." What struck me in this chapter was from the verses 5-7, Moses gave a commandment for people to stop giving!! Wow if their is a need to give the same way the Israelites did in this chapter and the early church did in Acts Ch5, now is the time! Do you know the word "receive" is mentioned 341 times in the KJV Bible, yet the word "give" is mentioned 1392 times. It is a beautiful blessing to give to bless others and further the kingdom, it truly is more blessed to give than to receive, the Bible says God loves a cheerful GIVER, not a cheerful receiver. Being a "Christian" in its essence in my opinion is being "Christ-like." To follow in the footsteps of Christ as best as we can. Our Lord Jesus gave more than He ever received. For example, He Gave His life upon the cross so we could be given salvation, and in return He Received a horrid, excruciating death upon the cross for our sins. I want to challenge someone today. I dare you to step out by faith and GIVE ALL that you have in your bank and savings, and tithe it to the church or the mission field! (Remember your Daddy owns the cattle on a 1000 hills, He is the Creator of heaven and earth, do you actually doubt He could give you back ten fold?) I dare you to GIVE your Saturday mornings to go teach a Bible study to a friend or go outreach at a skatepark or on the streets. I dare you to GIVE up 30 mins of your day every day to praying just for your Pastor, your church and the Lost! I dare you to lay down all your dreams of chasing that sporting career, that fancy job that would lead you away from church and that group of friends that pull you down and pick up your cross and GIVE your whole life to Jesus to use you powerfully for His Kingdom. My friends, now is a time we need to be looking to give, you can give with our $$, with your time lifting people up in prayer, giving of yourself fasting and interceding for a season, giving by blessing others by your talents. You will discover great joy and happiness when you begin to live a life of giving and not receiving! Q1 What was the names of the two men mentioned to work in constructing the sanctuary? Have a great day my friends, bless a stranger today with some lunch or even a big smile. Praying for you all.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 06:22:16 +0000

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