~*~ Expanding into the New Infinitely - 10/7/2013 ~*~ From - TopicsExpress


~*~ Expanding into the New Infinitely - 10/7/2013 ~*~ From Ascension: Soulstice Rising "As I mentioned last time, as you feel the words, you receive the energy beneath the words. Words are simply symbols for the energy they carry. Even if you are just beginning your Ascension journey or the words don’t make sense, you are given a boost of energy. So it matters not how evolved you are or how long you’ve been on your Path, for each is wherever they are according to their Soul Plan. Do know that what I write in Ascension Notes is what is given to me and represents the potential of where each being either is or may aspire to. The truth is that we are in the New. We are in our Ascension and New Life. It truly is a journey and not a destination, so if you wonder when it will end, do know it won’t; we will simply continue to evolve and create our New Lives moment to moment. While many are saying that October is and will be intense, that is not my truth. I truly cannot listen to others tell me how it will be according to astrology or channeling. That just takes me away from evolving as an ascended master. These words are true for everyone, if you have a true knowing that you alone create your life. Yes, you are a sovereign being, creating your own life. You can be guided by another’s words, yet how you implement them into your life is up to you. So be discerning with everything you read, see and hear. You will know what resonates. We are not manipulated any more by forces outside of ourselves. Know that much of the work is complete. We have shifted in a huge way and this will continue to expand us. There may be more to release and more to integrate, as we are still receiving high dimensional Light from the Equinox Earth Portal that opened a few weeks ago and we will enter an eclipse phase in another few weeks. This Light will continue to move us forward and upward like riding a big wave. If you have ever surfed, you know what I mean. The wave carries and supports you. Each challenge you face has within it an opportunity to grow and shift; it carries you higher in Awareness. Each wave of Light infuses us with Christ Consciousness and Love. It is this partnership between us and Source that makes all this real…we receive; we integrate and then we act. Like surfing, once we catch the wave, we allow it to take us more into our Freedom. Feel the ocean spray of Source gently caress you; feel the wind blow through your hair as you are in that One Moment of Bliss, Freedom and Expansion, not caring about the shore or falling; you are One with the exhilaration of New Life. Most of the physical challenges we’ve had over the last several weeks have either past or are in the process of releasing the built-up toxins of old 3D life. And we continue to keep our attention and intention on Who we are becoming without the outer world telling us how it is. We still need to keep our focus on what we want to create based on how we want to feel. We must let go of plans and expectations, for they are surely shifting as we do. If you find your dreams are dashed, know all is in Divine Order and a release of expectation and attachment give way to the Freedom and Exaltation of Love. And soon you will realize that all your work has paid off; that life becomes easier as you allow it to unfold according to your Soul’s Plan and nothing stops you from evolving even more. Please remember that victimization is no longer valid or real. If you find yourself blaming others or are in judgment of others’ words or actions (either in the past or in the present), you still carry the old victim energy. Once you are freed from that, you truly free yourself to be more and are not affected by others’ words or actions. You then take full responsibility for yourself and let go of how you think others should be; accepting them just as they are. You may, in the process however, choose to let some of them go…to set them free to live out their lives how they choose. And you can also see that if you are hurt by another that that is a sure sign that you still have some victim energy within to let go of. For in Truth, no-one can hurt you unless you are resonating as a victim. All of the available Light is helping you in this way, besides you making a choice to let go and rise in your Power of Love. Once you do, you will be amazed at how people treat you; for they are only a mirror that gifts you with Awareness. We are continuing to see how we are changing and shifting and seeing the possibilities in all aspects of life. We are completely open to Light and to our Soul’s Wisdom. It’s a matter of letting go of the limited beliefs and expanding into and as our unlimited selves. You know where you hold yourself back. As we continue along this Ascension Path of Love, all that is not Love will surely let you know it’s still within you. Then you can choose to keep this Love-blocking darkness or free yourself to rise in Love and Soul Wisdom. We’re not alone in this you know, we are cheered on by others who have walked these steps before…our Guides and especially the Ascended Masters. Our most important job now is to stay completely focused on ourselves as Source; as Soul and as Divine Love. We are to step completely away from any duality and any conditioned aspect of ourselves created by our culture, our upbringing, our schooling, our past lives or anything that has tried to convince us that we’re not enough. There is no separation between us and any other. There is no good/bad, weak/strong, right/wrong, etc. any more. We are balancing our Divine Male and Divine Feminine. There is no tension between the two; no space between creating and manifesting. This is Wholeness; this is Oneness. As we love ourselves, follow our own Guidance and stay centered and grounded in personal Responsibility, all we create is Love. And this then goes out in waves touching all. So we stay focused on being this! Remember, we’re still rising and shifting, so don’t be hard on yourself when and if you falter. Everything is designed to take you higher, even when we falter in our quest. Pay special attention to your emotions. When you react emotionally, you are repeating old patterns; when you respond in a new way, you are creating a new way of being. Every time you react or defend yourself, you are being shown where you still hold victim energy. Every time you feel a need to explain yourself or want to prove to others how evolved you are, you are coming from an old pattern of separation, duality and of not being enough. Rather, be Who you are. Shine your Light. Be aware of how you react or respond to any situation; it will tell you a lot about where you are in your Ascension. There is never a need to convince others, except to satisfy your own separate ego and to win. So next time you are inclined to defend or explain yourself to others or even to yourself, ask yourself how it feels. I guarantee you will notice a difference between reacting and responding (responding is often done In Silence). Give your separate ego a break. All it really wants is to be the mental, emotional and physical expression of your Soul; to be Love and loved. All truly is transforming. You are getting in touch more with your gifts, and becoming more aware of new gifts and new directions. You are rising and opening to being a channel of Source. You are becoming more intuitive, clear, open and powerful in your expression. You see how your life has shifted and you will continue to shift. There is so much Beauty in you as you reveal the gem within. We will continue to rise and shed all layers, revealing nothing but Love. In time, we will not experience anger or frustration at others or worldly events, for we know that all is aligned in perfect Divine Order. We won’t be ruffled by others’ words or actions and will not be attached to outcome. We will be in full Acceptance of what is and from there, we will make choices that are aligned with our Souls, which is always about Love. This is really a fun time as we are the Compassionate Observers in all aspects of life. Ain’t it cool?" soulsticerising/newsletter.asp?NID=149
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 02:48:40 +0000

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