Experience story:-) Sai Appa Thanks for blessing me and my - TopicsExpress


Experience story:-) Sai Appa Thanks for blessing me and my family abundantly- Waiting to bless my husband with utmost FAITH and PATIENCE I wish to remain anonymous in this post. I promised to share my experience when Sai Appa offered me a job but somehow even I posted I couldn’t find it in the blog. After that many miracles happened in my life and I promised Sai Appa I will share all the experiences one by one. 1. My daughter had once got heat boils on her ears, nose and near the eyes just before her second birthday and was suffering a lot. I was praying Sai Appa to help to overcome the pain and make the boils to breakdown at least the one near the eyes as it may give her a great relief and she can open her eyes completely. Whenever she cried out of pain I cried along with her and went to pooja room, cried inform of Sai Appa, took UDI from him and applied on the heat boils near her eyes and on her forehead. Just then a wonderful miracle happened that the boil near the eyes though not seemed to be ripened fully broke down and the puss started oozing out. I wiped out the puss and blood for the next 15 mins and noticed that though she cried for a while the boil broke down completely and she could open her eyes completely. Sai Appa seemed to be a miraculous doctor to me at that point. After then whenever my daughter suffers from any pain or fever I used to apply UDI on her forehead and mix it with water and give her. 2. My husband started a new business which involved huge investment. Initially everything went smooth and he was very confident that he can attract customers with his advertisements. We do attracted the clients but none of the inquiries turned into booking. He was very upset as we had got money for debts from 2-3 persons and every month we must manage with the interest. But I was motivating him constantly telling Sai Appa will not betray us.i used to visit Sai Baba’s temple in my area and once I told my husband’s sufferings to him. He gave me turmeric rice and flowers and told me to pray what I needed and keep them @ Baba’s feet. I did the same way. I keep following the answers I get from the question and answer app. Continuously for 1 week I went to Sai Appa’s temple and lighted diya. Took 2nd time Sai vrat and completed it. But still Sai Appa dint show any signs to my husband’s business. He was such a energetic person who is always in a mind of achieving greater things but he seems to be very very dull these days. Sai Appa I could see him down like this and without confidence. You know what we need and what our situation now is. Please help us. Sai Appa it was you who arranged money for us when we needed, if u hadn’t showed us the person to get money my husband would have stopped his business right there. But we believed that u wanted him to carry on further and wanted him to achieve. Now the project has come to this level only because of you but for 3 months nobody came forward to book even a house and our situation is becoming worse every month as we have to repay to the owner, to the persons from whom we got as debt and manage our monthly expenditures. Appa please save my husband. He is feeling guilty of staying idle without work though he struggled a lot and invested this much. Please show him a path please strengthen him and please make him proud and success in his business. He believes u a lot and sometimes gets frustrated when he couldn’t face the situation so please be with him in every moves and situations. Recently I got more angry and almost lost confident (I can show my feelings only to you Sai Appa) when 2 clients from abroad almost came nearer and told no. I was crying very badly to Sai Appa why r you doing this to us. We were so confident on Sai Appa that both will book but at last both went away. But Sai Appa later I realized this is also for good as they asked very low price. I dint go to temple for past 2 weeks for 1 or the another reason and last Saturday when I visited the temple a person told me to take up 21 days vrat without adding sugar in any form. I told I will take up for sure and anything for my husband’s welfare. I was last one in the temple and when I completed taking rounds the priest gave me thirupathi Prasad. I was very happy at that moment. I have asked my husband also to join me in this vrat and he accepted too. Sai Appa though we do all these things it is only YOU who can bring some change in our lives. Only YOU can support and bring clients for my Husband and make his business a great success. We are waiting for the day Sai Appa. We know you will not betray us at any cost. I promise to share my experience when a booking happens for my husband. SAI APPA YOU ARE EVERYTHING FOR US Bless us Sai Appa Bless our Family. We don’t have any others to save us than YOU. Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:51:14 +0000

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