Experiencing the Presence of God: How To Lead Worshipers to the - TopicsExpress


Experiencing the Presence of God: How To Lead Worshipers to the Throne Room Mark and Patti VirklerThrone room worship is defined as joining the heavenly chorus in the throne room in praise, worship, and adoration before our King. Since we are seated with Christ in heavenly places (see Ephesians 2:6), we are already present in the throne room. As we look, we can see the worship taking place before the Lord. As worshippers on earth, we are joining with this multitude in the Heavens, and together we are worshipping before our King. If a worship team and a congregation see themselves worshipping before the throne and beholding their King, worship takes on a whole new dimension. It is deepened. It is more heartfelt. It is more passionate. It releases more of the presence and power of God. Some folks (about 5% - 25%, from polls I have taken) do this naturally. The remaining ones need to be taught or led into this experience. It is easy to lead a congregation into throne room worship. For starters the worship team themselves need to be opening their spiritual eyes and praying that the eyes of their hearts be enlightened (see Ephesians 1:17-18). Then they look to see what the Holy Spirit wants to show them. Those who are natural visionaries will see a lot more than those who are naturally analytical, however we all can see visions to some extent as God has poured His Spirit out upon us all. Since we have not because we ask not, we choose to ask God to show us a vision of the worship taking place before His throne. Then we look, just as John did in Revelation 4:1 (I looked, and...). Then we allow the Holy Spirit to take over just as John did. In the following verse John says, I was in the Spirit... (Revelation 4:2). So we are tuning to flowing images. Flow is the way the Holy Spirit guides our hearts (see John 7:38-39). We are allowing God to show us visions of the worship taking place in His very presence. We see the thrones and the Father and Son sitting on them, and the Holy Spirit swirling around throughout the entire scene. Before the thrones are vast multitudes worshipping the King. They stand, kneel, bow, dance, clap, and wave banners as they honor their Lord in their midst. We join with that heavenly host doing similar things as we worship our Lord. (Photo by Lillis Boyer Many Angels Around the Throne via elijahshopper) We shouldnt make this hard. It must be easy enough for children to do, for we are commanded to come before the Lord as little children (see Matthew 18:3). So we ask, we look, we tune to flow, and we follow along in faith that the flowing pictures we are seeing are indeed visions presented to us by the indwelling Spirit (see John 7:37-39). Why wouldnt they be? He has promised that when we ask for the Spirit we receive the Spirit (see Luke 11:13) and that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us and gives us the requests we have made of Him (see 1 John 5:14-15). We know it is His will to give us visions (see Acts 2:17). So we receive in faith, period! The accuser can take his doubt and unbelief and leave! So now that the worship team is seeing in the Spirit, they can lead the congregation into doing the same. I feel it is very helpful to begin the worship service with a simple short prayer and declaration, so that everyone gets on the same page and lifts up their eyes to the Heavens to behold their King. In light of this, I am offering below some short prayers as possible models for worship leaders to use as they begin a worship service. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You, seated upon Your throne with lightening flashing from Your hand (see Habakkuk 3:4). We allow that light to pierce us as we enter into Your Presence. Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. Then follow this up with a visionary song that depicts us coming in praise before Almighty God and declaring His grandeur, His glory, and His watchful care and provision over our lives. This brings us to dancing and celebrating before our King. (Photo by Linda Harris-Iorio Open Heavens via elijahshopper) Of course there are lots of prayers that could be adapted from the Psalms. Passages from the prophets and the Book of Revelation could be short introductions to successive worship services, and there are many visionary songs which would lead the people into joyful declaration of the wonder of the King they have come to praise and worship. ElijahList Prophetic Resources As the congregation sees the worship team lost in vision as they worship, this will encourage them to follow suit. When we are in the Kings presence, our features change and the expressions on our faces change. Our bodily posture also changes. The congregation will see this and follow the worship team into an encounter with God before His throne. Thats really all there is to it. The worship team stays in flow as they lead in worship. This means you may repeat a song as long as the indwelling flow (see John 7:38-39) of the Holy Spirit tells you to repeat the song, driving the core message of the song deep into our hearts, transforming us. Then they move on to the next song, or a prophetic word, or a prophetic gesture, or whatever the Lord is leading them to next. Additional Sample Prayers For Use at the Beginning of a Worship Service 1. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You. We join with every created thing which is in Heaven and on the earth in saying, To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever (Revelation 5:13). Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. (Photo by Robert Bartow The Lion and the Lamb via elijahshopper) 2. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You. Your radiance is like the sunlight. Your power is released in the rays flashing from Your hand. Sickness flees. Mountains are cast down. Your ways are eternal (see Habakkuk 3:5-6). Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. 3. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You. In your presence there is no darkness. You light up my life like an eternal sun. You are my Lord, and Your rule and reign is for all generations (see Revelation 22:5). Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. 4. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You. We see the river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It brings life to all it touches. It touches us and we are alive because of Your river within our hearts. You allow our lives to bring healing to those we touch. You remove the curse. We choose to serve You (see Revelation 22:1-2). Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. 5. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You. We see the twenty-four elders falling down and worshipping God who sits on the throne. We hear the sound of many waters, and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns (Revelation 19:6-8). We will rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and You have given us fine linen, bright and clean to clothe ourselves with so that we are ready for the marriage. Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. 6. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You. From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy. Let me dwell in Your tent forever; let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings (Psalm 61:2-4). Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. (Photo by Robert Bartow Wings via elijahshopper) 7. Lord, we come to present ourselves before Your throne in heavenly worship. Open the eyes of our hearts so we may behold You. You have given me an inheritance. You have prolonged my life. My years will be as many generations. I will abide in Your presence forever. Appoint lovingkindness and truth that they may preserve me. I will sing praise to Your name forever (see Psalm 61:5-8). Anoint our eyes that we may behold You. Anoint our ears that we may hear You. We come before Your heavenly throne with praise, worship, and adoration. Additional Resources • Many of the Psalms could be good visionary prayers to pray at the beginning of a worship service, as could passages from Isaiah. • Final Thought: We need to fix our eyes somewhere during worship. It can be on the back of peoples necks, or on the screen with the words to the song on it, or on the worship taking place before Gods throne. Which do you think is the better place to fix your eyes? • Concluding Prayer Declaration: I choose to go to Mount Zion, to see it, to experience it, to invite the Holy Spirit to bring the scene alive and let me enter into that vision and have an encounter with God before His throne! Holy Spirit, lead me into these encounters. Thank You, Lord. Amen! Dr. Mark Virkler President, Christian Leadership University (CLU) Communion With God Ministries
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:07:50 +0000

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