Experiment life at hunsen sereypheap high-school It seems like - TopicsExpress


Experiment life at hunsen sereypheap high-school It seems like when it comes to ones high school experience, the less-fortunate majority of us have a list of regrets. There are things we wish had gone differently, things that should or shouldnt have happened, and things that we dont even want to think about. I had my share of disappointments. I didnt understand girls and they certainly didnt understand me. True, I was socially awkward, but I was a nice, caring person. Why was I so different from the inconsiderate jerks the girls swooned over? I made it my mission to try to understand girls, knowing full well that most men go through their entire lives without a clue. Nevertheless, I had to try. It was my junior year and homecoming was just around the corner. Up until then, I hadnt attended Guitar school. I practiced my speech and built up courage weeks in advance of the day I would ask a girl to homecoming. My heart was beating out of my chest and my hands wouldnt stop shaking. With a trembling voice, I asked the question I had rehearsed in the mirror over and over the night before. There was a brief pause … I held my breath. Later that year I studied grade 11 preparing to ask another girl to prom. I had a crush on her and had become comfortable talking with her –. she always come at my desk to ask me about Mathematics cos I good at this subject, I spent days building up confidence and practicing in front of my mirror. Head held high with attempted courage, I approached her locker nervously. At last I had succeeded! She said yes! What did she mean by “Okay, sure”? Did she really want give heart to me? Did it matter? She said yes, after all. I spent the next few days in the clouds; for the first time a girl was giving me a chance. But the way she accepted made me a bit uneasy, as if I had to walk through a completely dark room. Perhaps nothing was lurking in the shadows and the fear was all in my head. But on the other hand, maybe a pitiless monster waited there to strike me down when I was most vulnerable. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the latter. I arrived home one night to a message telling me she had called. I dialed her number, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. I braced myself. In the nicest way possible, she told me she lover her parent with her future,she apologized for disappointing me. I didnt bounce back quite as I had after homecoming. How could she raise my hopes and then drop me like a stone? I hadnt actually changed at all; I was still scared to talk to girls and understood nothing about how they thought. Was it too much to ask for someone to give me chance? Fast forward to the summer before I started college.and I start with my new knowledge and forget everything at high school and appreciate learning although a lot of cute girl ask me ..........
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:43:56 +0000

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