Explain the goals of the National Liberal Partyشرح اهداف - TopicsExpress


Explain the goals of the National Liberal Partyشرح اهداف حزب الوطنيون باالغة الانجليزية اولاء good governance Is the system just is not tyrannical rule, which takes care of the interests of the people the best ways. This does not come to through to find a solution to the problem of the Chair, the spectrum of work to remove the causes that encourage aspirants to commit the most heinous crimes in order to access it or acquire it as long as possible نضرا to be regarded as chair and as has been the practice Maghnam those holdings, because of its powers and unlimited benefits. Because this chair has caused to the people suffering a lot during the extended history of thousands of years ago. Will seek to make Ndham provision republican parliamentary democracy Head of State has determined guest Bertokolah the Constitution nor would his public money or public office or the armed forces and determines the salary parliament and financial dues and his residence and members of the guard and the duration of his mandate. The rest of the measures taken for the establishment of the modern state and good governance. Thania modern management Management make civilization and modern management shorten the time and save energy and money and invest the resources available to get the best development returns. And modern management to fight corruption in its various forms, and we will work to take advantage of the latest management systems in the world in the management of the various institutions and sectors in the state. Thalthae sustainable development Development is the first target for all countries in the contemporary world which is the focus of the general political trends in any society. We believe that short development is sufficiently general and a decent living for every citizen first a life well-being of society II. We will strive to provide the necessary climates to bring local and foreign investments, and to remove all obstacles and we will work to establish better relations with the countries of the world in order to serve our national interests. But we will not depend only on ourselves, we recognize that our decision will not be our heads if only our food Vosna. Raavae equal citizenship And equal citizenship mean that all the citizens of Yemen, without exception, are equal before the law in rights and duties, so that every citizen feels he is the master himself. There is no distinction between a son home on any basis of race, color, region or sect, prestige or political affiliation, etc. comply with the words of the Holy Prophet (r) are equal like the teeth of a comb there is no difference between an Arab outlandish, not white on black to piety. All of you to Adam and Adam from the dust. Va freedoms inhalers We mean of inhalers that all freedoms Yemeni citizen Hua free unless harm the freedom of others which is free unless contrary to the law and Booze are disciplined, including freedom permitted by law and Sharia. And not inconsistent with the provisions of the Islamic Sharia and virtuous values prevailing in society. Sadsae professional army Professional army Is a professional army for the profession of war, based on scientific grounds and in accordance with the needs of the defense of the nation, and perceived its mission and its national role in defending the nation and the homeland, which has military doctrine and the doctrine of fighting based on the study of and conscious of the history and heritage of the military to Yemen and the nature of the potential enemy first, then the perception and deep understanding of the variables political in the contemporary world and the rapid development in the means and methods of warfare II. Taking into account the material resources available, we will endeavor to us depends on the type of army, not quantity. Army derives its strength from discipline and faith and the assignment of the nation him unaware that the army, which goes to war and does not hear the prayers of Hua and invitations citizens him victory is undefeated in advance army. Army loyalty to God and the homeland, free from narrow loyalties, add corruption and away from the party. And will seek to acquire the latest systems management in the armed forces that prevent corruption and check to be. Chairman of the party and the AL Mohamed Ahmed Alraeina
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 11:25:30 +0000

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