Explaining Indias Development & its Relationship with China to a - TopicsExpress


Explaining Indias Development & its Relationship with China to a Chinese Online Newspaper : Sir Ajatsatru Singh ( Binod singh , Chinese name : Happy).. Here is the English Translation .....its very important for us , since at least someone trying to Explain Indias stance to Chinese Public ..... Link | eyes of Indian scholars Modi mode: India is feeling the Chinese river News surging surging News reporter intern reporter Shen Liang Hu Xiangjie 2014-09-01 16:27 from surging international January 17, 2014, New Delhi, India, Gujarat Chief Minister Modi when he attended the national executive meeting. Gujarat is one of Indias most western states. Modi had the incumbent Prime Minister of India from October 2001 to March 2014 in the chief minister. During his reign, Gujarats rapid economic development, the growth rate ranking first in the Indian states of the country. Economic success, naturally allow Indians to Modi after taking office, the Indian economy has high expectations. Surging News (thepaper.cn) interviewed fellow Afro-Asian Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing University research center in India teacher Binod Singh (Chinese name: happy), he graduated from the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. Just recently, happy just went back to India, overwhelmed home, his greatest discovery was - India is changing, some of the new weather and new culture is emerging. Gujarat is Indias Guangdong Guangdong is Chinas reform and opening up of the province took the lead, after 30 years of development, has become the largest economy in Guangdong Province, China, is a representative of the regional economic development in China. In recent years, a number of countries, including India, have repeatedly Guangdong learn to learn of Guangdongs economic development model and experience. Gujarat is known as Indias Guangdong, this is not a coincidence. Wide clean roads, ample parking, clean industrial park ...... It is almost a modern industrial city gives the first impression. This is all in southern Chinas Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta in the east, are no longer a novelty, is a sign of Chinas economic prosperity, but also one of Chinas rapid economic development of the landscape outside. And now, the state of Gujarat in western India, these scenes are also slowly emerging. According happy (Binod Singh) introduction, Gujarat is the main development of the manufacturing sector, but in the meantime, the state of development of the textile industry mainly. It seems from the history, and the second industrial revolution industrial center of gravity from the textile industry transition between heavy industry into a very similar. India quietly changed. Coastal location created a skilled business people of Gujarat. There, people have a long-tradition of doing business and business-minded, this and Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang coastal areas of people like. Early on, Gujarat, many people used to do business overseas, in Gujarat, Modi started to build up the future, not only to attract more foreign investment, a lot of Gujarat people have been doing business overseas have begun to move back . They come back to participate in investment in the manufacturing sector, there are some people doing real estate. Gujarat is now ready to use the busy to describe it - a good house, a neat industrial areas, wide roads water power problems in India has been criticized in Gujarat has also been very. good solution, happy, said India all these years, the security issue has been criticized in other countries, however, the problem in Gujarat is also a good solution. It can be said that other Indian states of Gujarat a model of development. Gujarat is the biggest advantage to provide investors with a lot of industrial land, happy, said Gujarat has a lot of desert land, industrial land available for development to become. Gujarat model has the particularity With the changes in the economic development of Gujarat and the urban landscape, Gujarat model is gradually being recognized by the outside world. Gujarat model is the core of the development of land can provide, in addition, when the Chief Minister Modi sweeping reforms also a strong impetus to the development of Gujarat. Happy thought, 10 years later, India will be held in the northern, central and southern China appears similar to some of the existing large industrial base. Gujarat is the development of the manufacturing sector, has a great demand for land. Gujarat model has its particularity, not every place can be copied. Especially in some areas of northern and did not provide the conditions for such a large piece of land. India prevailed partisanship, would be a main obstacle in the country to promote Gujarat mode. In India, the other regions also developed a relatively advanced industrial development model, such as Mumbai and Bangalore mode mode. Bangalore achieve GDP12% growth last year, and provides considerable employment opportunities. As the Indian National Party senior leader and former finance minister yashwant Sinha said in an interview: Gujarat model is only Gujarat model of development of the whole country needs to be different, of course, the ancient Kyrgyzstan LVL developing some good places, such as 24 hours electricity supply, education, health reform can be extended to the level of the entire country. Change is the formation of a new India Economic success Modi in Gujarat minister when made, naturally let the Indians to his office after the Indian economy has high expectations. March 4, 2014, the Indian state of Gujarat Shertha village, Indian women dry red pepper. Oriental IC Data Figure Modi came after three months, Indias inflation rate did not decline, prices are still high. The people who feel not very happy because they expected a good life yet to come, happy, said the current look to eliminate domestic inflation over Modis capacity, which is not only able to do a good job against Modi, many factors need to be considered internationally, such as the price of oil and food. After all, just an ordinary Modi leader, he is not superman (superman). However, India is also changing. Happy just recently went back to India, overwhelmed home, his greatest discovery - India is changing, some new atmosphere and a new trend is emerging. Glad to say, the most obvious change is to enhance government efficiency. The Government of India is very low efficiency in the past, officials work procrastination, commuting not punctual. After Modi came to power, the governments work style and efficiency of the consolidation, government workers began to observe working hours, improve work efficiency. Respondent was less government, and the petitioners satisfaction becomes higher. India, the countrys overall development policy has not changed, but the principles Modi speed, quality and attitude of innovation, which is a manifestation of Indias normalization. Modi recent diplomatic actions but also to his prime career plus a lot of points. Especially in dealings with neighboring countries, Modi had not improved relations friendly neighboring countries. He personally visited these countries, eat and talk with their leaders. To some extent it seems, on the foreign exchanges, such means is still very effective. For India, the first neighboring countries deal with the relationship is good, then consider the relationship with some of the big countries of the world, is a good strategy. In the relationship between China, Japan and India, and Modi will still maintain a balanced approach, not biased toward China, it will not favor Japan. Gujarat minister once the total, is now Prime Minister of India. Modi will favor you to Gujarat on some big projects? Glad to answer - will not. Although it now appears, Gujarat really got a lot of big infrastructure projects, such as a dam to raise five meters located in Gujarat, in order to increase the dams power generation capabilities. After the prime minister, Modi also plans to build an international airport in Gujarat. However, these big gift have not been much opposition, first of all because Gujarat really need in this area, and they have launched infrastructure conditions. Governance in India is a more complicated matter, because people are more demands. In particular, some infrastructure, people will want to be free, such as highways and trains. In these terms, the speed of development is not as China, India, will be relatively slow. India is feeling the Chinese river Recently, India has also started the construction of high-speed rail, plans to build a connection between the major cities of Ahmedabad in western Gujarat state and the countrys largest commercial city of Mumbai railway. Pleased to say that Indias pursuit of high-speed rail, has its practical necessity, but also with Chinas efforts related. Chinas success in the field of high-speed rail, creating a precedent: Developing countries can also be successful in these areas of high investment, high-tech. More importantly, China is willing to share. Many of the technology, if successful in China, then in the frequent exchanges, many foreign leaders can learn to Chinas technology and experience. Unlike developed countries, in some areas after the success, tend to engage in monopoly. China put this technology, people-oriented approach, it is important for developing countries. China and India relations, despite the good overall, in recent years has also ushered in a new spring, but the overall feeling or lack of heat and passion. In other words, there is still much room for improvement, in part because of Indias overall trust in China is not in place, but China did not actively promote cooperation. Pleased that China and India is a very important non-governmental exchanges foundation. India, China needs to learn a lot of things, more Indian officials and businessmen should come and take a look at China. Congressional debate alone is of no use. India, non-governmental exchanges between China and Japan is still very lacking, I recently attended an international conference China, meeting a representative of India did not, nor representative of Japan, to be representative of the whole Europe, this number a bit disappointing. Regardless of the India-Japan relations, civil exchanges can not be broken. China is very cautious, India is feeling the Chinese across the river, said delighted. India needs to learn from China in particular is the Chinese peoples enthusiasm towards work and love of country. Chinese people, patriotism, love, love the body, Indians apparent lack of such love, and rarely pay attention to exercise, so there are a lot of fat.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:44:27 +0000

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