Explanation on the Fall Feast and the Feasts of Trumpets, - TopicsExpress


Explanation on the Fall Feast and the Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and the 7th and Last of the Lords Feast Tabernacles.... What do you think of the understanding that all men had to be in jerusalem during this time? Cause all this makes sense to me but then i heard that and was like OH. BUT they were technically only few miles away. December 22 at 10:35pm · Steve Carr This matches my studies perfectly, as I come up with the date Sept. 23, 04 B.C. (Tishri 2) For His birth. He was born in Bethleham, which was very close to Jerusalem and as a result would of been very crowded as well during this time. A 4 mile journey by day would of only been 1/2 hour away. 2 1/2 Million people could not possibly fit within the gates of Jerusalem. Being in Jerusalem & being in Bethlehem is basically the same thing. December 22 at 10:44pm · Yes thats exaxtly what i was thinking. Thank you Steve. December 23 at 2:37am · Steve Carr And to make sure that Yahshua was there, rather than 70 miles away, Ceasar called for a census. Which Joseph would not have attended otherwise, because of Marys pregnancy. As I see from Google Earth, that this terrain is not conducive to a woman with child, especially this late in her term. In order to fulfill prophecy and Gods perfect timing, Gods sovereignty reigns supreme, even over the unknowing Pagan Roman ruler. December 23 at 7:08pm · Edited · So Steve Carr, with your research do you feel He was born during Trumpets or Tabernacles? Steve Carr Yes You understand they are separate events, right? Lol! Steve Carr Yes, the Feast of Trumpets comes first, then the Day of Atonement, Then the Feast of Tabernackles. I believe with Gods perfect timing, His birth was announced on Tishri 1, the first day of the Feast of Trumpets. And as a result, was born on the 2nd day of the Feast of Trumpets Tishri 2. Which would make His circumcision take place on the Day of Atonement, where He shed His blood even as a baby. Thereafter He Tabernackled with men. A precurser to the future events that did & will happen. Steve Carr BTW, Tishri 2, 4 B.C. occurred on Sept. 23rd. He was concieved around Dec. 25th, not born.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 20:23:54 +0000

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