Exploit development to bring wealth to your homes - - TopicsExpress


Exploit development to bring wealth to your homes - President June 24, 2014 President Yoweri Museveni has urged Ugandans to differentiate between development and wealth noting that the failure to define the two has diverted them from focusing on improving their livelihoods by fighting poverty from their homes and instead continue pushing government for development infrastructures such as tarmac roads, electricity and schools. He said while improved infrastructures are important for national development they are not as important as household income because they only benefit those with income who can exploit them to improve their livelihoods. Roads and electricity are development and they are for all Ugandans, but at the end of the day, you will have to go back to your home where you will find all the problems you left there waiting for you. Once you have an income, you can exploit the development to improve your livelihoods, he said. The President who has been on a three day poverty eradication campaign in Busoga region was yesterday addressing a public rally at Namayingo district headquarters. The President who had initially toured the Island of Sigulu and visited the farm of Israel Mangeni, later also toured the farm of retired civil servant Mangeni Mudhiba in Mutumba, village in Namayingo. He said even if power is extended to an area it only benefits those with an income who can pay for it, emphasizing that household income is more important than the development infrastructures. He urged Ugandans to join the war against poverty through modern agro production for commercial purposes and also to boost food production. He called on them to invest in cost effective enterprises such as fruits, improved animals etc. He said that resources to support farmers with seedling and breeding stock are available and pledged to deploy army officers to work alongside technocrats and civil servants in every constituency to supervise the exercise instead of the NAADS officials who have been spending much of the 203 billion annual budget for farmers on salaries and seminars. You voted the National Resistance Movement into power I will use your mandate to re-organise NAADS because we have tried these NAADS officials overtime and they have failed us he said. The President also said that government will put in place a systematic process through which Ugandans can access micro-credit rather than the ad hoc manner that has been in place and ensure that its rolled down to reach the grass root people. He revealed that government was working on a specific program aimed at availing water for the water stressed districts of Namayingo, Mayuge, Rakai and Isingiro that cannot get drilled water due to the rock formation of the area and that these will receive piped water from the lakes. The President Museveni pledged to build a girls boarding school in Sigulu islands and also fast track the tarmac road from Musiita to Majangi. The President who also commissioned the newly constructed Namayingo district headquarters, made a stop over at Shooka Secondary school where he cautioned students to guard against the HIV/AIDS scourge and to stay in school. He warned them against dropping out of school to concentrate on fishing and said even if they wanted to be fishermen, it would be much better if they are educated fishermen who can turn it into a profitable business.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 10:14:07 +0000

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