Expository Teaching [credit The Old World Order]: Torah Keepers - TopicsExpress


Expository Teaching [credit The Old World Order]: Torah Keepers minimize what Jesus did at the Cross. Many believe that Jesus died for past sins, not that there is grace for all sin. That’s one reason it’s so important for them to follow the instructions about how to live. They fall into the trap of the externals, when Jesus constantly pointed to and stressed the internals. The Law in effect becomes an idol to them. Torah Keepers rely on the Law for sanctification, having it take the place of the Holy Spirit, Who enables believers to become more and more a reflection of Jesus, being part of the living Body of Christ. Law Keepers see the Holy Spirit as the One Who enables the believer to keep Torah, not as the One Who progressively changes (sanctifies) the believer from the inside out (1 Corinthians 1:2, 1 Corinthians 6:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-24, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17, Hebrews 10:29, 1 Peter 1:2). They consistently say, This is how Y’shua worshipped!, yet they dismiss the radical change in worship and practice in the New Testament Church (Body of Christ) after Jesus accomplished what He came to do! They do not recognize the Cross as being a definite dividing line in history, delineating the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. It is also important to note that they rarely refer to the Epistles, unless they’re trying to discredit them or trying to convince you that they say something that they just don’t, in context, and in view of the Cross, say. Isn’t it interesting that the Epistles are where guidance, instruction, and correction of the fledgling Church occur, as well as the establishing of sound doctrine and warnings against false doctrine? Others in the Law keeping community feel it necessary to throw Paul (the writer of the bulk of the Epistles) under the bus altogether, saying that it was he who established christianity (small c), not Jesus. This false doctrine is ramping up, so put on the full armor! ~JK
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 11:15:35 +0000

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