Extract from my book : ;) This publication is a thorough - TopicsExpress


Extract from my book : ;) This publication is a thorough analysis of the topics I cover in my videos and blog talks, hopefully in much more detail, order and with an easy to follow structure. My YouTube channel has been running for over one year now and mainly focuses on Astropsychology and this will be one such process discussed in this publication. Astropsychology is a combination of modern day psychology and the ancient art of astrology – the reason why they operate as one system is because they both measure consciousness, subjectivity in relation to objectivity and relative eventualities. Both of these processes are capable of emerging with change, as they rely on the input of data with the aim of analyzing with as much accuracy as is possible. Astrology is the study of the heavens using geometry and is nothing more than a clock or calendar as a thing in itself. I would like to add a little emphasis of my use of this process, as Astrology is often associated with mysticism and spirituality, fortune telling, the changes of Aeons and a way to prophesize and determine our fate. The type of Astrology I will be referring to does none of these things, so if you are looking for information about Astrology with these presumptions, then this publication is probably not for you. The only things Astrology can determine or predict, is the positions of the planets in relation to the equator of the Earth with the ecliptic in space as the relative point of measurement, for example, we know from our geometric scale of the natal chart that the Sun will take one Earth year to go through every sign of the Zodiac and that the Moon will take just over 28 days to orbit the Earth, Mercury will be no more than 28 degrees in front or behind the Sun and by using an ephemeris, we can determine where every planet will be on the ecliptic that relates to the equator down on Earth. Even though we created the measurements of these objects, the objects are defined as objects as they are perfect and unchangeable, however the Earth is subjective in many ways and this is how astrology operates and has validity, with each turn of the perfection up above, a new relative eventuality occurs down below, the Earth and everything on it is subject to change – hence subjectivity is how organisms experience the objective. The human organism is viewed as a microcosm and macrocosm of the whole universe, our consciousness is experiencing the objective reality before it in a subjective manner. The terms “consciousness” and “organism” have many similarities – they are both capable of responding to stimuli, both have the ability to maintain homeostasis as a stable whole and they both have a sense of self of some kind – each organism or “conscious being”, has a purpose and role in its’ environment that it must respond to and adapt to in order to survive. Astrology shows us that as the Sun moves through the ecliptic (or appears to move from the perspective of the observer) we and the conscious being of the Earth, experience the changes of the seasons and the transition between day and night, hot and cold and these are unchangeable relative eventualities that can be predicted and determined and are therefore beyond our control, we are not responsible for the actions of the conscious organisms that are the planets, however we are responsible for how we respond to changes that are external to us. For example, when we are experiencing the Summer, we have the choice to wear lots of clothes or hardly any clothes (or maybe none at all) and in the Winter, we have the same choices, it is down to our own judgement and decisions that we pick appropriate clothing to allow us to function to the best of our ability and this is the basis for Astropsychology – that we have choice and free will in exchange for determinism and perfection, but we have to recognize that we have that choice and that the planets have no influence over our choice, that is our sole responsibility. The judgement and decision process is one that takes place in the Mind – which is where psychology can come in. Psychology gives us a way to understand our cognitive (internal subjective) and behavioural (externalizing and objective) processes and above all, psychology is the modern method of analyzing that which has been called “soul” and it can be argued that they are one and the same, however in this publication and from my perspective, just as Astrology is one process of many that can measure objects and is a creation of the Mind, I conclude that “Soul” is also created by the Mind also and can’t exist without the Mind. It is now important to talk about Nihilism – nihilism is the view that affairs of the world and life in general have no meaning, that life, quite literally – is absolutely pointless and meaningless. The conclusion that Mind is Soul and Soul is a creation of the Mind may seem to be too reductionist and therefore “meaningless” and “pointless”, many can’t stand the idea that there isn’t something out there that brings meaning and has a meaning of its’ own and feel that anything that is a creation of Mind is insignificant. I prefer to look at this process as totally liberating and empowering. As life has no meaning and we create meaning because we want it, we can then see just how creative and powerful we really are. “So God created Man in His own image,” – this can be taken to mean that a being that is not of this world created Man, but why? The definition of this God being is one that is totally independent and self sufficient and doesn’t need anyone or thing to function – therefore we can only say that God created Man as he “wants” Man. The relationship between Man and God is exactly the same – Man needs meaning to his existence, therefore he too “wants” God. It would therefore be valid to say that the passage from genesis can be read as a mirror image – “Man created god in HIS own image” as he “wants” God. I know this will be disturbing to any Christian or any believer in a higher power that brings meaning, morals and values to our pointless and humble existence, but why should it be a issue? What does it matter when it is possible to reach the same ends of “meaning”? Astrology can be given the process of Theology to give us the paradigm of “Astrotheology”. Astrotheology goes by the assumption that the planets and their relative movements that bring an eventuality are, or can be taken literally as the bodies of the Gods, therefore Man has created a way to not only personify relative eventualities to bring meaning to these objects he observers from his perspective, but he has used the process of deification to turn them into Gods! If we ask anyone to give us a quick fire answer of what a “generic God being” looks like, we would definitely hear “A MAN in the sky who has beard and a bald head” from the majority of whom we ask – however if we reduce the process of natural occurrences to their “objective, perfect and meaningless” state and not class the experiences of others who claim to have seen the divine presence in the cosmos as they are subjective and not a “thing in itself”, we have a perfectly reasonable cause to assume that no one actually knows what a God being looks like - therefore, it was Man, who decided that God must be a Man, therefore, Man again created God in his own image. The challenges to this statement of mine are that of “It is written” and that “this book and belief has representatives within it that is classed as irrefutable evidence that it is correct” – however we know that ranks, authority and the books that define and justify their existence and relationship to this God being come from many Minds and is therefore subjective and relative to the values and morals of the time they were written (established) and that societal constructs are another form of “meaning” to our reality as human organisms – it is not farfetched to see how hierarchy, power, money, success and other material gains are a central drive for many in society and their very being revolves around getting to the top. Truth be told though – it’s meaningless, unless you value the meaning. None of this should be an issue however – whether God creates Man or Man creates God in an image of either side, it is because of a desire to do so. We are all nihilists if the truth be told – it’s just that some admit to it and some don’t. The belief (and let’s face it here, “belief” is exactly what it says it is – belief; and not knowing) of another being that is not of this world that has Sovereignty and Dominion over the Earth, that can tell us what to do with the assurance of certainty along a path of “righteousness”, topped with a promise of another existence after this one in “The Kingdom of Heaven” is the subject of my analysis here. Let’s break everything down – we are born, we live for a while and then we die. These are unavoidable truths, totally obvious, but necessary to acknowledge before we go any further. Let’s elaborate on the middle objective truth – we live – however we live in poverty, or in luxury, in war or in peace, sometimes all of these over the course of our lives, depending on our luck. Sometimes in love or in hate and sometimes we live many years and some not so many, some maybe seconds after they are born – the point is that we all have that time in our lives where we ask “There has to be more to life than this, why is it so cruel and evil?” – this is the collective moment of dread shortly after a war, which funnily enough is one of the few times in human history that there is any sense of unity at all, at least within each country that is at war, as opposed to nations uniting in peace, which is only possible if that nation was in alliance with another nation, but as for the nation that is the cause for any upheaval, other nations will alienate them. The matter at hand however is not so much “why can’t we get along without war?”, rather it is “what is the point to life when all we do is fight and then die?” and “now we have stopped fighting, what is the meaning?” – the realization that the only absolute truth in life – is death, can be the most terrifying realization to human beings and there has to be meaning – even if it means they only add meaning to how they suffer. Although it is innocent to believe in another existence and if we behave (do what is good and be useful i.e. work until you die and pay taxes or fight for your country) we will be promised an eternity of bliss in a “Kingdom” with a higher power known as “God”, it is only a justification for suffering in this world and a way to accept it – it is only hope, it is belief and not certain and if anything, it loses its’ innocence when it allows the evils of human nature to spiral out of control in a form of what I call “perpetual tedium” and is the creator of “ressentiment”. Ressentiment (or simply “resentment”) is the view and attitude that is expressed by those who choose to live a life that has an apparent “meaning”, usually with beliefs that they hold intimately as certainty/hope and resent doing so, as they will forever be perpetuating the tedium of their existence. Not only that, but hate is then projected on those who have different views, opinions, beliefs and ways of being that exclude the “meaningful suffering” or perpetual tedium of their own miserable existence of work, war and hardship. The main reason many choose to exorcise these beliefs, regardless of the self infliction of oppression they can bring, is because of the “Nobel and Slave” divide in culture – that some are much more worthy than others – if only nihilism was accepted as absolute, I am sure we would live in a very different World indeed. The “Nobles” are those who suggest to the masses that they have certainty and truth – both seem to be portrayed as the age-old story of “Good and Evil” and in the Bible, which is the main utility for this process, we personify and deificate “Good” by subtracting an “o” to give us “God” and we then reverse the word “Lived” backwards to give us the deificated “Devil” for the necessary character of “Evil”- of which we can see also has an added “D” to its’ meaning and purpose. This divide of values is reinforced by war and conflict – without evil and “bad”, there would be no need for a Church and the representatives therein. https://youtube/watch?v=Q1OcmwWkqtY #nihilism #astrology #astropsychology #occult #esoteric #meaning #spirituality #illusion #ressentiment #consciousness #unityconsciousness #books #nemus #amaranthi
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:07:31 +0000

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