Extract from my book. "We had pitched a circus tent on the beach, - TopicsExpress


Extract from my book. "We had pitched a circus tent on the beach, west coast Portugal. It held around 1000 people so pretty big in fact. Flying from the two turrets were jolly Rodger flags. We were there for around 2 weeks preparing for another musical celebration of life when the police stormed the site. We were in good spirits and carried on painting backdrops and repairing speakers as the police erected huge tripods all around us. To our surprise they attached machine guns to the tripods, they looked like something from world war 2. I walked up to the historical looking guns to see up close if they were in fact what i thought. I "How old is that thing" i asked the policeman holding onto it like he was in a warzone. The language barrier meant i didnt get my answer but i did get the idea that they had big guns and they were shitting it. We carried on regardless much to their confusion. After an hour or so they began to communicate, i think they were expecting resistance or maybe even a shoot out. I mean i think they perceived us as some organised gang who were armed. We only had 12" vinyl, smiles and surreality. They demanded passports but most of the English just tore them up in front of them which confused them even more. Paula and a few others asked if they could nip out to the supermarket to get some food, they agreed. How weird is that? In the middle of a raid, guns and armoured police cars they let us go shopping. They didnt even search the car leaving. So we made our shopping list and of she went to pick up some beer and some errr beer. When Paula returned the police were in the marquee looking round, they were complimenting us on our backdrops which was odd as they were huge images of us fighting the police. Eventually they requested we took down the Jolly Rodger flags and they left. We did and we then continued to party for around a month on that beautiful site. They never bothered us again and we left it as found. A few years later they flew in the UK police for training on how to deal with us. Not a lot changed.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 19:39:47 +0000

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