Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou - TopicsExpress


Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe:Kc.61/philippekacou.org 2 Well, the first question is: Bro. Philippe, the Bible said in Joh.5 that in Jerusalem there was a pool called Bethesda and that at certain seasons, an angel descended to trouble it. Brother, is it question of an angel of God or an angel of Satan? 3 You see? Put this question to any theologian, he will simply miss it. Because he will say that it is either an angel of God or an angel of Satan. Yet the answer is that it is a perpetual sign of God to all the earth from generation to generation. It is not question of a same angel but several holy angels of God that descended there. And not every month or every year but at a certain season decreed by God Himself and the pool is the Word of Life, the prophetic revelation from God to a generation. There could be catholic, protestant, evangelical, branhamist pools � but God will recognize only one, that of Bethesda! [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. And if you are a son of God, you should keep quiet and wait until, at the appointed time, according to the biblical promises and prophecies, an angel descends from the Heaven on behalf of God to trouble it. [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. 4 If a catholic, protestant, evangelical or branhamist reverend, bishop, big prophet, pope or a leader of those so-called revealed or restored churches troubles it, he will only pollute the pool. No matter who will trouble this Pool, be it Gamaliel or the greatest theologian in the world, he will only pollute this Pool. It needs to be an angel coming from Heaven. [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. If you are a chosen one and Ewald Frank, Osborn or Billy Graham or pope Benedict XVI troubles the Bible, you shall flee as far as you can! Apart from an angel of God, if you throw yourself in the pool, it is death! [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. 5 It is the same Bible, the same pool but all depend now on him that troubles it! It needs to be an angel, that is to say a messenger. Angel means messenger [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. It needs to be first a heavenly angel then a terrestrial angel as you saw it on April 24, 1993 in the vision. And while the angel is troubling it, that�s when you have to come there! Whatever your sins, Daniel 12 says that you shall be purified, made white and refined. [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. Do not wait forty years after the messenger. But be in the number of the firstfruits! You see? 6 A theologian has no right to trouble it! If somebody comes and throws himself into it with a theology degree or after a seventy-day fast, stay away from that. [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. It needs to be a prophet-messenger then somebody will make you descend into it like that infirm man. You see? At the burning thorn-bush, there was first an angel then Moses made the people descend into the pool. [Ed: The congregation says: Amen!]. There was first an angel on the way of Damascus then Paul made those of his time descend into the pool. There was first an angel at Ohio river then William Branham made those of his time descend into the same pool [Ed: The congregation says: Amen! ]. 7 And this pool is the whole of the promises and mysteries contained in the Bible for each generation and whose revelation is for the deliverance, purification and redemption of the elect. For example, for the seven ages of the Church, the terrestrial angel of the first season who troubled the water of the Word is Paul. Then after that season, in the 2nd century another messenger came out of the Heaven to come and trouble the water� and the one of our season is the one of Mat.25:6 as you saw it in the vision of April 24, 1993. 8 The prophets are angels. The Bible says that the prophets are gods. A prophet is at the same time in the dimension of God and as a messenger of God he is in the dimension of the angels and he is in the dimension of humans. You see? 9 Moses helped people descend into this Water but he that had troubled It, it was the angel of the burning thorn-bush. Paul helped people descend but he that had troubled, it was the angel on the way of Damascus. Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 22:19:47 +0000

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