Extracted from sarahsdogs Can Dogs have honey? Honey was proven - TopicsExpress


Extracted from sarahsdogs Can Dogs have honey? Honey was proven to have loads of benefits to humans. Since the ancient times, honey has been used not only as a sweetener and flavoring for foods and beverages but in other capacities as well. Did you know that ancient Egyptians use honey in embalming? Some cultures value honey for its medicinal purposes. In present times a teaspoon of honey is commonly administered to people with colds and sore throats. Honey applied topically is believed to prevent infection and speed up the healing of wounds. Honey is one of the people foods that can be safely given to animals. Winnie the Pooh loves honey. A bear is a very strong animal. There must be something in honey that is indeed healthful to both humans and animals. Dogs would surely get lots of benefits from honey too. Honey is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It is the only insect made product that can be eaten by humans. Although some people foods are safe for dogs, a pet owner would still consider the fact that a dog’s digestive tract is shorter as compared to the digestive tract of humans. This is the reason why some people food cannot be easily digested by canines. Honey on the other hand, is already predigested by the bees. Honey can be easily digested and the nutrients easily absorbed in the blood of the consumer courtesy of these little winged beings. Its amazing therapeutic properties hinder the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the dog’s digestive system. Live enzymes in raw honey help in the proper functioning of the dog’s digestive system. Regular consumption of honey was proven beneficial to humans suffering from arthritis. A daily dose of honey has successfully alleviated the pain of arthritis sufferers. Dogs are not too different from humans. Positive results were seen in arthritic dogs given a daily dose of honey. Honey is a natural source of energy. A teaspoon of honey given to the dog everyday will deliver more natural calories than a teaspoon of sugar would give. The dog’s energy will be enhanced because it would have more calories to burn. It is also considered to be a natural moisturizing product that will improve the condition of the dog’s fur and skin. Studies have shown that honey have antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Due to its natural bacteria fighting ability, honey was proven to be an effective topical treatment for wounds. Its antibacterial properties create an osmotic action that reduces wound fluid thereby eliminating the bad odor of wounds and at the same time promoting the healing and the growth of new tissues. The antioxidant it contains effectively removes the free radicals in the dog’s system. Honey is truly an amazing substance with numerous benefits not only to humans but also to human’s best friends. Some canines would react negatively to some human foods but not with honey. Apart from being easily digestible, canines are inherently not allergic to honey. Just as with any human food given to pets, honey too must be given to the dog in moderation. Feeding the dog more than a teaspoon of honey everyday can have adverse effects on the health of the pet. Honey, despite its healthful benefits can result to diarrhea. Too much honey can result to the obesity of the dog. Dog owners must be aware of the fact that honey and puppies would be a dangerous combination. This sweet substance can contain botulism spores that can be tolerated by a mature dog’s immune system but not by puppies with under developed immune systems.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 04:43:51 +0000

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