Eyelid or Blepharoplasty procedure is very quick – approximately - TopicsExpress


Eyelid or Blepharoplasty procedure is very quick – approximately 25 minutes per eyelid and is performed under local anesthetic. The incision is concealed within the eyelid crease and heals very quickly. Recovery usually takes about 7 days. Wearing sunglasses will accelerate by a few days the return to non-strenuous social activity. Who is a Candidate? If you have excessive, sagging or wrinkled upper or lower eyelid skin. If you have excess upper eyelid skin that interferes with vision. If you have lost your natural upper eyelid crease. If you have puffy pouches of fat in the upper or lower eyelids that create a tired or aged appearance. For consultation please cal, 04-3466149. ازالة الاكياس الدهنية من حول العين تهدف عملية تجميل الجفون الى إعادة الجفن الى طبيعتة الأصلية عن طريق إزالة بعض تجاعيد الجلد وتصحيح تهدل الجفن الناتج عن زيادة سماكة الجلد والعضلات ، بالإضافة الى ذلك فإنها تهدف الى إزالة الأكياس الدهنية المتواجدة تحت الجفن والتي تسبب تورما في العين #eyelidsurgery #plasticsurgeryclinic #dubai
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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