Eyes The outbound trip was very - TopicsExpress


Eyes The outbound trip was very great. We had fun and enjoyment while we are learning at the same time. We discover new things while we go to different places. For example, the current outbound trip we had. We learn many information about Laguna, like the main specialty of Laguna was coconut. Also, coconut is called the tree of life because the who,e tree from the roots until the leaf and the coconut can be use. This is the reason why most of the jobs in Laguna is based on coconuts like buko pie, buko juice, herbal medicines and many more. Also we discover and enjoy different places in Laguna like the underground cemetery. There we discover where rich people were buried, also we learn the history of the underground cemetery. It is actually build during the spanish era and actually some katipuneros hide here so they wont be spotted and killed by the spaniards. Also here they plan attacks and battles to spaniards. We also go to yambo lake, there we learn the copra industry and there we learn how to remove the coconut husk and luckily I had a chance to do it. It was fun but also dangerous because on wrong move can make a serious injury. But I did it carefully so I successfully did it. We also made a fruit salad that is full of coconut (of course) with fruit cocktail, condense milk and all purpose cream. I didnt eat it because for real, I dont eat fruits but some of my classmates and maam Amor told me that it was great and it was so sweet. After that we swam in the lake, we need to ride a raft to go to the middle part of the lake. We all got excited so some of my classmates didnt follow the leaders so the raft was unbalanced and a part of the raft sank so the whole class panicked and everyone got out of the raft. Unluckily, I was one of the person who sat in front of the raft so we were the one who was last to go out of the raft. Luckily, the raft float back again because we were 10 students left in the raft. I laughed instead of getting scared. Then we had fun swimming in the lake. Maam amor join us when we swam in the lake, we shout, we jump to the water and there were lot of laughter. Lastly, we go to Tayak hill, there we planted a seedling and it was my first seedling to plant and I was really happy to plant that seedling because I added help to mother nature. We also hike to the top of the hill and at the top of the hill there were two cross. One was made of metal with lights on the side and there was a cross made of wood. We were all catching our breath in the top of the hill and we were all exhausted but we celebrated by taking a class picture at the top of the hill. But we all know that happiness wont last forever. I got problems and when I mean problems, I meant injuries along the way. First, When we were swimming in the lake. We were playing in the raft and some of my classmate were pushing people out of the raft. I was taking pictures then someone pushed me and instead of going to the water ( what the clumsy classmate of mine inspect that will happen) I hit in the bamboo and my waterproof camera hit also the bamboo. He had mistake when he pushed me because instead of facing to the water, he face where I was facing which is in the raft. I got injured in my whole right arm. I got a small wound but there were many burn mostly in my hand, in my elbow and most of the parts of my right arm. I I know that I could take the pain but I felt sad because my camera has water inside. It is because of the impact it take when I was pushed. Until today, nobody even told me sorry or even admit that he was the responsible in pushing me in the raft that result to injury and a broken a camera. Lastly, When we were going down at the Tayak hill. There were many rocks in the stairs so often I almost slip. But when I step in a rock, my whole foot was sliding then my body lean forward then I literally dive in to the rocks. I stretched out my hand to stop me from sliding, also to get the great impact. Luckily, Quieta stopped me from falling and a leader also help him stop me from falling. If they didnt catch me from falling then I will roll and roll down the hill and I can get a serious injury like broken bones or worst, I could have died. Even there were negative that happened to me during the outbound, I still learn many lessons. First, I learn that you shouldnt be to fast or too slow because your life can be very long or very short (Tayak hill). Second, I learn that you should look back to those persons who help you because they are the reason who are you now (underground cemetery). Third, I learn that everything that is to much is bad (yambo lake). Fourth, cooperation is key to success,I learn that if you are united you can solve any problems that pass ti your way and Also I learn that everyone can be a helping hand (salad making). Fifth, I learn that you should always excerpt effort in every job that you do, dont go to the standards, go beyond it (Removing of the coconut husk). Sixth, I learn that you need to be resourceful on what you have right now (Copra industry). Lastly, I learn that you need to libe your life to the fullest while you still have time (Outbound trip). We saw many beautiful landscapes and sceneries but we saw happiness and problems in another way. I am so happy that I had a chance to see these sites with my own eyes. But I am so lucky and happy to see these with my section. We bond with each other in the whole outbound trip. We all made happy memories to cherish in the future. We were all bonded as a class, as friends and as a family. I am truly honored to witness these events with the whole 7-Kowalski. One more thing, I entitled this reflection as eyes because this was the key to see gods creation and to see Gods teaching and lesson in a form of experiences in this outbound trip.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 06:32:46 +0000

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