Eyes Wide Shut From Creation Gospel Workbook Five, Volume 4, - TopicsExpress


Eyes Wide Shut From Creation Gospel Workbook Five, Volume 4, Balak There is a joke about a man who went to a psychiatrist because he thought he was dead. After several sessions, the psychiatrist sees that the patient is firm in his delusion. So the psychiatrist says, “You’ve heard that dead men don’t bleed.” The patient says, “Yes.” The psychiatrist takes a pin and jabs the man in the arm hard enough to make him bleed. “What do you say now?” asks the psychiatrist. The patient says, “What do you know? Dead men do bleed!” The joke illustrates how useless it is to talk to a person living in self-deception: you can’t lead the person through a life change when he won’t admit there’s a problem! We also can close our eyes to the obvious or even ignore the miracles both behind us and standing right in front of us. Oblivion to the obvious may cause a disciple to forfeit his calling to partner in Adonai’s plan for Israel, and instead, he becomes partners with the destroyer. Didn’t Balaam say, “The oracle of him who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of the Almighty, falling down, yet having his eyes uncovered…” Have we also heard God’s Word and had our eyes uncovered to the vision of Israel’s restoration through the Living Torah, yet we are falling down because of our stubborn persistence with our own agenda? Goleman avers that “(1) The mind can protect itself against anxiety by dimming awareness. (2) This mechanism creates a blind spot: a zone of blocked attention and self-deception. (3) Such blind spots occur at each major level of behavior from the psychological to the social.” (1996, p. 22) These blind spots can lead a person like Balaam stubbornly to persist in self-destructive behavior.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:09:52 +0000

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