#Ez ALWAYS BEEN YOU Part 2 SAINT - White Boy I hadnt - TopicsExpress


#Ez ALWAYS BEEN YOU Part 2 SAINT - White Boy I hadnt seen C1 for a month because he went to samoa to get the traditional tattoo on his body Ouch... he called from samoa asking if I could fly to samoa and buddy my mum.. I use to work for air nz during the time I had buddy perks. He already told his mum he paid for it and he sent me the money... C1s mum is aged around 55 so I did what c1 asked I picked up his mum and we were off...she was a different mum compared to what im used to. She talkrd and asked me if sione was a good boy and do I know where he is when he never comes home...and that she has hope for him to serve a full time mormon mission...and if he has a gf. she was cool most times she would forget im palagi and speak samoan and I say sorry I dont understand. She laughed and would say ia son you will learn now.. we laughed our flight was short I didnt realize I fell asleep on her shoulder mind you it felt good...I felt like she was the mum I longed for. son wake up were here now... we got to c1 who was happy to see me espec his mum lol...he hugged me Thanks uce I owe you one.. mum my final ceremony is tmrw Saint youll witness the finishing of my sugai miki . I thought awesome stuff... I thought id call my mum incase she thinks I ran away. hey mum im in samoa for Siones ending of his traditional samoan tattoo the ceremony is tmrw. Ok hun...mums just having a quiet one tonight im not feeling the greatest. Get well soon mum ill bring you something from here. Siones mum called for me they were in the lounge in a circle and there was a few people I hadnt seen...they started talking in samoan handing envelopes here & there... I though wow these people are delivering mail weird c1 Is falavelave or something like that I heard my name and they continued in their mother tongue...I had reciebed alot of smiles and then 2 envelopes infront of me I thought I got mail in samoa what the hell vodafone lol. Because I didnt know what it meant at the time I felt like my bills were gettig sent everywhere hahaha.. then c1 you have to say thank you and thank the lord etc speech its your turn uce. sweating like animal I felt like damit what the hell C1 .. my speech : Thank you for having me be here in your lovely fale. Thank you for bringing my mail everyone was giggling , thank you alot and can I ask for your blessing to be Kates friend...(man im talking a whole lotta sh**) I think this is a good opportunity for me to learn the culture and Sione your mum is lovely I wish my mum was like her and I wish I was samoan. And I sat down. There were alot of samoan speaking after and then the old man he looks like the head of the home stands and to my suprise has an american accent and very good english...he says yes you can be kates friend under one condition , that you respect their mother , honour your own mother , and go to church any church would do aslong as you believe in G** cant say his name in vain. I thought great I dont even go church...I whispered to C1.... your mum wanted you to go on that mormon mission and you got a tattoo isnt that against the rules? C1 : sole I told you im yolo if I go to the naughty place ill go therr and thats what I have to live with...but if I repent ( he lost me because this beautiful girl walked in - it was Kate hehe ) she just waltzed in drunk....people were saying too much vailima I think alcs lol but yeah she got in trouble then she got a big hiding from these older ladies except the mum who cried apparently kate was disrespectful and what not...but I was hurt they smashed her infront of me I saw her look at me and I stepped in to stop to their suprise and they stopped and spat on her as she tried to gather herself and walked out laughing yelling whatever you all act like your perfect your all a bunch of animals.. I felt sorry for her C1 gave me the can I look after her tonight look I hugged him and he slipped a paper in my hand and tucked my mail in my back pocket. I read the paper it had a address and said look after her please till im done but now im still in pain thanks uce.... I followed her and she was yelling out to the ghosts to come and take her but then she yelled oh you probly dont take demons anyway. I thought ghosts in samoa cant be...but really I was scared lol I got closer to her and she just cried and cried ...it was almost 11pm and I got her to the address aggie greys it was beautiful never knew samoans had luxury like this... mind you ive only been brought up the white way. I put her in the shower I undressed her with my eyes closed she was still crying... she was in the shower and I thought nows the time to try this prayer thingy everyone does... and I did and I was interupted by a naked Kate who fell while tip toeing to the room quietly while I prayed... but failed... I ran to help her and she looked shy...she tried to cover up but I did that for her she was bruised in some places it made me sad...I could hear her crying in her room..I felt I had to go in and comfort her but I didnt the crying died down 4 hours later ...I went to see if she was ok she cried herself to sleep. I slept at her door I knew it was disrespectful if I slept next to her. I woke up the next day to Siones mum sleeping next to me with sione on her other side. I got up and looked over to kates bed she was sound asleep. I sat on the couch and thought gosh better open my mail...only to see they were blank envelopes with 500 nz dollars in each envelope sione wakes up oh thats to thank you for bringing my mum over uce.. Mum woke up ia son tai lava. Oka la le taimi . KATE 1 week later we are all boarding back to nz... I couldnt help but stare at Saint whenever I had the chance to... 2 years fast forward we were a couple he changed me in so many ways I was grateful to him... he had lost his mum to untreated diabetes that she did not know she had herself. It was sad but me mum and sione were there for him. Mum adored Saint no doubt we had our lil fights here and there but he always seemed to peace it by hugging me till I gave in. One night we went out to tenpin bowling and I never knew how much I loved him till this point on. baby I left something in the car ill be back my samoan queen I still got my thrills from when he would get all flirty on me hehe. 5 mins....10 mins... 30 mins... I went to see where the hell he was ...to to find the car door open and Saint knocked out cold...with a ring box in his hand... I ran back inside yelling to find my family and his family there yelling suprise and candles everywhere..they saw the panic I was in...I was a hot mess... the boys ran out side found a note in the car Lance was here! I took one look at carol n masina and they pleaded you left that life behind Katerina dont... I grabbed sione...you get everyone home and makesure Saint is ok protect him baby bro.. no Kate I wont let you... I have to baby bro...you know how I roll ill be ok I love you....tell mum I love her... and I sped off in saints car to my spot I havent seen in three years...my garage.... where my possessions were.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 03:00:30 +0000

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