Ezekiel was to be given a vision of the four Cherubim who cover - TopicsExpress


Ezekiel was to be given a vision of the four Cherubim who cover the Throne of God, and by symbols he was shown the entire Plan of Salvation and the role of the nation of Israel (which includes the Gentile elect) in that plan as the priesthood of the world. However, the first important fact that can be deduced from this vision is that of the fixing of the Jubilee years and the Sabbath years. This makes possible the restoration of the land Sabbaths at the time of the end; for restoration is essential to the continued prosperity of our people. The restoration of the entire system of Gods government is only possible from a restoration of the Jubilees. The calculation of the Jubilee is simply established by this statement of Ezekiel: it gives us a verifiable historical date together with the statement of which year of the Sacred Calendar this was, i.e. the Thirtieth. The fifth year of Jehoiachin’s captivity is established in the following manner. We know that Jerusalem fell and that Jehoiachin was taken prisoner on the second day of Adar, or 15/16 March, in the year 597 BCE (according to Encyclopedia Judaica). As Adar is the last month of the year (and this year was WeAdar or Adar 2: see note at end of paper), his second year began one month later in Nisan or April 597 BCE, at the beginning of the Sacred Year. The fifth year was therefore 594 BCE, which establishes the Thirtieth year of the Sacred Calendar at 594 BCE. The Jubilee years therefore fell on the years 574 BCE and 524 BCE in that century and so on to 1 CE, and the conversion to the current eras placed the first Jubilee year of the current era at 27. Christ began his ministry at the Passover of 28 CE at the end of the Jubilee year. He was baptised 50 days prior to that date and performed his first miracle of the water into wine before time (Jn. 2:4) at the end of the Jubilee year, some days before the Passover, while he was still in Galilee after the 40-day fast (Mat. 4:2). This was before he went down to Capernaeum for the few days before the Passover (Jn. 2:12) (cf. the paper Reading the Law with Ezra and Nehemiah (No. 250)). The next Jubilee year was 77 CE. The dates of the years prior to this Jubilee are of great significance. The three Sabbaths prior to the 77 CE Jubilee were 62 CE, 69 CE and 76 CE. The year 62 CE marked the end of the 62 weeks of years of Daniel 9:25, the elimination of the tithes to the physical Temple, and the death of the second anointed one. From the period 62 CE to 70 CE the physical Temple was destroyed and the tithe system was transferred to the spiritual Temple of the Church in the wilderness (cf. the papers Tithing (No. 161); The Law of God (No. L1) and the Law series (Nos. 252-263)). The first anointed one at the end of the first seven weeks of years was Nehemiah. This year was the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes II (Arsakes) in 372 BCE, when Nehemiah returned (Neh. 13:10-18) and cleansed the Temple and the Sabbaths.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 12:44:00 +0000

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