F.1.T - 6 MONTH BIRTHDAY TRANSFORMATIONS & TESTIMONIALS 4 weeks- personal training-membership-programs-food plan- 90€ 6 months ago today I opened the doors at F.1.T, with the aim to provide the best Private Personal Training sessions catering for all goals with my own history of being 23 stone. I want to use my experience in weigh loss to make sure people do it the correct way and not by only eating 1200 calories a day and training twice a day, or by buying sugary products or by only training for 12 days at a time, or by only training for 20min a day. etc etc. I huge thank you to all my staff - Sean, Leon, Brea, Yvonne, Darren, Louise, Eoghan, Dan, Lisa, Caitlin & Stephen. Also a huge thank you to all the clients, Course people, Class Pass And personal training clients. Heres to the next 6 months. All of the pictures and testimonials is a showing of the incredible work but my staff and their clients have put in, in the last 6 months!!! All credit goes to them, not me!!!!! PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ - Daniel Difference between a goal and a fantasy, a fantasy is something you want but dont work for ..a goal is something you want and you work hard to get- The above quote was my inspiration to join F1t. For far too long I was fantasised about losing weight and gaining muscle. It was something which I spent a lot of time dreaming about and not enough time working on. I decided to stop fantasising about long term and instead focused on making short term goals.. My first goal was to build up the courage to call into F1T..This turned out to be very easy as the staff were very helpful and had a genuine interest in helping me to achieve my goals.. I soon started following the meal plans and began training twice a week.. Each session had different areas of focus and all trainers had different and creative approaches to ensure the session never became repetitive.. Each session became more and more challenging however with each session my body reacted and recovered a lot easier .. My overall fitness has increased dramatically after only six weeks and I feel a lot more energetic and positive..(fitness cannot be viewed simply as how our body looks, instead we should focus on how a healthy lifestyle makes us feel) Everything important is measured by the things you cant see...Whose got the biggest heart, nobody knows, its up to you to determine how big your heart is gonna be , by how hard your gonna push Evander Holyfield Its important to learn that there is no quick fix when aiming to achieve your goals , the staff at F1t are quick to remind me that this is not just an 8 week plan but the start of my journey to achieve my ultimate goal.. KEVIN O’NEILL “To go from nearly 100kgs down to 90kgs is unbelievable. Fitting into my all-time favourite bumble bee Celtic top again. Before I started I told you I wanted my arms to get stronger and to lose some of my gut. This all has happened. I couldn’t do 7 press ups without struggling. I’m now coming close to the 20 mark. (You might laugh) But that’s A MASSIVE ACHIEVMENT for me as I hate the things. The Training itself; I use to cringe going in the door of the gym. BUT now Im buzzing. Good vibes and good positive push from Sean and Leon has done this to me. (I could never picture myself lifting weights) This is all down to you guys in F.1.T. I look forward to more. PLUS YOU ARE NEVER JUDGED COMPARE TO OTHER GYMS. New diets every month is class, never getting board of the same meal. P.S I was in the gym yesterday, and I passed Eoin and to my surprise, he saluted by name. Not many GYM OWNERS KNOWS ALL THERE CLIENTS. Well impressed. BURPEE = I LAUGH AT BURPEES NOW LOL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT.” Kevin BRENDAN WHELAN I started the 8 week fitness plan back in June after I was made redundant, For years I kept telling myself that I’ll go to the gym more often and start eating right but In reality I would go to the gym once or twice, I wouldn’t have a clue what I was doing, it would turn me off going and id find some excuse not to go, so since I was made redundant I decided to finally have a proper go. Before I started training I used to have a very poor diet consisting of crisps, chocolate bars, chicken rolls nearly every day for my lunch, take away once or twice every week and lots of fizzy drinks, I was overweight and really unfit at this stage as I never exercised, I used to come home from work and just sit and watch TV for the night. When I first signed up for the 8 weeks I was assessed by Sean and he gave me a diet to follow, I thought I would struggle with it and be starving every day but I was completely wrong, I eat loads and it became normality to me. My energy levels started to rise and I felt like a new man. Along with the diet I was getting two 1 hour personal training sessions with Sean or Leon a week, they really helped me, they knew my limits and kept pushing me every time to get the best results, any questions about the diet or supplements I had they happily answered them. They even went through what exercises I should be doing when I was on my own, they made the whole process really easy and enjoyable. I would recommend this to everyone, I regret not doing it earlier. Cliona Connery “I’ve just finished up 8 weeks of training at F.1.T. and I’m delighted with the results. Before I began my confidence was at a low. I was constantly feeling exhausted and not from a lack of sleep. My diet was terrible. I hadn’t weighed myself in a very long time because I dreaded seeing what the scales would say. None of my clothes seemed to look right on me and shopping had become a chore because I was so unhappy with myself. I originally signed up for 4 weeks of training at F.1.T. and when I went down for my assessment before starting training I felt nervous and was dreading it. Leon was very professional though and put me at ease straight away. We discussed my diet and my ultimate goals for the few weeks of training and beyond that. He talked me through what would be involved in the trainings, diet plan and my home workouts. I’ll never forget my first session at F.1.T. I went home that night and I was dying. I was only able to pass out on the couch for the night and fell asleep there by 8pm I was so tired! I hadn’t done a workout in years and nothing like that one! Over the next 4 weeks the trainers encouraged me and although I came out of every single session out of breath I began to enjoy the way I was feeling. I had more energy after only a week and I wasn’t half as tired anymore! The toughest part though was definitely getting used to the food. Five meals a day seemed like madness and there were days when I really thought I wouldn’t manage to eat it all! But by the time my first four weeks were up the food and training seemed to have paid off and at my final weigh in I was shocked at the results! Sean made me get up on the scales twice to be sure they were right! I had a week’s holidays then which made it difficult to be good with food and exercise. I found though that anything bad I ate made me feel sick so I stuck to the diet and went for my brisk walk and swim every day because I felt bad if I didn’t do them! Even my first four weeks at F.1.T. had totally changed my attitude towards food and exercise. Holidays past were always filled with plenty of treats and junk food! I even felt bad having a drink! When I came back I signed up for another four weeks at F.1.T. I couldn’t believe how good my results were from the first four weeks and I wanted to continue it. Over these four weeks the trainers (shout out to Yvonne, Leon and Sean) were fantastic and they continued to encourage me. They even convinced me to go down to F.1.T. and do my own sessions down there which I would never have been comfortable doing before! I have never felt more happy, confident and alive since starting at F.1.T. I have so much more energy and I love shopping again! I’ve dropped a dress size in only 8 weeks! I’ve grown to love my sessions and the sense of achievement I get after them. I even love the food and when I see chocolate my first thought now is how many burpees or squats I’d have to do to make up for it! I would definitely recommend F.1.T. to anyone who’s looking to lose weight and feel better about themselves! Going to F.1.T. was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made and I’m already planning when I’ll go back again! Thanks guys! “ KIM DALY “I recently completed an 8 week personal training programme. Although the meal plans (particularly the daily amount of food) were difficult at first, I quickly adapted to the new diet. If I am to be honest, the training sessions were far from easy, however I found them quite rewarding - soon they became part of my routine and were actually quite enjoyable! I would like to thank Leon for all his support- he achieved the perfect balance between persistent pressure and subtle encouragement! Overall, this programme has given me a chance to change my way of life for the better. Although I am finished at F.1.T for now, I feel encouraged to continue to live a healthier, more active lifestyle! Thanks so much for everything again, youre a star!” KATIE-MAHER BARRY. Testimonial I remember the night I sent the email to Eoin and my hands were literally shaking! I was so scared about what I was getting myself into but for years I have struggled with my weight so I needed to try a new tact. I had lost 3 stone in the last year but I was stuck. Im a really busy Mum of two young boys and both myself and my husband have our own businesses so time was precious and of the essence so I knew for me this would be a big commitment. I barely ate, it was grab and go all the time and never exercised! The moment I met Eoin and Leon, Yvonne, Sean, Darren, Laura, Eoghan and Brea, I felt so relaxed. There was no judgement just all positivity! The diet its not scary, its good food, preparation is key but it is not hard. The training sessions... Yes they are torture but its short lived and the feeling after is unbeatable....And this coming from a person who would rather have starved than exercise! Now 8 weeks on, I can say to Eoin- you were right, I still dont like doing the work but I am 100% addicted to the results! Everyone has noticed the change in me physically but most importantly mentally I feel a million dollars. I can honestly say I have never eaten better, slept better, coped better, lost my temper less and gone to the gym more in all my life! Iv lost weight, my shape has changed, Im 2 dress sizes smaller and Im fit! In addition to the personal training twice a week, I went to 2/3 classes a week...which are brilliant too by the way! But not any easier! I just want to tell anyone out there whos thinking of doing F1T- DO IT! If I can do it anybody can do it! I promised myself I would give it everything for 8 weeks and I did it and survived. I didnt even lick my fingers cooking for the kids! You can use I dont have the time as an excuse but not with me. I know now if you want something bad enough youll make the time! And when you do it, youll be writing this testimonial, feeling crazy good and thanking your trainers for all their hard work, effort, outstanding support and encouragement! So thanks so much Guys, you know who you are! Katie” Denise Fallon When I first approached Leon Lynch in February of this year I was at a point in my life where I needed direction. I exercised 5 to 6 days per week and while I was killing myself training, I wasn’t seeing any results and felt lost & disheartened. I started with a month DIY programme which inevitably made me decide to take up personal training with him. The first change Leon made was to convince me to fix my routine and approach to exercise. I was doing too much cardio and very little weights. Although I was hesitant at the beginning, I gradually cut back on my over-reliance on cardio based exercised. As a result of this my body not only feels better but I also find I recover quicker. My fitness levels have greatly improved and I’ve become so much stronger. There are also areas of my body which are becoming leaner and more toned which I could never have possibly achieved doing my old routine. What I didn’t expect from the personal training was Leon’s willingness to educate me along the way. From the smallest thing like correcting poor form to answering any question I had. He has a vast knowledge and his passion and drive for his love of fitness and his job is evident. Every training session is completely different and it never seems to get easy. This is due to the fact that Leon pushes me to the best of my ability and adapts every session to suit my level of fitness. I have never left a session disappointed and always look forward to the next one. Whatever your fitness goals are, whether you’re a complete beginner, an advanced athlete or maybe someone who is considering or having difficulty in losing weight, I would highly recommend F.1.T especially Leon. Don’t be fooled by his gentle nature and cheeky grin, he is 100% focused on helping you achieve your goals. Denise DAVE COOMEY “My name is David Coomey and I am 44 years of age. For the past 20 years I have been overweight and for at least 15 of those years I have been what you would call obese. I went from 11 stone at the age of 21 up to 17 and a half stone by the time I was 30. I did try a few different weightloss or training programmes, but each time I ended one I just put on more weight than I had when I began the programme. I eventually found myself at 19 and a half stone, eating takeaways, drinking too much and smoking heavily. My fiancé, family and friends had been pestering me to do something about my fitness and my weight before I ended up in an early grave. I couldn’t walk up a stairs or even bend down to tie my shoelaces without being short of breath. I would sweat all the time and it was embarrassing at work or when I was out with my friends. I couldn’t find clothes that fitted me properl or that would even look some bit nice on me. I eventually caved in and against my better judgement I let my fiancé buy me an 8 week training package in the F1T Fitness Centre in Ballincollig. If I knew what I was in for I would have taken the money and gone on a 2 week drink and takeaway binge instead. I went to F1T to fill out a questionnaire about my eating habits, daily routine, etc. From this questionnaire I was emailed a meal plan and I was told to start this meal plan as soon as possible. The meal plan consisted of 3 large meals a day and 2 snacks which I reckoned were small meals in themselves. There was no way I was going to be able to eat this much food every day. Even at my heaviest weight and on my hungriest day I don’t believe I ate more than half of what was on my meal plan. The best thing about the meal plan was that it was based around the healthy foods that I liked and it was also designed to fit around my daily routine. On my first day in F1T I met with my personal Trainer, Leon Lynch. My first impressions were holy shit, this guy is going to kill me if I don’t do as I’m told, or if I do what he tells me then that is going to kill me. I got weighed and measured. I don’t remember the measurements, but I do remember that my weight was 19 stone 3 pounds or 122 KGs. I then begin my first training session. It was the worst day of my life. Leon worked me so hard, I ended up throwing up 3 times in the toilet up there. I staggered out of the gym and barely managed to drive home without crashing. When I got home I went straight to the toilet and threw up again. I then went to lie down on the couch for 5 minutes and woke up almost 2 hours later. I asked my fiancé over and over again why she hated me so much that she would pay for me to go through that torture. My second session was 3 days later and it was just as tough as the first one, but I only threw up once and I didn’t collapse when I got home. I have completed my 8 week package and I have voluntarily signed up for a second 8 week package and I have even paid for this one myself. I lost 10 KGs in the first 8 weeks and I have also lost a lot of inches around my waist, neck, arms and legs. However, the reason I was so glad to sign up again is that I felt a lot fitter and had a lot more energy from the food I am eating. I can run up the stairs, tie my shoelaces and do a lot of other things without being short of breath. I also don’t sweat all the time and clothes are fitting me better. My confidence has returned. Over the 8 weeks Leon has been a great source of help to me. I feel he has gone above and beyond his job by having to put up with my whinging and moaning throughout every minute of every session. He starts off every session by encouraging me to do the exercises then pushing me that little bit more when I start to fade a bit and eventually pushing me hard when I just want to give up. He instinctively knows how much to push me or when to pull back. He has also been there in person, on the phone or by email to answer every single question I have about me meals or exercises. He has never made me feel like any of my questions are stupid or like I am wasting his time. I have also had training sessions with a few other trainers in the gym and I have found each one of them to be friendly, helpful and very understanding and most of all they are very very very patient. I am now half way through my second 8 week session and already planning to book a third 8 week session as I am feeling fitter and stronger every week. I have also quit smoking which has been easier due to the healthy eating plan. This in turn has made the gym sessions easier as I can now breath properly and I feel better after the session. There are still times when I am training and I feel like throwing up or collapsing but I have never felt as bad as I did that first week and I am very happy that I decided to do this programme and I am even happier to carry on for as long as it takes for me to get fully fit. I would just like to thank all the trainers in F1T for their help but I would especially thank Leon for his patience, help, support and encouragement.” Sandra Murray I started personal training in F.1.T about two months after having my baby. I was very nervous my first training session as I didnt know what to expect. Immediately after my first training session I was hooked! I have gone to every gym / class/ fitness center around but nothing compares to F.1.T. The training is completely different to anything I have ever done. Flipping tractor tyres and lifting weights were something I never thought I would enjoy!Each training session is different so I never get bored. The trainers are brilliant too. They push me to my limit and dont take excuses.Sean , Leon and Yvonne have encouraged me and made me focus on my goals. I am currently down a dress size and have loads of energy to be chasing after my baby. I still have a long way to get where I want to be but I know Ill get there with F.1.T. I would honestly recommend F.1.T to anyone who not only wants to get fit but change their lives for the better. Aisling Vaughan Over the past 4 months, I have experienced first hand what a brilliant establishment Eoin Fehily and his team have created in F.1.T. When I first joined, I knew little or nothing about proper training or nutrition but after 4 weeks of personal training and meal plans with Sean, that soon changed. I found having a personal trainer brilliant as I learned how to execute exercises properly and its also great having someone there pushing you to do your best at every session. I thought the meal plans were also fantastic as they are tailored to suit everyones specific needs and goals. There is a wide variety of choice when it comes to the packages and I like the way there is something for everyone. Whether you have never stepped foot in a gym or are a seasoned gym goer, there is something there to challenge you. In my case, the personal training worked well for me as it helped me become more knowledgeable about training, meal plans etc. which gave me the confidence to work away myself along with the pt sessions. I find F.1.T itself a brilliant place to train as there is always a positive atmosphere when you come through the door. I think it is especially suited to people who mightnt have a lot of experience in gyms as the staff go above and beyond to teach you what you need to know, to make sure everyone feels at ease and that no one feels embarrassed or under pressure. There always seems to be a great buzz around the place, especially when the classes are on. Their no bullshit attitude is the job - everyone is there to learn, better themselves, work their asses off and get results. No one ever judges you only encourages you to do better! I cannot recommend the staff of F.1.T highly enough. Not only do they help you during PT sessions, they are also there to answer any questions and listen to any concerns you might have during your own gym sessions. They are an upbeat gang who are always positive and great to work with. They are a constant support and are true professionals who genuinely care about each person that comes through the door. I owe a lot to the entire staff, especially Sean who has been a huge help to me and Im grateful to him for always being so generous with his time and expertise. I think their positive attitudes and enthusiasm rubs off on all their clients and keeps us all motivated. Overall, I would highly recommend F.1.T to anyone who may be thinking of starting a healthier lifestyle and looking to feel better about themselves. :) Shirley Fitzgerald Initially, I signed up to F1T on a 4 week personal training package. Mostly because, like almost every other girl I know, I dabbled in and out of fitness classes but had no firm commitment to anything. I had not really used a gym in the last number of years and my time is precious so I was not prepared to waste that precious time on poor results any longer After the first 4 weeks I did another 4 weeks....recently I have just committed to another 12 weeks. This is because I am so pleased with the results. I lacked the motivation and confidence to work out alone and that is where F1T have worked their magic I have been working mostly with Séan and have seen amazing results in that time. I have never felt healthier or stronger. Séan is passionate about fitness and diet and it shows in the energy and enthusiasm he brings to every session. Training and diet are customized to fit your personal goals, whether it be weight loss, toning, weight gain, health concerns etc. All of the plans include personalized nutritional plans to help you to maintain healthy eating habits Séan places a high value on correct form with each exercise. He motivates you to push past perceived limits so that you can get results. I have incredible strength and great new muscles. Everybody in F1T is easygoing and friendly and it creates a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. They can suggest routines that are individualized and challenging, yet they are still achievable even for gym virgins , as I was. This gym is nothing like the big chains and thats a great thing. No mirrors and it offers a sense of family, so you never feel uncomfortable working out Personal training can really offer you the complete package and I cant recommend it highly enough. If you are looking for better quality of life and if you are serious about changing your way of life for the better, then F1T will lead you every step of the way. They can help you to retrain your attitude while retraining your body. Best of luck ! Alan Carey Just want to say thanks for all your help over the past 4 weeks with the personal training. I found it hugely beneficial and can honestly say its the toughest training I have ever done in my life!! I have always been generally fit from playing football for the last 12 Yrs but I have never been trained as hard over the last 4 weeks!! I have noticed a big difference in strength and more importantly I now know how to structure my workouts going forward when working out myself. Before I would have gone to the gym and done 9/10 exercises with low reps, no structure and basically making it up as I go along and thinking I had done a good workout. Doing personal training with Sean has really opened my eyes and will change the way I workout in future. I will definetly be going back to F1T to continue with personal training and will highly recommend to family and friends. My wife also does classes there 3 times a week and loves them and also raves about the place!! The staff there are brilliant and highly qualified and I couldnt praise them any higher, especially Sean. Thanks again Alan Tony White 8 weeks in and never better.... Started training in F1T 8 weeks ago and to say Im a different person is an under statement, I feel better all the time - more energy, in better form & looking at eating in particular in a totally different way, before I joined my eating habits looking back were appalling but with the help and guidance of the team this changed very quickly and for the better, anyone who knows me will agree food was my friend, I even used to love talking about it not to mind eating it but after 8 weeks you can still love it but love the right healthy foods is the way to go. The nutrition advice is great and the plan can be worked around your likes / dislikes which makes it that bit easier. Training, Training, Training - I thought I did a lot of hard training in my life but nothing compares to this, I was embarrassed walking out of the gym after my first session with Sean because I was like someone who never exercised before but he encouraged me to keep it going and it will get better ( not easier though!!!), the first few weeks were horrendous, I was walking around like a board but no pain no gain, week on week it gets better, I feel fitter , stronger , my recovery is much better and now I am looking forward to each session, the gym facilities are excellent and each session is different so it never gets boring. One thing I must say - Sean - I love Burpees now....NOT!!!! One major success factor for me was my diabetes control, I am a type 1 insulin dependant diabetic and I thought this might hamper my training / eating etc but Sean worked out a plan that worked with my condition, I am now in full control of my insulin intake and my blood sugar levels are outstanding, on this alone I cant praise F1T enough, If nothing else was a success only my diabetes control then I am happy. There has been plenty ups and a few downs, - stepping onto the scales and see it dropping is a great feeling but its not just about the weight loss, its the total package that is the best part, I have invested in a good few things over the years but this is definitely one I can say has paid off and will hopefully continue for the rest of my life, I still have along way to go but one of Eoins points to remember at the beginning was Rome wasnt built in a day, Thanks to Eoin and the team - not to single anyone out but Sean who has been there for most of my sessions has been superb. Just another quick note that without my wife Nicola and 2 boys Gavin and Logans support, this would have been a lot harder. Thanks to all. Tony. Susan Lilley I started Personal Training in F1T at the start of the summer when I lost my job and wanted to take some control back in my life and also to shape up. From the first day I entered I was made feel at home and my gym nerves were put to rest. All the trainers are so nice and friendly and it really helps take away that intimidation factor. I have been training with Sean now for 16 weeks and I love it. He is a great trainer, very firm but fair. He pushes me to lift things I never thought I could and constantly encourages me to push myself. If you put in 100% he will give it back to you if he sees you are working to your full potential. Week by week I am surprised at what I have achieved and it feels great, even when Im sore the next day, I like that too it shows Ive worked hard. With regards to my eating habits, they have changed so much, They even have me eating fish something I have never liked, now I love Salmon!. Surprisingly I never thought making myself physcially stronger would also make me mentally fitter but it does. I would recommend F1T to anyone who not only is unhappy with their shape but with their life in away way, like being unemployed. Life is so stressful these days and there are so many things you cant control but your body is yours and your health is something you can control. The benefits have been amazing to me. Thank you Sean and F1T!! Susan Dave Haskett I have nothing but good things to say about the program outlined for me at F1 fitness. The team were extremely professional and put me at ease from the beginning. The diet plan is very thorough and the personal training sessions are tough, but very much worth it. The personal trainers give constant encouragement and feedback and I am delighted with the results. Laura O’Connell I cant recommend F1T enough, after completing a 6 week Fat Loss Course with F1T, I decided to push my training that bit further by signing up for 3 months personal training. I had never had personal training before so I was a bit nervous starting off but the trainers at F1T quickly made me feel very comfortable. All the trainers were so friendly and helpful and always very supportive. No session was the same, with the trainers constantly keeping my training varied and most importantly for me they pushed me to place that I would never go to on my own! I have loved every single minute of my training in F1T - even the days that were really tough and I felt like I was going to burst a lung - the happy buzz afterwards far outweighed the pain :) My only regret is that I didnt sign up sooner! Shirley Fitzgibbon I started training in FIT at the start of the summer. It has changed the way I think about the gym. I used to get bored very easily using the same machines etc. In FIT every day is different. You still get those days where you dont want to go but once your there you feel great. The feeling you get when your body is getting stronger is amazing. You feel more confident in your self and you can see your shape changing. The personal training sessions push you to your limit but they really get you the results. The trainers know your capabilities and build your work out around that. Adding in a class during the week to your routine really benefits aswell. I know Im addicted and think anyone one love it once you start. . For the past two years, I always had it in the back of my mind to get some personal training but I always put it off for the usual excuses like I don’t have the money, I’m not fit enough to do it and for me I had a knee injury so I would tell myself sure id only be wasting money as my leg would be able for the weights etc. So at the end of May this year I decided to take the plunge and sign up to F1T and honestly it was the best thing I did. Karl Dorney I signed up for the 12 week program at F1T and to be honest the first few sessions were really tough, I would even have to wait in the car for 5minutes after training to recover. My fitness was shocking as I hadn’t exercised properly for nearly 2 years. However the trainers at F1T were outstanding, they devised a work out plan that wouldn’t affect my injury and encouraged me every step of the way. The best thing about the personal training was every session was different, it wasn’t repetitive at all. You had different trainers each week and each one brought something different to the sessions. It was always challenging but kept getting easier as the weeks went by. The support and encouragement from all the trainers was and still is brilliant. Diet wise you will never ever ever go hungry on the food plans on F1T. I was just over 19 ½ stone when I started so obviously I liked my food. I expected the diet very small portions that would leave me hungry all day but the amount of food I had to eat each day would feed a small family for a week. In the early days I would actually be looking at the clock and saying to myself ‘oh no, I have to eat again in an hour’. But even with all the grub I lost nearly 2 stone in the 12 weeks. The biggest difference is my fitness, I even took part in a toughatlon last week. Something I never taught was possible especially back in May. I used to go to some of the group classes during the week which definitely helped me lose the weight. But more importantly I have toned up a lot in the 12 weeks, I’m a lot stronger and clothes fit way better than if I lost the weight just by dieting. I actually look forward to training and miss training during rest days. I resigned for another 12 weeks and can’t wait to push on. If you are thinking about doing something like this, my advice would be to do it. It doesn’t matter what your level of fitness is, whether good or bad, you will not regret joining F1T. Kathleen Murphy At the very beginning I thought to myself no way am I going to be able to succeed at this. As I work full time and am half ways through my life, I thought I was too old and not fit enough to partake in F1T. My daughter really wanted to join, which was fine for her as she is in college and would be well able for this, she wouldn’t join unless I joined with her. Her reason being that we could use each other as a support system, which I honestly think she only wanted me there so she’d feel better about herself not being able to do the workouts. But I showed her….. As I struggle with pains in my joints and all the usual complaints of a middle aged woman, it wasn’t easy. After the first few sessions, I thought to myself I must be half simple putting myself through this at my time of life. I won’t lie, the personal training sessions were very hard and tough enough but having the support of the personal trainer while I was doing the sessions is exactly what I needed. When I would struggle to lift a weight or to push the prowler up and down the hall (which was my biggest enemy!!!), the personal trainer was there driving me on every step of the way. As I work mostly 12 hour shifts or night duty, surprisingly enough I was able to adapt to the food plan easily enough. The food is very easy to manage. It’s easy to prepare and to cook and almost most of the food was very enjoyable to eat! I must say I have never felt so good in a long time. The pains in my joints are easing away. I feel comfortable in my clothes which is a major bonus! I know I have a long way to go to achieve my overall goal but I must say having the team of F1T behind me makes it that more realistic that I will be able to achieve it! I would like to thank all the F1T gang, they are a credit to train with. Each session was filled with laughter and chat along with blood sweat and tears of course! I recommend every one of them as they are all as good as each other! I would especially like to thank Sean for his support! (and for telling me that if I didn’t have this written in time I’d have to do 100 burpees in my next session!!!!!!!!!!) Kathleen. Dave Hickey Why did I do it? I wasn’t long after groin and abdomen surgery and I decided I couldn’t get fit or back playing GAA unless I made some changes. I was overweight and felt sluggish, lacking energy or drive to do the training on my own. I made excuses (I’m too busy with work, I can’t do it because I’m injured, I’m not around today sorry). I knew if I wanted to play again and make a meaningful contribution to my team I had to do something. I had trained with Eoin before as part of a team doing TRX sessions and I saw he was after opening a new gym, F.1.T. I had gym memberships before and lots of different training programmes/diets etc. but I would only stick to it for a short period of time before I got bored and gave it up. From the day I walked into F.1.T I haven’t looked back. I sat down with Eoin and told him what I was looking for and he told me to give it 4 weeks of 2 x 60 minute sessions, home workouts and most importantly a nutrition programme to stick to and see what I thought. That was April and I’m still going. It’s not because I’m trying to reach my initial goals and targets, it’s because I’ve set new ones after completing them. I don’t go to F.1.T now because I feel I need to, I go because I want to. It’s tough going don’t get me wrong. You have to push yourself and do things maybe sometimes you think you can’t do but if you want results then you’ll put the effort in. I’ve been doing 2 x 30 minutes sessions for the last few months because I train 2/3 other days or maybe have a match aswell but I love it. You have bad workouts some days, even draw some blood, but you get up, dust yourself off and say you won’t be as bad next day. With trainers that I’ve had first-hand experience with like Yvonne, Louise, Darren, Brea and mainly Sean and Leon they are nothing but helpful and positive towards my training. They encouraged me to push myself to the limit and even when I think I can’t do something, they help me figure out a way to do it. I know for a fact that if I wasn’t training with them one on one I wouldn’t have hit my goals. The food and nutrition side of things has really helped me. I wouldn’t have considered myself a bad eater but I could go 6 plus hours at times between meals and ty to train on top of that which was killing me. I couldn’t physically do the training some nights because lack of energy and training on an empty stomach was the problem. I spent some time preparing meals and organising myself and followed the advice of the staff at F.1.T who are always there to bounce questions off and get some feedback as to what they have tried and what’s to gain from eating certain types of foods and at what time of the day to have them. My experience at F.1.T has been 100% positive and the training is done in comfortable surroundings with trainers passionate about looking after your needs and getting the job done. I’m now down to 86kg, back feeling fit and healthy again and looking forward to training in the best environment around. You can’t put a price on your health, that’s why I did it Dave Kate O’Flynn I started off with F1T back in January and it is the first diet I have stuck with for so long... Probably because it isnt a fad diet... It is a change of lifestyle - a focus on clean eating and doing the right form of exercise that gets results! The diet plan is hard at the start - mainly because of the prep work involved - you would be surprised how many lunch boxes you accumulate and you still dont have enough..! The biggest thing Id to deal with was the slagging from work over the turkey sausages and eggs..ha! It is the first time Ive been told to eat more and eat more often. Once you are eating the right things - more is better! Which you get used to very fast! The fitness side really suited me... Its the first time I had done weight lifting and I was really pleased with how fast I saw results! I am no good at running on a treadmill for an hour or pumping it on a bike in a spinning class! I prefer short bursts of different exercises. That is what the fitness in F1T is all about.. From the fat loss 101 class I started with Yvonne in January for 18wks - to the Be F1T classes with Sean and Leon twice a week - to the PT I started in July for 8weeks. I just want to say a massive thanks to all of the team at F1T! Particularly thank you to Yvonne who got me hooked on it all way back in Jan in her Fat loss 101 classes and has supported me the whole way through! From getting my form right from the start when I was new to lifting, to helping me adapt to the nutrition, to pushing me in our PT sessions where progressing each time was the aim of the game and conquering fears of box jumps was one of the big achievements! Also Sean deserves a separate thank you - He has been involved in my PT from the start and has constantly pushed me beyond my limits. With Sean, educating me on how to achieve my goals was just as important as training. He thought me that core comes from clean eating not from sit ups (True!) and that 40mins high intensity is more effective than hanging around for an hour for the sake of it (win win)! F1T promotes learning, pushing you to your limits, achieving you goals and never underestimating what you can achieve! The biggest issue I have with the whole experience - Its addictive! Brendan Just 9 weeks ago I had returned from another holiday, grand colour, but very unhappy with how I looked and felt. My diet varied from being a little healthy to being very mindless and uncontrolled. My only exercise was a couple of walks a week. Gyms had never appealed to me.. The overselling of supplements, the mirrors, the posing.. Even though Ive been a member of a few over the last 10 years, I never enjoyed them and the results of my efforts were minimal. I called into F1T just for a look one day and decided to sign up for a 4 week course with a personal trainer. I met Sean on a Monday, he weighed me, took measurements, and gave me a nutrition plan for the 4 weeks. The diet was balanced and nutritionally well thought out. You eat 5 times a day. The big revelation for me was that I was no longer hungry.. I also gave up all added refined sugar. Sean was excellent, I had two injury concerns so Sean developed a plan for me that really suited. 2 half hour sessions a week for 4 weeks. By week 4 I had started adding a third session myself. I had lost a stone and more importantly I was feeling healthy, stronger, full of energy.. I started to feel better in my clothes, started to look healthier too.. The added benefit is the positive knock on effect this was having on other areas in my life. Its easy to train now, its enjoyable, F1T is a real training gym, for people who want to change. The trainers are experts, Sean has been great to work with, very encouraging, and will push you to succeed. All the staff have a great way about them, and the energy in F1T is different to any other gym you will have seen. And no mirrors.. Ive lost 1st 8lb in 9 weeks. Im 8lb of my optimism weight, and look forward to working towards it. If youre serious about your long-term fitness and health I would strongly recommend signing up with F1T. Thanks Sean..
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:03:26 +0000

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