(F) Anarchists and Libertarians often share the same banner and - TopicsExpress


(F) Anarchists and Libertarians often share the same banner and have many similar opinions on economics and government. Libertarians often receive a good deal of criticism from anarchists for still holding onto the concept of government. With this post I wish to address this issue once and for all. To begin with, this is a call out to all people who identify as Anarchists, and I do not use that word in vain. You have absolutely convinced me that society would be completely functional and morally consistent without a parasitic class of people who practice human-ownership and violence to justify their existence. That being said, you need to understand that if we want the most amount of freedom possible in our lifetime then we have to kick the edgy criticism of minarchists and libertarians involved in the political system. People have been indoctrinated by compulsory government schools for centuries. And I do not believe it is possible for them to throw away the concept of government overnight. Im sorry but it is a loaded fight and this is why I do not advocate abolishing government all together or identify as an Ancap, Voluntaryist, etc. We have to win people over if we want freedom. You have to understand this. Just look at how much misconception and fear people currently have about the free-market. Mentioning the word “anarcho-capitalist” in any sentence is likely to tune them off completely. This does not mean change who you are or what you believe. This is a call out that you can contribute your ideas towards advocating for less government and more freedom in our society by educating others on current governmental abuses. I understand that many of you see how fruitless it is to get involved with politics and vote. But in today’s world there exists a unique opportunity to bring more freedom and less government control in our lifetime. This opportunity is the fact that the Federal Government is absolutely overstepping in many areas of our life, and is not functioning as it was originally set up. People are getting fed up, as healthcare & education gets more expensive, as their money continues to lose purchasing power. They will start to understand that they have a common oppressor and that is the Federal Government. The people who lie to go to war, the people who bail out banks while regular people are under in their homes, the people who maintain the highest incarceration rate and most invasive surveillance system known to mankind, the people who kill children with drone strikes, the people who say what we can and can’t put into our body. I could go on, but I hope you see the point that there is absolutely an audience for this message. If you dismiss someone who is running for political office that understands what I just stated all because of your high political ideals, then you are just as guilty for your enslavement. Human-beings have spent most of their history in a form of enslavement. And I think you can make a fair argument that most humans don’t want to be free. They desire to be ruled/protected whether it is from religious authority or state authority. Humans aren’t perfect creatures and have many faults. Freedom is a very rare and precious thing that must be protected. And if we have to use the force of government to do it, then so be it. The State is our servant, and we are the masters. To bring back Liberty, we can start by going back to the republic of States our founders set up. History is on our side in this matter. The 13 colonies were free and independent states that decided to first loosely unite under the Articles of Confederation and eventually ratified the Constitution and created the Federal Government. You will not convince me that bringing more power back to the States and telling the Feds to piss off wont benefit society and create more freedom in our lifetime. To see where Im getting at, people in Colorado are no longer being kidnapped and thrown in a cage for smoking a cannabis plant, and this is just one example. If you believe in freedom, then let’s help each other play this awful game of thrones, because if we don’t play it then someone else will.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 02:36:10 +0000

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