F.F.F Fight for freedom or help those that do on your - TopicsExpress


F.F.F Fight for freedom or help those that do on your behalf OR ACCEPT POLITCAL SLAVERY FOR THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS. Freedom is not just a fancy word o make people feel good, it’s freedom to be happy, freedom to have aspirations above your poverty, freedom to a decent wage, freedom to work FOR a wage, freedom to ask questions of those who govern us and to get a real and honest answer, the freedom to stand up to unfair political policies without being put on a terrorist list (like the occupy London group), the freedom to deny government the legal right to control every part of our lives. Our lives belong to us, our happiness is our and our obedience and honour is ours to give to serve voluntary, not by lawful political authority. There is no point to politics or politicians, irrespective of party, who have for the last one hundred of years lied, stole and cheated every dead soldier and civilian out of the freedom they died for. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS HAVE DIED IN THE LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS DUE DIRECTLY TO POLITICAL AND ECONOMICAL POLICIES OF THE RESPECTIVE GOVERNMENTS. We have been promised the contents of every ideology in the last hundred years, communism, socialism, nationalism, and many more “isms” The only reason none of the ideologies worked, is the politicians who then controlled, the ideology, Hitler, Thatcher, Stalin etc, many good “isms” went to the wall BECAUSE OF POLITICIANS. Very few “politicians” have ever written a real ideology of their own, they interoperate parts and sections to suit their own issues. Politicians, bankers, lawyers and our equal rights need to be brought back into line. After the news blackout of the nov5th protests, the statements like “execute the disabled” from a politician and the masses of theft and corruption that destroyed our economy for the last 5 years and will continue, there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind we are at war with our government. Civil war, is it justified? Politicians have shown nothing but contempt by removing legal aid for the poor and legislated for massive legal control of the population. The politicians now use the police to enforce government police and this revokes any form of “policing by consent” agreed. We are now policed by political enforcement. This is supplemented with “Customer, (us), attitude rehabilitation” programs. Religious and fundamentalist chaos with fuelled by politicians who don’t have the guts to say “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT IN OUR COUNTRY, THERE IS THE DOOR, LEAVE, BUT IF YOU ARE STAYING, YOU DO THINGS OUR WAY AND YOU TREAT OUR CUSTOMS AND LAWS WITH RESPECT. Paedophilia rape and abuse at the highest levels of the BBC, care homes, elderly homes, churches, mosques and in the very schools that are supposed to be SAFE! Corruption in banks and finance companies, fraud and stupidity from state employed multi national group, massive political press control and the 0 hr contracts that give uncertainty for the next week’s wage, this is the past present and future for the whole country. Corrupt politicians selling FREE LABOUR ON WORK PROGRAMS, allowing immigration, prisons, private security all out of control. Removal of human rights like the right to life for the people who will die this winter, removal of proper care for those with mental health problems, the destruction of the NHS. The list is endless, pay rises and expenses for politicians and forced austerity and poverty, for the rest of us. “BUT IM ONLY ME, WHA CAN I DO?” The courage to stand against CORRUPT politicians will come in many forms, very few will be able to do the fighting, for the fighting is going to be darker than nightmares for these involved. The courage of those not fighting is just as important as those who will be jailed arrested and labelled terrorists with all the risks involved with that inglorious title. WHAT CAN YOU DO? YOU CAN STAND SURE! STAND SURE IN YOUR HEART THAT WHAT IS GOING ON WITH POLITICIANS IS WRONG. STAND SURE THAT THE MAJORITY OF THE NATION WILL BE BEHIND YOU IN ONEWAY OR ANOTHER. STAND SURE OF THE PROTESTS OF MILLIONS WHO HAVE DIED SO OUR POLITICIANS CAN SELL OUR FUTURE TO THE LOWEST BIDDER. STAND SURE OF YOURSELF. FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. FFF. Jsa.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:26:36 +0000

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