F MPs aligned to Vice President Joice Mujuru are mulling plans to - TopicsExpress


F MPs aligned to Vice President Joice Mujuru are mulling plans to resign from Parliament in a move that could paralyse the legislature and force another general election. Sources close to the VP told NewZimbabwe that plans were underway to counter the planned Mujuru ouster by resigning from parliament en-mass after the crucial congress which starts Tuesday. A reliable source said he was one of the MPs who have been having meetings to consider this last action. The source said the plan to force a new election was arrived at because the Constitution allows a fresh election once more than two thirds of the legislators resign. Section 143(2) of the Constitution states that “the president must by proclamation dissolve parliament if the Senate and the National Assembly, sitting separately, by the votes of at least two-thirds of the total membership of each house, have passed resolutions to dissolve.” Constitutional lawyer Chris Mhike said there is a possibility that if two thirds of parliamentarians vote then another election may be called for. “It is a possibility. If two thirds vote for the dissolution then fresh polls will be proclaimed,” Mhike said. This development comes after Youth League threatened to block Mujuru from attending the elective congress in solidarity with President Mugabe who claims that his deputy was plotting to oust him. Ahead of this threat Mujuru, together with her allies some of whom have already been expelled from the party, appeared already painted to a corner with no options available to them. However on Monday Mujuru allies said in the event that she is ousted this week they will have no option but to push for the planned move through Parliament. A Mujuru loyalist said: “If the plan goes ahead then Zanu PF especially Mugabe may find himself in the 2008 scenario where he was defeated by Tsvangirai in the first round of the election.” However sources also said while the move is in its formative stage, there are hurdles which need to be resolved. They said there is a need to come up with an insurance plan with members of the opposition so that they accept the move. The Mujuru faction’s last resort goes in tandem with the MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s announcement that Zimbabwe may hold polls well before the expected 2018 general elections. Advert
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 20:27:58 +0000

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