F.R.O.G Fully Relying On God. I have said before that I - TopicsExpress


F.R.O.G Fully Relying On God. I have said before that I have no regrets. That is not to say I think theres nothing in my past to be ashamed of. Believe me there is plenty, but I wouldnt change any of it. If anything in my past were to be changed, I would be a very different person. Every circumstance and situation I have ever experienced has contributed to the person I am now. That leads right in to the title of todays post. One of the many lessons we have had to learn. Some would say the hard way and Im not going to claim it was easy, but it has been worse. To fully rely on God for food to feed your family for the week, or money to pay the bills for the month. To be totally dependent on God to supply your basic needs. I have been thinking on this subject this week as we have received news that a cousin (J) is very ill for unknown reasons, and that a dear friend (K) has just been diagnosed with a tennis ball sized tumor in the center of his brain. K is a very devoted man of God, faithful beyond reason, who has overcome obstacles most people would simply abandon. So why then this terrible affliction? I dont know, but I can tell you that he and his wife are accepting it as Gods will and stepping up to the plate to face it head on. Of course they are praying for divine healing, that the tumor is 100% operable and completely benign. What kind of faith would they be testifying to if they didnt? They are fully relying on God. J comes from a long line of faithful women. She may be relatively young in her faith, but she is still putting it out there. Believing that this struggle is overseen by her Almighty loving Father. Praying for the strength and energy just to make it through each new day, and thanking him for carrying her through each yesterday. She is desperately trying to keep a positive attitude through it all, but she is human, and she is struggling. She is still learning how to fully rely on God. Personally, we have had no conventional income for 15 months, Violet is understaffed, and my body is wearing out. There is also the issue that prompted the creation of this page, the death of our son. We have faced homelessness, childrens services, job loss, child loss, pregnancy loss, death of extended family, unexpected travel, and many other hardships. It has been my belief through all of it, that God is in control, and there is not a thing I can do about it by worrying. In fact, Im pretty sure that my seemingly aloof attitude toward certain issues perturbs some people. I know people who wonder how I can just not care about some things. The Bible says in Luke chapter 12: verse 22 and following not to worry or be anxious about the things of life, God will take care of you. The short answer is: if I need to worry about, God will tell me, otherwise Hes got everything under control. Are you fully relying on God? -------Raelynne-------
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:31:09 +0000

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